There aren’t good & bad people.
There isn’t good & evil.
There isn’t right & wrong.
There isn’t higher & lower.
There isn’t self & other.
There isn’t us & them.
There isn’t me & you.
There is a most innocent experience of ignorance, and of a delusion of incompleteness & unwholeness, by only the believing of thoughts.
Thoughts which inherently don’t resonate, and therein dis-ease is felt.
Thoughts which create discord & disharmony within the body.
Discord, disharmony and dis-ease which is justified & rationalized as, by, appearing thoughts; in the ignore-ance of the discord, which is already the perpetuation of disease, and of conditioning, and of creating war, violence & harm.
The war without, is the war within.
Thoughts which are believed to feel discordant because they’re true, feel discordant precisely because you are the Truth, and thoughts are, in accordance with direct experience, appearance.
There is one infinite & eternal self, being ‘reality’, ‘the universe’; and therein forgetting it’s own - your own - true nature & infinitude.
You are the creator.
You are the peace.
You are the love.
There is an experience of conditioning via conjecture. Conjecture which arose of, which is, suppression. An experience of believing thoughts and identifying as a person, a human, a limited, believedly ‘real’; “separate self”.
I, me, my, mine.
Yours, you.
Ours, us, them.
These are thoughts.
Fleeting appearance.
Inherent perfection of being, of creator-creating-creation.
Like the thought ‘unicorn’, these thoughts of selves have no actuality in this apparent universe, which you are being.
These thoughts, these beliefs, are not the actuality of perception, nor of sensation. These thoughts are not the actuality of reality, which is self.
These thoughts are attachment to an idea of a separate limited self, a self-conceptualization, via only the believing of thoughts and the suppression of the Truth which ‘tells us so’.
Teachers & students.
Leaders & followers.
Content creators & subscribers.
Every act of violence & harm is first the overlooking of the truth of self.
Peace is self; inherent, the eternal given, the unhidden, the non-secret, the Truth. This.
Peace can never be created because it is already the case.
War, violence & harm are created.
Love never fails.
“The day is coming when a single carrot, freshly observed, will set off a revolution.” Paul Cezanne
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” Confucius.