Absolute & relative.
Form is formlessness, formlessness is form.
Nothing is something, something is nothing.
Nothing is everything, everything is nothing.
Everything is one, one is everything.
Spiritual teachers.
To the un-meditative mind as it were, these misnomers might seem like accurate pointers or pointings. Yet, these are realizations of a realizer, pointings of a pointer, personal insights and are still apparent dualistic thought(s).
In accordance with direct experience, thought(s) simply appears & disappears, isn’t it?
What appears and disappears inherently can not per se be, a thing or things, and therein relative, form, something, everything or anyone.
The implication of thought(s) is that there are, things.
Things which correspond to, thoughts.
Therein is the misnomer of these sayings.
The cessation of thought is inherently the dispelling of, things.
The dispelling of things is the dispelling of separation.
The dispelling of separation is the dispelling of the separate self.
The dispelling of the separate self is self-realization, awakening, enlightenment, and most accurately effable; nonduality.
That which is absolute, is unchanging under any and all circumstances & situations, and is appearing as, all ‘situations & circumstances’, which is to say, as the thought(s) that there are, ‘situations & circumstances’.
Thoughts, or the activity of thinking as it were are / is ‘measured’, displayed, recreated as - frequencies on a screen, such as with an EEG (electroencephalogram), while the screen, the doctor, the room, the technology, the body, the mind (lens) - the thoughts, that there are these things - are vibrational.
The screen is a vibrational appearance displaying a vibrational appearance, just as this screen is a vibrational appearance, as are the thoughts of a body presumptively witnessing or observing - ‘this screen’, and ‘these very words’.
What is meditation but an allowing of the activity of thought, which is vibrational appearance, to settle?
What then could remain?
Of course - that which is not appearance, but is - vibrationally appearing.
Put another way, as all belief(s) (activity of thinking) are / is settled, dispelled - only The Truth could remain, isn’t is so?
“Brain” waves are vibration.. categorizing… vibration… while “the brain” is “itself” - the vibrationally appearing thought, “brain”.
That’s a bit like a cigarette company weighing in on the health & well-being of cigarettes, isn’t is so?
Or vibrational appearance claiming to be a (thing, self) teacher of, vibrational appearance & that which is, appearing.
“Brain waves”, (an utter misnomer in & of ‘itself’) are typically classified as:
Delta (0.5-4 Hz): Deep sleep, unconsciousness.
Theta (4-8 Hz): Dreaming, deep meditation, creativity.
Alpha (8-12 Hz): Relaxed wakefulness, calm focus.
Beta (12-30 Hz): Associated with thinking.
Gamma (>30 Hz): Heightened perception, peak cognitive function, spiritual experiences.
These frequencies experienced via meditation, or, as vibrational appearance fizzles out, as thought or thinking comes to rest, are experienced in a different order:
Beta waves: Associated with active thinking.
Alpha waves: Signify relaxed wakefulness and calm focus.
Theta waves: Reflective of deep relaxation, creativity, and meditation.
Gamma waves: Associated with heightened cognitive function and spiritual insight.
Delta waves: Occur during deep sleep and unconsciousness.
What’s the point, the relevance?
The originally mentioned misnomers, the ‘teacher’s’ insights - in accordance with direct experience - are an experience of - Beta waves.
Yet, the actual direct experience of insights is an experience of - Gamma waves.
What is the implication in regard to beliefs, hearsay, and indirect insights, and direct insight?
Well, what is the actual direct experience of being born, of sleep, of death?
If such an inquiry is still lingering, still not absolutely clear, perhaps consider the waves you’re settling for, and regroup.