Just as ‘pain’ points to the sensation of a hand on a hot stove, ‘suffering’ points to the discord of some thoughts with feeling. Thoughts which feeling, or Being, is appearing as. Thoughts are apparent, thoughts appear. Suffering is how some apparent thoughts feel, to that which is being, or appearing as, thoughts.
Sensation is the non-conceptual experience of the body - “the body”, is a thought, a conceptualization of, sensation. Sensation is also a conceptualization.
How so?
The actuality of what the thoughts body and sensation point to is the world-sphere - which is made of feeling, or, Being. Being is feeling the world-sphere Being is being, or, appearing as.
The actuality of thoughts, is the lens-sphere. Being is feeling the lens-sphere Being is being, or, appearing as.
Why is there suffering?
Being is nondual Good or Goodness, appearing as dualistic thoughts. Some thoughts are aligned with the reality that reality is, nondual unconditional Goodness. Some thoughts are not aligned with reality, Goodness. The unaligned aspect, or not indicative of the truth, of Being… is, suffering.
Suffering is of apparent thoughts, which Being is appearing as.
Suffering is not of or indicative of Being, of the true nature of Being.
Suffering points to how some thoughts feel, while suffering is not a “thing”.
As suffering is not a “thing”, suffering can never actually be “known”.
There is no knowing what suffering is, as there is no one separate from suffering, nor is suffering separate from anyone, which could know.
Therein, knowing & understanding… the mental gymnastics of attempting to know or understand what suffering is… are… the overlooking of, the truth of suffering.
Overlooking as in… there is no “knower” or “understanding”, and these are examples of thoughts which feel, discordant, in that these thoughts imply separation. A separate “knower” or “understander”.
Nondual Goodness already is, and is already being the spheres.
Every discordant thought, every incidence of suffering, is a pointing to the truth of - you.
You are not a separate knower or understander, you are Being, being.
For example:
Self-criticism: Thoughts about another self, a second or separate self, which is not, nondual Goodness. The discord of the implied separation is felt, by that which is not separate and would not know or understand what separation actually is. The only self that is, is infinite nondual Goodness. Thus, thoughts that there is a second, separate self or selves, which know there is good and bad, good & evil, or truly right & wrong - feel discordant, and the discord felt is what suffering is.
Anxiety: As this is overlooked, in spite of the suffering felt, more thoughts appear as if to explain - the suffering felt. Namely, the survivalist’s paradigm. As there is (in accordance with direct experience) no actual experience of a survivalist or of survival, and there is only an experience of the concept… the concept is a self-conceptualization. That is, a concept about there being a ‘second’ or ‘separate self’ feels discordant to, infinite self which is being the spheres.
Loneliness: Thoughts of ‘I am alone’, feel isolating and disconnecting to that which is appearing as & feeling thoughts, which is already infinitely whole & complete fullness. Being is fulfillment in & of itself. The discord arises of presumption, of interpretational disconnection or separation, which infinite Being does not and could not actually know of, as infinite Being is already - infinite.
Regret: Thoughts of the nature of dwelling on a past and or past actions or decisions such as remorse or longing for different outcomes guarantee suffering, as the implication of the thoughts is that there is a divergence from the inherent right-now-present-only reality of perfection - nondual Goodness.