
When a hand is inadvertently placed on a hot stove, the guidance of pain is felt.

In accordance with feeling, intelligence & guidance; the hand is removed from the stove.

Feeling, intelligence & guidance aren’t conceptualized, philosophized, believed to be existential, complex, known, understood, debatable, definable, justifiable or labelled in any way. Feeling, intelligence & guidance are simply listened to as it were.

Just as pain is guidance, emotion is guidance.

To mentally avert away from the guidance of emotion is to conceptualize & label, emotion.

Aversion sounds like me, my, mine, I’m, I know, I understand, you, you don’t know, you don’t understand, you’re lacking this or that, etc.

Aversion is a game of shuffling three cups while there is no peanut. It’s believing arising justifications & rationalizations to believe emotions aren’t experienced, or that emotions have a cause or are caused.

If & when aversion occurs, it’s in spite of the discord or suffering felt, and the point is true liberation of suffering.

Aversion is the mental activity of labelling, conceptualizing, defending, arguing, justifying & rationalizing - in an attempt to feel better, while the mental activity is the aversion from feeling, and is what’s felt.

Perpetuation of aversion is ‘continuing to focus’ on discordant outlooks, thoughts, beliefs & interpretations, in spite of the fact discord, or, suffering - is felt.

Aversion can obscure the relief and clarity of expression, inspection, and self-discovery.

When focus shifts away from presently experienced habitual thinking, the body relaxes naturally, releasing the tension that often accompanies aversion.

By focusing on the sensation of breathing in the stomach, the mind begins to clear, and with that clarity, discord also fades. This is akin to ‘taking your hand off the stove’ - a metaphor for listening to natural, intrinsic guidance.

In the absence of aversion, the true nature arises effortlessly, ‘filling you up’ like helium to a balloon.

Free and unburdened, awareness naturally expands.