The Haunted House
This is a bit like a haunted house.
If you’ve ever been in one, you know it’s completely voluntary.
No one forced you to go. You went because you wanted to -
for the excitement, the anticipation, the thrill.
It’s quite fun.
Until it isn’t.
The anxiety, the fear, the trepidation, the terror.
But you didn’t sign up for that, right?
Now turn on the lights. Take off the masks. Shut off the fog machine.
What’s left to fear?
What remains that’s terrifying?
Anything scary about clear light, no masks, no fog?
Of course not.
It’s just thought - light - making it seem so.
The whole point of a haunted house is the darkness, the masks, the fog. Without that, it wouldn’t be much of a haunted house.
So boring, in fact, you’d probably want your money back.
What a ripoff.
So if it seems scary, exhausting, overwhelming -
bring thought to rest.
Allow it to settle naturally, without running from feeling.
In that stillness, dive deep - deeper than deep - into what is so unthinkably perfect, so infinitely loving, so unimaginably creative...
That ‘it’ can even appear as, a real haunted house.