Nothing is hidden.
There are no bones in these hands, only an apparent presumption, if at all.
There are no deeper layers of thought or psychology in accordance with direct experience, only potential assumptions surfacing - and truly not even.
There is no causation or mechanism of any kind occurring, inclusive of this as a response to anyone or anything.
There is no spacetime anyone is occurring in nor of; only the unified joy that is reality, appearing as notions.
There is no witness nor observer inside of an outside obscuring the intrinsic magic of wholeness.
There is no self apart from the entirety, for the entirety to fix, change or complete - or be fixed, changed or completed by.
There is no one present which was born nor for whom meaning, purpose, value, or worth actually arises.
Such a believing and fragmenting is the fun of dispelling seeking & discovering innate meaningfulness.
The apparent narrative of an illusory separate self and it’s purpose seemingly separates the whole of experience, clarifying purpose is the apparent experience - radiant and divine; in, of, and as itself.
The believing in and seeking of meaning seemingly obscures and fragments wholeness, while wholeness remains an enchanting splendor of innate meaningfulness marveling unto itself.
The narrative of an illusory self and it’s purpose seemingly divides and objectifies the wholeness and completeness essential of eternal ever-present being like a setup to a punchline; self-illuminating the truth of effortlessness, wonder, and awe - the fundamental, constitutive nature of being.
The believing of, projecting of, and ensuing seeking of value in external achievements, attainments, acknowledgments, and validations stands only to reveal the sameness of praise and blame; amplifying the mystique and awe of native, inseparably sacred and transcendent guidance attracting and allowing all which is sought.
The contractions, tension, stress, and dis-ease of self-worth, built upon illusory comparisons and conditional acceptance appear… obliterating discord and suffering like a timeless beacon; an infinite, impenetrable, unstoppable, immovable, uncompromising, and uncompromisable lighthouse of innocence.
Nothing is hidden.