Clarity; Autism & Alzheimer's

There is perhaps no better self-evidentiary testimony to the truth of what’s being said than the sudden and alarming rise of Autism & Alzheimer's.

What’s being said is experiential reality is that of an infinite unconditional being, appearing as, two spheres.

A ‘world-sphere’, or ‘somewhere’ that experience may seem to transpire… and a lens-sphere, which veils infinite unconditional being of its own infinitude & unconditionality - so that infinite being may experience, the world-sphere infinite being is, being.

That there is a finite thing such as an earth, world or universe - is a belief.

That there are separate selves on an earth or inside of a world or universe - is a belief.

These beliefs are based on the presumed existence of, “matter”.

Matter, is a belief.

In place of the belief in matter, a new belief has arisen, that of - mind.

A mind or minds has never been experienced, because a mind or minds, whether believed to be finite or infinite, does not exist and is - a belief.

That infinite being “needs a world and or people”… or a “finite mind or minds” - to know itself, or know or understand itself, or that infinite being ever does know or understand anything whatsoever about itself - is a belief.

The two spheres are self-perpetual. That is, infinite being, being infinite, can not be inside of some thing - because there is not “some thing” - and infinite being is -already being - the two spheres.

As infinite being is being the two spheres, infinite being can not be inside of the spheres, such as to direct or correct anything to or for anyone, as there is no one or any thing, other than or in addition to - infinite being.

This is however, not a problem whatsoever, as there is - intrinsic guidance. The guidance is, emotion(s). Emotion is intrinsic, as emotion is how thoughts feel, to infinite being, which is being the spheres, namely the lens-sphere - and therein - thoughts.

Thoughts appear of & as, the lens-sphere. Thought is for, and is not separate of - creation.

Creation is not a separate thing. Creation is the spheres, which are the appearance of, infinite being.


The spheres are self-perpetual & self-adapting, relative only to, the spheres. That is, as mass suppression of emotion persists within the world-sphere - the lens-sphere adapts.

Therein, autism & Alzheimer's are in actuality the lens-sphere, adapting to the suppression of the guidance and of the truth of the true nature, occurring in / as, the world-sphere.

To highlight just how far creation has conceptually & collectively as it were, strayed from alignment, from Truth:

Self proclaimed “teachers” of spirituality and or nonduality are now purporting on behalf of a nonexistent separate self of thoughts, to know & understand, and to have knowledge & understanding of - infinite being, and these “teachings” vehemently encourage “knowing what I know”, and “reaching my level of understanding”, at the expense of suppression & the overlooking of the very guidance of - infinite being - which is, intrinsic. It is no small task to suppress emotion to such a delusional degree.

This sounds like, “so what there’s suffering… force yourself to x, y or z”, “you are avoiding the truth”, “you can become enlightened & it’s my job to enlighten you”, “emotional intelligence comes from experience”, etc. These beliefs are emotional suppression & the aggrandizing of the separate self of thought as, “a teacher”. The thoughts believed feel discordant & manifest as bodily dis-ease, yet the discord is ignored, in favor of pretending to be, and believing there is, a self proclaimed teaching speaking with confidence & conviction purporting to be an authority on - you - infinite being.

Suppression of the guidance and the self-adapting, self-shaping of the lens-sphere which occurs accordingly and is now referred to with the labels of autism & Alzheimer's sounds like:


"I'm fine." Is the presumption there is a separate self, and therein experiential difficulty recognizing and expressing emotions.

"Don't cry, it's not a big deal." Is the projection of the belief “I am a separate self”, “listen to me”, and is contributing to suppression by minimizing emotional guidance.

"Just toughen up and deal with it." Is the internalized belief “I am a separate self”, and the projection of this belief, amounting to the notion that vulnerability is unacceptable“.

"Stop being so sensitive." Is the projection of the belief “I am a separate self”, and the invalidating of emotional guidance, leading to difficulties in self-awareness.

"You shouldn't feel this way." Is the projection of the internalized belief, “I am a separate self”, perpetuating shame by overlooking the intrinsically felt guidance of guilt in regard to perpetuating shame, which discouraging of acknowledging & expressing emotions, which is internal conflict, and which is therein the manifestation of all external conflict (projection of suppression).

"It's not appropriate to express anger." Is the projection of the belief “I am a separate self”, and the projection of shame with respect to the allowing & expressing of the guidance, resulting in unacknowledged & unexpressed anger playing out instead in actions & behaviors.

"I must always put on a brave face / save face." Is the projection of confidence & strength associated with the belief “I am a separate self” (which is emotional suppression), resulting in false strength and confidence, suppressing the true strength & confidence of (infinite) being. This is the prioritization of “how I look” (self image), over the intrinsic guidance of emotion (reality as is).

"I can't show weakness." Is again a purporting & projecting of the belief “I am a separate self”, which is the suppression & shaming of emotional vulnerability, which hinders authenticity.

“Ignore how you feel (emotions) and just push through it, suffering is necessary & helpful” Is purporting on behalf of a separate self of thoughts, the “knower” or “understander”, and encourages disassociation from intrinsic emotional guidance (which otherwise dispels suffering). The purporting encourages the veiling of self-awareness, and manifests as all inner & outer conflict.