Being; The Spheres.

For there to be experience, Being must be; “experience”.

So Being be’s, a world.

A perfect sphere of unspeakable majesty, beauty & intrinsic perfection; a projection of Being, appearing as ‘a world’, that there may be - experience.

As Being is self-aware, there is not “experience” or “a world”.

There is simply what is; self-aware Being.

For it to seem to Being there is experience, a world in which Being is experiencing, Being must veil itself of the fact that Being is being - the world-sphere.

So Being be’s a sphere which veils itself of its infinitude & unconditionality, and therein that Being is being, the world-sphere; and Being be’s - the lens-sphere.

Being be’s neither space nor time, nor here nor there, nor this nor that, nor life nor death, nor self nor other.

One appears as two; a world-sphere & a lens-sphere.