Welcome to The Non.
The vast majority it seems are engaged & entwined in the believing of thoughts about there being a separate self, thinking, doing & efforting… virtually unaware of the true power of allowing non-judgmental unconditional awareness, of non-claiming & non-resistance… of non-engagement with believing discordant thoughts. Namely, discordant self referential thoughts, and discordant thoughts about what’s wanted.
Rather than actively trying to learn how to not suppress, un-suppressing is about letting go of the resistance that has already been innocently added. The resistance is essentially conditioning rooted in misidentification. The resistance felt is of any discordant interpretations, and is to or with the truth or true nature, the reality of yourself.
As the habit of suppression is happening, acknowledge that it is without judgment or blame. If blame is experienced, acknowledge that blame is felt, as blame is an emotion and not an action or behavior. Observe sensation, thoughts, and emotions without trying to change, challenge or resist, and without labeling any experiential phenomena as good or bad.
Mindfulness & presence is key as thought patterns of suppression untangle naturally, and any underlying reasons, justifications or rationalizations are allowed to be ‘seen’ and come up & out.
Allowing non-judgmental awareness towards whatever arises, including any tendencies to suppress emotions, allows ‘space’ for patterns to dissipate and is the allowing of emotional freedom and authenticity.
Letting go of resistance and allowing experience to unfold naturally is also incredibly beneficial for attracting & enjoying relationships. By releasing the resistance towards loneliness and the desire to be with someone, you actually open yourself up to the possibility of genuine connection and authentic relationships.
Instead of approaching dating with a mindset of desperation, attachment, or any objectification, openness, presence & authenticity are allowed and do shine through, allowing for more meaningful connections to arise organically.
Fully embracing & allowing periods of solitude as an opportunity for self-discovery & un-suppressing is allowing the natural wholeness, fulfillment, confidence & assuredness you are, inherently enhancing current relationships and attracting healthier, more fulfilling, richer, deeper & lasting relationships into your life.
In short - un-suppressing is unfettering, the allowing of the fullness of you, and inherently therein, is allowing the attracting of what’s wanted into the whole of experience.
Bear in mind, while allowing what you haven’t allowed to be felt before is underway, the ‘barfing up’ of conditioning can be quite challenging - but un-suppressing is the allowing of what you’re wanting into your life or experience. If & when the allowing or ‘barfing’ get’s tough, remember and affirm - you’re behind this 100% - you want to let discord go, as this is most self-assuring. It is only discordant & resistant interpretations and any entanglement with emotions, and ultimately with awareness which is let go… while all that is Good, all that is wanted, the fullness and richness of life experience ultimately desired - remains.