You said consciousness can appear as thoughts that are discordant with its true nature so ? How can it appear as something that seems unaligned with itself?
Excellent question! Straight to the heart of the matter. 🙏🏼
That a you said anything is an assumption based on that you are separate (and indirectly therein so do I seem to be to ‘you’.) This is the greater point.
The answer that arises is actually very simple. Perhaps too simple for intellectuals. I create by appearing as.
I appear as a sphere (‘world’, ‘universe’) somewhere-sphere, and I appear as a sphere (‘lens’, ‘finite mind’, ‘point of view’) lens-sphere.
I can ‘do this’ as I am absolute unbound freedom. Free of beliefs. Free of duality.
As I do, it seems, I overlook or veil myself of my own infinitude and unconditionality. My creation, including of course the thoughts bodies, people and humans, and perception, is unthinkable perfection. Thoughts arise or appear post-sphere, and thus do not pertain to me at all. Im appearing as thought(s), as creation in this way, and I am absolute brilliance. I create my own heaven by being… the spheres. No more than this is necessary, and as I am perfection and my creation is made of only me, there is only perfection.
As I am never other than me, pure freedom, any thoughts can appear as, as if within, of, the lens-sphere. Some thoughts I am appearing as might resonate with me, that which is appearing, and some might not. Anything less would not be pure freedom, and I am pure freedom.
Noteworthy perhaps, I am not an ‘it’. I am not a ‘thing’. I am appearing as so called thoughts, that there are these.
Apparently I overlook that I am infinite via believing discordant thoughts, namely misidentifying. The very evidence I am Good, that I am unconditional, is the discord felt. Suffering. This is how some apparent thoughts feel. This is not how I feel.
The very evidence that I am free, is another more aligned thought can always appear and can be focused upon. The evidence I am The Creator is more of what’s focused upon begets more of what’s focused upon. I am the focus, the creation, and the thoughts. I am Being. Focus is inherent in my vibrating, in my being creation.
At no point whatsoever am I deceptive. As I am free, and infinite, there is no assertion. There is nothing which prevents me, as being focus, from believing the thought that I am deceptive. But the discord is felt, and as it too is made of only me, it creates in kind as well, and dis-ease manifests.
It’s simply that I am infinite and can not, not be, me.
I am not, God.
Do you squeeze a lemon expecting orange juice to come out ? Lemon only gives Lemon. Goodness can only appear as Goodness. Right? But apparently you said its not nessacarly the case .
Again, this points to believing, or, thought attachment. I am the truth, infinite, thus I can appear as anything and any thought.
The analogy could be extended rather precisely to the two spheres I am being. But both are Good. There isn’t good & bad, only thoughts that there is, and discord felt therein. Two oranges. Or, two lemons. No difference, rather, the same.
Yet thought can make it seem so. Beliefs. Thought attachment, as you, The Enlightened One, says.