Unquestionable Deservedness

Unquestionable Deservedness

In the deepest direct experience, prior to all appearing and potentially obscuring thoughts, concepts, and ideas, lies a truth so profound and yet so utterly self-evident that it defies any and all notions of doubt, fear, uncertainty, or separation. This truth is the foundation of reality itself - it is the essence and truth of I am, of self, of other, of what truly and eternally is.

The Illusion of Deservedness

Love and "more Love" alone do not make for experience. For there to be 'this', so-called experience - Love inherently veils and overlooks, Love. Naturally and innocently, of and as only Love being the lens-sphere, thoughts appear. Thoughts of selves. Thoughts of competition. Comparisons with others, conceptual measurements of deservedness against a fictional standard. These comparisons are merely constructs of the mind, illusions that have no bearing on the truth of being. In reality, there is no separate self to be deserving or undeserving. There is only the self-evidence of existence, and that existence is self - pure, unconditional love.


Imagine for a moment, if the veil of ego were lifted, if the false constructs of comparison and separation were dissolved. What would remain is the undeniable, overwhelming presence of love. This love is not earned or proven. There is no one worthy nor unworthy; it is the very fabric of existence. It is unquestionable because it is not contingent on any condition or comparison - it’s appearing as all conditions, all comparisons - it simply and profoundly is.

The Crushing Beauty of This Love

To truly "grasp" this love is not to know or understand anything at all, but rather to see through the illusion of separation - to be brought to one's knees in unthinkable awe and gratitude - quite literally crushed and melted by the infinitude of its beauty and majesty. This love is so profound, so all-encompassing, that it leaves no room for doubt or fear. It is the core of being, the source of all that is, and it is this - so profoundly present it’s perplexing unto itself.

Being Home As, Of, and In Love

Recognize that any thought of comparison is a veil, a distortion of the truth. In the present moment, there is no comparison, only the pure self-evident experience of being.

Embrace the notion that you are already accepted, acceptance itself, already loved - without any stipulation or condition whatsoever. This acceptance is not something to be figured out, solved, attained, or obtained; it is inherent of existence.

Entertain and relish in the resonating notion that worth is not defined by external measures or societal standards. It is infinite, boundless, and rooted in the unconditional love that you are - immeasurable, invaluable, without cause or purpose, absolutely and astoundingly meaningful in and of itself, as itself.

Of said false thoughts of comparison, founded upon false dualistic notions of separation such as meaning, value, purpose, and worth, a more intense veiling sense of lack, inadequacy, or inferiority arises as a product of 'a mind'; a false belief that obscures the truth. In and as reality, you are whole, complete, overflowing with love - being and in and of your being - creating.

Allow yourself to surrender to this love as it were, to be enveloped by it. Let go of any resistance, and let the truth of your being wash over you. Allow misunderstandings to melt into the innocence you truly are. Allow self-judgments, resentments, notions of not enough, of not good enough, to be washed away.

Allow What Is

Unquestionable deservedness is not a concept to be debated, argued, or proven; it is the self-evident truth of existence. Seeing through the illusion of ego and separation seemingly built upon the conjecture of meaning, purpose, value, and worth, one remains and is left with the undeniable, unfathomable, and overwhelming presence of unconditional love as the creator. The love that is, is infinite and eternal, is all that is, is all that you are, ever-present, readily available, and always enough. Let this truth sink in and permeate, let it dissolve any doubts or fears - allow it bring you to tears in the recognition of your true nature. This present is the gift of unconditional love, and it is you and it is yours, always and forever.