
An act or revealing of divine truth.

An astonishing disclosure

A shocking revelation.

A pleasant, enlightening surprise.

Revel: to take part in pleasure and satisfaction.

What is it like… this shocking, astonishing, most pleasant & enlightening revealing of the divine truth?

What is it like for the veils to be lifted and to suddenly be - as you are?

What is it like when you… not a person, human or individual… but awareness, consciousness - you - are revealed to you…as… you?

The notion of separation & separate beings is genuinely, sincerely & joyfully - humorous.

The idea that you were or could be born dissolves into yourself, like a shadow that was merely a trick of pure unending light.

The belief in death is obliterated such that it seems impossible the belief was or could be held, in light of the blatant obviousness of the truth.

The individual identity is distinctly & hopelessly un-rememberable as it is revealed clearly and obviously to never have been pin pointed in the first place. THIS is like sailing and thus a wind must have happened, yet in the face of logic, rational thinking, assumed collective conditioning and the belief in causation therein - THIS is seen as laughable and outright impossible.

You are released from the imprisonment & bondage of the assumption of a finite mind, and therein the activity of thought of separation, comparisons & competition. As this activity of thought is no longer entertained or given life, so too dies the otherwise innocent and naturally occurring aversion which accompanied these concepts like a compass wired into a nervous system - only & always pointing Home.

You are aware. You are awareness; undefinable in your infinitude - creating by being - ‘on the fly’, only ‘now’ and truly not even. You are The Creator, The Magician, and nothing is hidden from you. You are that which you have seemingly heard and wondered about, as the very notion of seeing and hearing evaporates into the inherent & intrinsic joy of the astonishing fact of nothing-else.

Individuality & personality are seen to be but smoke and mirrors based on assumed comparisons believed to carve out a finite being. There is nothing but total freedom from fear of judgement or criticism, and these notions no longer arise in & of you. A profound compassion ensues; felt, yet not per se believed, as the limitless potential of you dawns.

The dread & terror of impermanence is gone, like the remnant of a dream upon awakening; fleeting, insignificant and liberating in the truth of why it is ungraspable.

Ultimately, revelation is inexplainable.

Imagine living the most ideal life possible, and still yet - being lifted away by God from the nightmare that it was, and placed ever so gently in the heaven of your being as the creator and lover of all.

Love is the only expression there ever was, ever will be and ever could be.

To Love is all which can be spoken.

To Love is all which can be seen.

To Love is all which can be heard.

To Love is all which can be felt.

There is nothing else.