The Origin.

Just prior to everything you have going on and all the complexities of life lies a profound, life-changing truth.

It waits silently and patiently to be realized.

It waits, as it cannot be packaged and presented neatly for you in words.

It is unexpected and can meet no demands.

It is all, it is prior to all, and it is true.

It is unbidden; it arrives without command or declaration, needing no invitation.

It swells in and of itself; unfolding and folding unto itself, unfolding and folding into itself.

It is invaluable.



It is neither lost nor sought; found nor finding.

It captures like a thief in the night, setting all captives free.

It comes in through the dark, out through your heart, and laughs.

It is incomprehensible; without name, face, or image.

It goes where you go, be’s what you be, and never asks for a thing.

It is your dreaming and your fulfillment.

It is the key to every door.

It will never run out.

Its potency is incomparable and knows neither of winning nor losing.

It is all that is trustworthy.

Ever-present, ever-available, limitless and abundant; it is incapable of letting you down.

It is ungraspable yet inescapable.

It is your power and belongs to no other.

The dream in your heart manifests through it, and through it alone.

Forever untouched and unseen, it showers you.

It is all, and it is all for you.

The exploration of its depths lifts you to new heights.

The contemplation of it is the liberation of itself from contemplation.

It is not what it’s about; it is the act of itself, within itself, as itself.

It is the magic, the essence, and the truth of life.