
This blog post was written yesterday and automatically posted today via a timed release feature in the Squarespace app.

Or was it?

When was the experience of writing? Was this written in the past? Is there any direct experience of "writing in a past"?

Writing is a present experience.

But what about the timed release feature? When was it turned on?

Is turning on the timed release experienced in the past?

The act of turning it on, like any other experience, if experienced - is presently experienced.

So how is this post publishing today if it wasn’t written today?

What exactly defines "today" versus "yesterday"?

Is it sleep?

Have you ever directly experienced sleep?

Or is it only upon waking that the thought of "having slept" arises, creating the sense of days being divided?

These are thoughts - present thoughts - about something called 'yesterday,' suggesting it exists separately from now.

"But I remember what happened yesterday."

Are these memories anything more than present thoughts?

Thoughts about 'yesterday,' seemingly separated from today by the idea of sleep?

Where is this "I" that remembers?

If something were truly separate, only then could it be remembered, right?

When is remembering actually experienced? In a past? In a future? Or only now?

These are thoughts - presently experienced thoughts - labeled as memories.

And what about this "I" - the seeming center around which all these thoughts of a self and time revolve?

Is this "I" present, or is it just another thought, implied by these very thoughts?

What is aware of the thought, "I"?

Who or what is 'going to let go,' 'going to release,' ‘going to heal’ or 'going to forgive' in some imagined future?

Life is as fleeting as a thought - appearing and disappearing.

Like sleep and time, 'life' itself is not truly experienced; it’s simply another present thought.

Just like the thought: "I’ll feel better when..."