Desire & Doubt: Are You Trying To Stop The Rain?

You aren’t doing experiencing and preferring, you are being experience & preference. Because you are the infinite one, for there to be experience, experience must appear as if there is - two. Because appearance is twoness, there seems to be a you and a thoughts.

Experience appears dual; preference arises; what you do want, and what you don’t want.

You aren’t doing duality and preferring, you are being duality and preference.

You, are love. You are what feeling, is.

Because you are the infinite one, you are experience by appearing as; twoness. There are not two, it appears as if there are two. There is, you; the infinite one.

The appearing thoughts are felt as wanted and unwanted, and are felt, by, as and of the love that you are, which is being - appearing as, the ‘thoughts’; as the duality, the twoness.

Being experience, being the thoughts, being the preferences, being feeling… there is: desire & doubt.

When it rains, do you hold it to be a problem such that you actually attempt to stop the rain?

Of course not. There is no belief you are doing the rain, and thus there is no belief you could stop the rain. There is no belief you should stop the rain. This isn’t even considered. For the rain, these thoughts don’t even arise.

But for you, being desire & doubt - are you trying to stop the doubt?


The rain happens, and it is fine. No story is needed for the rain. The rain just be’s the ocean inevitably; it already is, and so there is no call to worry for the rain. It is not your rain; you are being rain. Doubt is like the rain. Don’t hold on to it, don’t believe it’s yours, don’t dwell in the rain. There is rain and you are that; you are what is, which is being, creation. You are being the rain.

Doubt happens, and it is fine. No story is needed for the doubt. Doubt, like rain, is of the ocean. Doubt comes and goes, and it isn’t yours; you are That.

The rain seems to leave the ocean; seems to not be the very same water. The rain takes a journey; the rain is the journey. The rain experiences experience; is what experience is.

The rain is the ocean; being the rain.


The ocean is great in & of itself, and is salt water. From the salt of the ocean comes every living, breathing & walking thing. Man has a strong sense the depths of the ocean are not for him; the fresh air, the birds, the trees, the deserts, the mountains; are for man.

The ocean arises of you and the rain falls for you, and as it does - don’t miss it. Witness the majestic ineffable perfection you are; and the ineffable beauty of your-being.