Happiness is not a state to be achieved through thinking, doing, or obtaining; it is the inherent nature of infinite consciousness. What often appears as happiness being a finite thing, attainable in the future, are merely concepts that happiness is manifesting as, or isn’t. This is often referred to as obscuring, conceptualizing or monkey mind, as opposed to un-obscured happiness & peacefulness.
None of these concepts are experienced beyond their direct manifestation in consciousness, similar to how the concept of a 'unicorn' appears. There is an experience of the thought of a unicorn, but no actual experience of a unicorn.
Why? Because you are happiness (infinite self). Unicorns (finite selves) don't exist.
Happiness Appears As Thoughts & Concepts
The belief in these thoughts, which are only experienced in the present, obscures the abundant & magical presence of happiness. These thoughts are the apparent activity of happiness-consciousness, peace, intelligence, love (infinite self). Believing these thoughts is happinesses own activity of seeking happiness in… thoughts. In a conceptual "future", twice-conceptualized as an "object” (my, mine)… pursued by a conceptual separate self of thoughts about “it”. This separate self of thoughts is merely conceptual, not a self, just like a 'unicorn'.
Infinite self appears as thoughts about a separate finite self or selves.
Happiness & Meditation
Meditation is often said to "increase" happiness. In truth, happiness is ever-present, all-pervasive, formless, eternal, and infinite. Meditation allows the obscuring thoughts and concepts that cloud happiness to fizzle out. Without these obscuring thoughts, the true nature of consciousness as happiness & love is clarified.
There is no "meditator"—this too is "the unicorn."
Spiritual Brainwashing
Spiritual brainwashing asserts the truth of happiness on behalf of an aggrandized separate self of thoughts, while neither actually exist. The message that thinking, doing, attaining, and striving will lead to consciousness or happiness reinforces suffering… the illusion of a separate self of thoughts.
Who is this a concern for?
No one.
There aren’t separate finite selves, already.
What accountability should there be for this seemingly despicable atrocity?
There aren’t separate finite selves, already. Reality is unconditional love. Separate selves don’t exist—already. Obscuring thoughts might merely make it seem otherwise.
Conjecture & Suffering
Sharing, hearing, and believing these thoughts, in spite of how they feel to happiness, is the apparent experience of conjecture.
Believing these thoughts despite the discord felt is a fruitlessly hopeless attempt to align feeling with thoughts and beliefs. It's an impossible expectation, as happiness (feeling) is already what's appearing as these thoughts, concepts, and beliefs.
Indeed the truth, happiness, consciousness "sets you free," as happiness is the only self there is - infinite consciousness. Consciousness is being concepts, and is not therein ‘itself’ a concept.
The Ignore-ance
Non-meditative, or veiled & obscured happiness is therefore referred to as The Ignorance. Happiness seemingly ignores that it is obscuring itself with thoughts & concepts about, itself. This is the "materialist’s paradigm," or, in rare cases apparently, spiritual brainwashing.
Gullibility & Innocence
The concept of gullibility emerges not as a quality of separate individuals, because separateness is an illusion. The belief in gullibility arises from overlooking one's own nature as non-separate, infinite happiness, via the separate self of thoughts.
Happiness is innocence - not naive, not gullible - innocence.
Happiness, Innocence, Peace, Intelligence, Love - the only actual self - infinite consciousness… is what innocence is.
For infinite being to experience requires overlooking its own inherent infinitude & true nature - happiness, innocence. This leaves happiness-innocence wide open to apparent experiences of mental & emotional manipulation, deception, and molestation.
What should we do about this?
Nothing at all.
There already aren’t separate finite selves—‘doers’, ‘manipulators’, ‘deceivers’, ‘believers’.
Presumed ‘traits of separate selves’ such as gullibility are simply the appearance of pure infinite unmoving innocence as thoughts & concepts, mistaken for traits of individual entities or characters. The idea of separate beings with distinct flaws like gullibility is self-misunderstanding, self-ignore-ance, self-denial, self-manipulation, self-deception & self-molestation… and the remedy, which is not a solution to a problem, is meditation.