
It may be worthwhile to pause and consider: if goodness and goodness come together, what arises as experience?

Similarly, perhaps inseparably - what about awareness?

Does awareness, combined with awareness, create experience?

Perhaps, if awareness were something divisible, an object, or the result of division, then awareness could observe or experience itself as something separate.

But what if awareness is infinite and indivisible?

If that’s the case, awareness could not experience itself as separate because there would be no “other” awareness to observe, know or be aware, of.

What if reality is simpler?

Unthinkably simple.

What if awareness is simply, and self-evidently, self-aware?

Aware, that it is, aware.

And what if awareness is goodness?

Infinite goodness.

If awareness is infinite, then it could appear as anything - anything at all.

Yet, even while appearing as anything, if awareness is self-aware, it wouldn’t experience it’s own appearing as something separate or “other.”


Because awareness, being self-aware, is not divided into subject and object. There is no separation.

But for there to seem to be experience - something other than awareness… awareness would need to seemingly overlook its own infinitude and self-awareness.

It would have to veil itself, creating ann illusion of separateness and therein, “otherness.”

Then, and only then, would opposites seem to arise: good and bad, self and other, me and you, even us and them.

And awareness might even appear as a screen, as an inquiry, as an innocent pondering of a reality that is already - at its core - nondual, indivisible, and infinitely… good.