It’s as if it’s just under our nose… “I just can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong with me!”… “I have the drive, I have the time, but it’s not clicking! I don’t what to do or how to go about it!”.
Again, breathe, relax. Bring attention inward, feeling the stomach area.
With respect to the emotional scale, we all want to feel the ‘highest’ of emotions. Yet often the greatest insights, the ‘dots connecting’, reside hidden & just out of sight and under our noses - still underwater - awaiting our admittance of, our attention to the ‘lower’ emotions we’ve been averting away from.
The ‘lower emotions’ are not lower as in less than, but are equal to the higher in that it is guidance for you and of the path.
Aversion isn’t initially easy to notice, and can sound like a plethora of things such as “it’s not fair”, “it’s because of him, or her, my parents, my upbringing, what happened, or my situation”, and or most unfortunately - “something is wrong with me, but I just don’t know what it is”.
‘Right & wrong’ are judgements. No one really knows what is right and what is wrong. But every one feels, and therein is receiving - the guidance.
Aversion can also look like seeking validation outside of yourself rather than communion & alignment within yourself, or using substances which don’t contribute to your clarity & hold discord ‘underwater’ and out of ‘view’, and even repetitive defensive mechanisms which block out the hearing of that you can, that you are worthy and are capable - and ultimately that everything you want to create & experience lies within you - yet to be manifest & seen.
None of these are ‘wrong’ either, these are actually a variety of the many ‘faces’ of, healing.
The ‘way forward’, is with - and no longer averting from - the guidance of feeling within you.
As attentive care is given inwardly, discordant beliefs which were innocently created, essentially - conditioning, begin to loosen, to be set free, as if pieces of the iceberg begin to separate to be carried away with, by, and as the Greater Current which Is, and moves us all.
As these ‘pieces’ or ‘chunks’ are allowed free, the light & love of Our Being shines through more & more as it is less & less unobscured. The old thought patterns and discordant feeling therein, more & more simply disappear.
This is not a doing, nor an obtaining of a goal, nor a noteworthy achievement of any kind per se, but a falling away of patterns so innocently and inadvertently created within the body and mind.
In continuing to nourish inwardly with attention, in allowing time, and presence for this, being with this… old ways of perceiving, and old ways of sensing so too begin to fall away, and more and more of the true nature arises - in being allowed into our experience, our lives, our world, our creation.