Step 1: Acknowledge What Is.
Actions, behaviors, circumstances & people do not have to change for interpretation to change.
Sitting still with eyes closed, notice there is no experience of any actions, behaviors, circumstances or people. Yet, there can still be an experience of arising interpretations.
Notice therefore, interpretation is closer to home, more immediate & intimate in direct experience, prior to & not contingent upon… actions, behaviors, circumstances and people.
If there is a preference for actions, behaviors and or circumstances to change - allow interpretations to change in alignment with feeling - and actions, behaviors & circumstances will change.
Allowing isn’t an action, it’s non-action - non-reaction. Allowing is not something someone can do. Allowing isn’t a behavior. It isn’t ’how someone is’ or ‘what someone does’. That would be an / another interpretation. Allowing is simply What Is, being.
Step 2: Acknowledge What Is, is being.
As consciousness / awareness - you are being interpretations by appearing as interpretations, and not by thinking or doing.
Alignment is that of appearing thoughts & interpretations… with that which is appearing as thoughts & interpretations.
Interpretation is not a thing or object. That there are things or objects is an apparent interpretation.
Interpretation being apparent, is formless, fluid & dynamic - not static, rigid, solid or solidified.
Notice “actions, behaviors, circumstances and people”… is an interpretation / are interpretations.
Liberation is noticing none of the interpretations are true. None of these interpretations actually define perception.
Why is that? How is that possible?
Step 3: Introspection.
Action implies causation; a doer doing. Where is ‘the doer’ in direct experience?
Behavior implies someone’s behavior. Where is ‘someone’ in direct experience? Is a body someone? Is someone presumed to be inside of a body?
Circumstances implies my circumstances. Where is the me of my circumstances, which is separate of, circumstances?
As infinite awareness right-now-only appearing, or being - you, awareness, are the creator of your reality. Creator-Creating-Creation.
By appearing as the lens-sphere, there is focus & arising or appearing thoughts, about the world-sphere you are being.
Some appearing thoughts seem to be about you, and true. That is, some so called thoughts & interpretations which you, infinite awareness are right-now-only appearing as - seem to be true about - that which is appearing.
Apparent thoughts are as true about what’s appearing as thoughts, as a mirage is true about a desert.
In shining the light of awareness on discordant beliefs and allowing emotions to be fully felt, beliefs are dispelled & suffering is ‘seen’ for what it isn’t, and felt as what it actually is - unconditionality. In this way-less way, awareness is ‘getting out of its own way’ and allowing thoughts, interpretations, actions, behaviors & circumstances indicative of the true nature of awareness to appear.