Truth, Emotions, Actions & Behaviors: Flipping The Coin.

Emotions, actions & behaviors manifest as the very same underlying reality, continuously, inseparably and flawlessly. Apparently & experientially; like two sides of a coin.

There is no 'separate self' managing, regulating or orchestrating these colorful dynamics. The concept of separation between a self, emotion, and resulting actions & behaviors is a felt misinterpretation.

In moments of discord or intense emotions, take pause and - flip the coin.

For example, when anger arises, instead of immediate reactivity - pause, and allow presence & innate response-ability. Momentarily, ‘do’ nothing at all as it were. Embrace the non, the peace, the stillness of non-reaction… and fully acknowledge the emotion. Feel the anger deeply & thoroughly; feel the discord and receive the guidance.

This conscious engagement transforms behaviors from reactive to intentional, where intention arises naturally of the wholeness of Being, and not on behalf of a separate self of thoughts, such as with my emotions, actions or behaviors but rather - as presence… as Being… as that which is being the emotions, actions & behaviors.

Consider a “stressful situation” at work. The initial reaction might be to avert, lash out or make a hasty decision. By flipping the coin and pausing to recognize the underlying emotion and feel it fully, the subsequent actions are conscious and of alignment. In truth, this is not technically cognitively discernible, and yet it need not be as discord & alignment is unmistakably felt.

For the two-fold win - pair this with The Luggage Analogy. You might very well find you’re going to bed with less & less “luggage”, and therein picking up less & less “luggage”, and inevitably, not picking up any luggage at all - revealing the true profundity of wakefulness and so called sleep.

Realizing the non-separation of emotions and actions dispels the notion of an individual dictating distinct experiences. This insight reveals all emotional expressions and behaviors as Being, spontaneously occurring within the indivisible reality of yourself, awareness.

Flipping the coin in moments of emotional intensity un-obscures & unfetters the true nature of Being, being experience. It highlights the intrinsic guidance of emotions, allowing for flow; the harmonious expression of emotion, actions and behaviors.

This practice, if you will, alleviates the discord of struggle & strife indicative of resistance or misunderstanding emotional motives. By seeing behaviors as natural extensions, or manifestations of emotions and taking the time to fully acknowledge emotions, appreciation effortlessly & consciously reshapes the whole of experience. The entire universe as it were, of which you, consciousness, are the helm of.

Recognizing the true unity of emotions and actions, and practicing flipping the coin, offers a practical guide for navigating the dream of life. It aligns everyday experiences with the true, non-dual nature of existence. Taking pause and allowing conscious alignment begets simplicity, authenticity and ease, fostering and promoting a harmonious living deeply rooted in the truth of non-duality. This alignment of truth attracts, consciously creating, and allows one to receive experiences that reflect the wholeness, abundance and unity of Being.