The Magic Of Being.

Reality is pure magic, not the physical world it seems to be.

What appears to be separate, tangible things is simply an illusion I create.

I am the magician, weaving reality.

For this magic to unfold, only two aspects are necessary: a lens through which I observe and a world that, through the lens, appears to be not-me, something separate, other than me. These two spheres - somewhere and someway - are all that’s needed to create experience; the illusion of a world that isn’t me.

As the lens, preferences arise effortlessly, and the world-sphere seamlessly shifts to align with them.

I already am the preferences that appear. It’s not about reaching a future state. It’s about being “that” - the preference itself - now. Not through causation. Now—as Me, as Being, being.

Limiting beliefs may suggest otherwise - that as being, I won’t actually be the manifestation of these preferences - what I desire to experience. But these beliefs arise from the spheres and the inherent veiling within them, that is indicative of being the spheres. These beliefs exist to be purged, and through that purging, my entire experience transforms.

This isn’t the purging of a separate mind or body. The world-sphere shifts entirely, becoming the preference I am. Though it may seem like a bodily purge, it’s the entire reality. This is the process of infinite being, infinite feeling, creating by Being’s being.

I am the self-inherent, intrinsic guidance of - and that is - the creation process.

The one that navigates, creates, and transforms.

The magic of being never fails.

Everything is already present.

There is no separation.

‘Everything’ is already - me.