When you go on a flight, you check your luggage prior to boarding and pick it up after arrival. Analogously:
The flight is sleep.
The luggage is discordant thoughts.
The 'your' of 'your luggage' is attachment.
The 'you' of 'you go on a flight' is suffering.
Just as it's important to grab your luggage from the carousel and not someone else’s, it's crucial to recognize the thoughts you carry.
However, unlike checking luggage, sleep isn’t directly experienced. There might be a noticing of falling asleep and a presumption of waking up, but there's no actual experience of sleep “itself”. The thoughts "I slept" and "I woke up" are presumptions.
These thoughts serve the body, while true identity is the awareness in which these thoughts arise. Awareness isn't a passive observer of thoughts but the space as it were, in which thoughts appear and dissolve. Thoughts about a finite self are conditional, while true awareness is unconditional.
Falling asleep is the unfettering of conditions, where thoughts fizzle out and rest. What remains is ineffably unconditional. The thought "I woke up" doesn’t truly describe you; it’s simply observed within awareness.
’See’ this in direct experience directly, clearly - in trying not to be the awareness of thoughts. Instead, attempt to "be" the self of thoughts. The more you try so to speak, the clearer it becomes that awareness is your true nature.
Simply letting go of discordant thoughts before sleep and not picking them up in the morning won’t suffice. Awareness encompasses all thoughts and conditions, including dualistic self-referential thoughts, such as asleep and awake.