Q&A: Anger, Karma; Breaking The Cycle of Ignore-ance & Harm.

How to express anger, this intensely consuming anger - without harming or hurting the bad people who caused it?

This is already an expression anger, very good! It’s easier than you might be thinkin. The aspects of othering, resentment, animosity, exclusion & self-isolation are all an expression of anger, or, anger infused interpretation(s). 

It is incredibly wise, intuitive & aligning to allow healthy means & ways of expressing emotions and releasing anger. Healthy, as in, doesn’t involve harm (war, violence, etc) and therein doesn’t perpetuate the cycle of ignore-ance: suppression, internalization, harming, traumatizing, next generation - repeat.

Breaking the cycle is the non-conceptual real deal of self-discovery & awakening.


The simplest way to fully empty is fitness (inherent betterment & alignment) and using a journal to express anything & everything that comes up.

The emotional scale is very handy, as disappointment feels slightly better than anger, and what’s really wanted is always clarity / feeling better - Truth.


When anger arises the lens and body contract and there is a limiting / limited experience. Expression & emptying de-contract. As the lens & body de-contract, naturally they are filled with the true nature of that which is being the lens & body. 

The ideal is transmutation. Turning anger into beauty, pouring the energy of anger into creativity, betterment & change. 


  Why should they get away with it?

Why they should is based on the belief that they could. The truth is they can’t. They don’t really get away with anything anymore than you do.

Allow the dots to connect in terms of mental, emotional and bodily health or ‘quality of life’. 

 “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” 

- Mark Twain


Chronic suppression & internalization of anger manifests as…

Hypertension (high blood pressure) & cardiovascular (heart) disease. 

Digestive disorders (hernia, ulcers, IBS, SIBO).

Headaches or migraines.

Insomnia or sleep disturbances.

Anxiety disorders.


Substance abuse or addiction.

Skin conditions (such as eczema or psoriasis).

Weakened immune system.


Does that sound like getting away with anything?

Suffering / ignorance (suppression of emotional guidance) and misidentification inevitably get old and as one unfetters one experiences the ‘barfing up’ of all which has been experienced, internalized & suppressed. Karma. 

There is no escaping karma, even in dying / death. This is why there are conflicting reports of near death experiences for example. Tales of heaven & hell etc. It’s believed to be objective and experienced, while in fact it’s what’s emptying out. Reality is already a from in to outward appearance.


But if bad people aren’t punished enough everyone is free to hurt & har each other as they won’t experience the revenge to set them straight!

Reality is absolutely free, unconditional, inherently peaceful and only seemingly divided by ignore-ance & misidentification… and therein harm, violence, war and perpetuating the cycle; revenge.