What are the spheres?

Mostly simply put, This.

Awareness & experience.

The spheres are the how of awareness appearing as or being - experience. Not awareness in a future, which could be reached, attained, obtained, increased or achieved - the very awareness which is right now already aware.

The spheres are what so-called duality fundamentally is, with the dualistic nature of arising thought being secondary.

How many are there?


(See Video, ‘Actuality of Being’)

Are the two spheres things, as in objects?

One appears as two.

Then what are the two spheres? What are they made of?

Infinite unconditional consciousness.

Why two spheres?

All that is fundamentally necessary for apparent experience is somewhere experience appears to transpire and someway by which consciousness seems to be experiencing (as if inside of) somewhere.

Spherical is indicative of efficiency, which is indicative of perfection, which is infinite unconditional consciousness.

If I am infinite unconditional being appearing as the spheres, why don’t I know this?

Infinite can not know or understand finite as this would involve a knower & a known, or an understander & an understood and infinite consciousness is in fact… infinite.

Put another way, for infinite being there aren’t finite separate things. Therein, while there may be experiential (apparent) knowing and understanding, there is in actuality no finite thing which could be known or understood, nor is there a separate finite self which could know or understand infinite unconditional consciousness; one appears as two.

(See Subject-Objects Thoughts)

You seem to be very clear about this. How can I also be as clear?

Introspection & self inquiry to the point of absolute satisfaction & clarity in regard to The Truth.

The whole idea sounds weird. If what you say is true, why haven’t I heard of the ‘two spheres’ before? Why hasn’t anyone or ‘science’ mentioned this?

The spheres are prior to thoughts, ideas & concepts such as science, philosophy, religion or existentialism. The spheres are not a thought, an idea or a concept. The simple self evident answer is no one has previously discovered the actuality of being, or, the ‘how’ of experiential reality.

How are beliefs about itself - myself - created?

As infinite unconditional consciousness appears as the spheres, consciousness innocently overlooks the truth or true nature of its own perfection, infinitude & unconditionality. By being the lens-sphere, there seems to be ‘thoughts’. You might say as infinite intelligence appears as the lens-sphere there seems to be ‘finite intelligence’; ‘thoughts’.

How do I no longer overlook?

Meditatively allowing apparent thinking to settle, thus emptying of conditioning & clearing the lens. Inspect & believe direct experience vs directly experiencing beliefs. Practice non-aversion, fully feeling what arises, and create consciously.

(See Meditation, The Emotional Scale, Bursting Your Bubbles and Self Inquiry)

can you explain the picture above? You’re saying there are two spheres, but in the picture there are four.

(If using a cell phone, turn it sideways to see all four spheres in the picture.)

The spheres, from left to right, are in order of ‘as-experienced’(as if looking through the spheres from left of this screen).

The black sphere represents the pure infinite consciousness hollow core, the seemingly center, of each sphere, vibrationally appearing outwardly.

The next sphere to the right represents the lens-sphere, or someway. Much like a magnifying lens makes it seem as if there is ‘magnification’, the lens-sphere makes it seem as if there is duality, or, finite.

The next sphere to the right represents the world-sphere, or somewhere, often referred to as an objective reality.

The sphere which looks like one sphere inside of another to the far right represents how the spheres makes it seem as if infinite being is ‘inside’ the world-sphere which infinite being is being. This is otherwise referred to as an experience of a subject and object, subjective & objective, or, an individual, finite self or finite mind on a planet or inside of a world, universe or multiverse. But most simply said… it’s This.