The Presumption of Emotional Emptiness.

In accordance with the activity of thought, there seems to be a world full of ten thousand things.

Therein it’s presumed you are one of these things of thought, in a world among things… and therein fullness is sought.

Yet, fullness is sought on behalf of a thing of thoughts, believed to be in a world of ten thousand things.

Amidst the labelling of ten thousand things, Being is objectified as separate finite beings.

Inherently therein, in accordance with thought, Being is subjectified as the separate finite knower of ten thousand things and separate beings.

From this interpretation arises all experientially believed & therein felt… dissatisfaction, lack, shortage, neediness, clinginess, anxiety, depression, loneliness, manipulation, corruption, deception, greed, envy, vanity, hostility, resentment, isolation and alienation.

A strategy of getting more is unwittingly employed to fill the emptiness, with more things, on behalf of a thing.

Unnoticed, is, the activity of thought.

Fullness refers to what is sought.

What is sought is not full of things.

Not ten thousand; not even two.

What is seeking, is not a thing.

Now one; not even two.

The seeking is the activity of thought, which is the aversion from, the emotions (already) felt.

Interpretations are felt; emotion.

Emotion can be suppressed ten thousand ways, with ten thousand interpretations of ten thousand things.

While emotion unflinchingly prevails.

The true nature isn’t changing in accordance with any interpretations of the true nature.

The true nature is appearing as the interpretations.

And the guidance (emotion) as well.

The emptied mind is emptied of the ten thousand interpretations.

The emptied mind is the un-suppression of emotion.

The emptied mind is filled, with & as the fullness sought; the uninterpretable, unthinkable, unbelievable, un-recontextualizable - true nature.

The true nature of the emptied mind is none of the appearing contextualizations, and is the illuminating fullness sought, appearing as.



What is it like, being present, noticing thought stories of others, other times, other places… ten thousand things?

Expression, and therein emptying of discord, and therein healing - rather than believing.