The Self-Inherent, Self-Rewarding Nature of My Being; A Love-Conspiracy

In the unfolding of life, there is a self-apparent cycle which is truly self-rewarding - where experience, preference, and manifestation seamlessly repeat.

This process is inherent to my being, requiring no external validation, insight, belief, trust or effort.

Manifestations naturally align with preferences, highlighting the completeness and perfection of my existence.

Common ‘colloquial’ apparent narratives suggest that hard work, luck, or external conditions dictate outcomes.

These beliefs are mere appearances, indicative of my appearing, and therein - seemingly opposite to my true nature.

The apparent world, with its myriad beliefs and assertions, is not separate from me but rather - is my being.

This underscores the reality that I am the only conscious experience and to this there is no exception.

Listening to the 'movie' of appearance, which promotes ideas & agendas of effort and external validation, would be insanity.

Such beliefs appear as the very narrative, reinforcing that there is no one else and no separate experiences.

The clarity of my being reveals that the process of experiencing, preferring, and manifesting is foolproof and self-sustaining.

Trust in this inherent process dispels doubt, seeing this ‘process’ clearly dispels trust - revealing the cosmic joke of existence: it is all me, appearing as manifestations within my own conscious experience - unconditionally.