Under-standing Loneliness, Isolation, Depression & Rejection

Loneliness, isolation and depression is about ‘the me’, isn’t it so?

I’m lonely. I feel lonely. I’m so alone. I’m tired of this loneliness.

I feel isolated. Reality, the world, these people or this environment - is so isolating.

I’m depressed. I feel depressed. I’m in a depression. Why am I depressed.

They rejected me, he rejected me, she rejected me.

Thoughts, yes?

But what is the feeling of - being ‘me’?

Well, the feeling of being ‘me’, is not another thought - on behalf of, ‘the me’.

The feeling of being ‘me’ is not about, ‘me’, but is about - being.

The feeling, of being.

What is the actual direct experience of understanding?

Can understanding be pointed to?

Is understanding found ‘in’ perception?

Is understanding found ‘in’ sensation, ‘in’ feeling?

Is understanding a concept, a conceptualizing of direct experience, an obscuring or veiling - via the feeling of being ‘me’, appearing as the activity of thinking about - understanding?

My understanding, your understanding, our understanding, their understanding, his understanding, her understanding.

Where is it?

What is there for an infinite being to understand?

But he doesn’t understand ‘me’!

She never understands ‘me’!

For it to seem there is other than infinite being, such as experience, infinite being must appear as said experience, and veil itself from that it is, appearing. Without the veiling, there would not seem to be, ‘not me’, or, ‘experience’. With veiling, there seems to be ‘experience’ - ‘not me’ - and therein, ‘the me’ which is not, ‘experience.

Infinite being appears as experience, by appearing as somewhere experience appears to transpire. Understood as earth, a universe, multiverse, planet, or this room.

Infinite being veils itself of it’s own infinitude & unconditionality by appearing as someway to ‘experience’, the somewhere it’s appearing as. Understood as being a person, a human, body or self.

Appearing as this ‘lens of perception’, there seems to be finite - ‘thoughts’.

Infinite being - pure infinite unconditional innocence - believes these ‘thoughts’, and veils via a finite separate identity made of, apparent thoughts.

The one who knows, the one who understands.

The “finite”, “separate self”, for which there is “something else” or “someone else” which could understand, or be understood.

But perception & sensation as it were, tell a different story, by not telling a story at all.

Being is simply being, appearing.

That which is appearance, is appearance.

That which is illusory, is illusory.

That which is being, is being.