Absolute Positivity Appears As Positive & Negative Thoughts.

Positive and negative are thoughts which absolute unchanging positivity is being, or, appearing as.

That there is positive and negative is the belief that there is the relative, a dualistic positive and negative reality or relative world.

The belief is an illusion; awareness obscured by thoughts about perception, about there being a reality which is other than, awareness.  

Fundamentally, the illusion “I’m here”, is that of there being a separate self which is not awareness; a knower, which knows there is, a reality which is positive and negative, with positive and negative things, people, situations, circumstances and or events, in the relative, or, in a relative world. 

The presumed division in or of perception is a projection of a presumed division of oneself as, separate.   

As reality is an indivisible seamless flow of infinite consciousness, the appearing misidentification & ensuing misinterpretation is naturally met with the self-inherent guidance of emotion.   

The guidance of doubt for example is akin to a ringing phone, as an invitation to the truth of the absolute creator-ship of indivisible consciousness. The answering of the phone is like the acknowledgment of the guidance of emotion. It is the dispelling of misinterpretation, and the illuminating of the truth of your creator-ship as creator-creating-creation. 

Absolute positivity is The Light, which readily exposes & dispels all limiting discordant beliefs, or ‘shadows’, which are nothing more than previously unexamined thoughts & unacknowledged emotions.