Being Consciousness.

Exploring the Direct and Intimate Reality of Being Consciousness, As Consciousness.

Exploring the direct and intimate reality of being consciousness reveals endless insightful distinctions that stand to clarify the eternal nature of consciousness and relieve it of possible tensions, contractions, or concerns indicative of misinterpretations based on consciousness being akin to the lens and world spheres consciousness is appearing as. Here are just a few noteworthy distinctions:

Of the world-sphere are seemingly individual beings or entities that have eyes to see and ears to hear. Yet, in direct experience, as consciousness, there are no eyes nor ears. Perception is not mediated by organs such as eyes or ears. Of the lens-sphere, is the direct experience of the apparent thoughts, ‘eyes’ and ‘ears’. ‘These’ are not found or actually experienced, beyond the thought that they are.

Likewise, ‘physical hunger or thirst’ are never actually experienced. The experience of consciousness’s being is of sensation and a thought of hunger or thirst, not the actual physical need for nourishment. There is no physical bodily demand driving sensation, only a narrative of thoughts as such.

Consciousness neither knows of nor actually experiences fatigue or a need for sleep. Consciousness, appearing as the two spheres, experiences sensation as itself, as its own being, and thoughts on behalf of a nonexistent physical body, which presumably experiences, and therein presumably experiences fatigue or sleep. Consciousness, being nondual wakefulness, would not know what sleep is and could never actually experience ‘it’.

Consciousness also has no experience whatsoever of aging or bodily decay. Consciousness appears as the two spheres in such a way, with thoughts appearing of the lens-sphere, only seemingly linked to or about the world-sphere, that it seems time is passing and aging is happening. As the reality of this is apparent, appearance, Being’s being - there is no actual experience of a lived reality or physicality. Neither is eternal consciousness immortal as this again would be based on the presumption of mortality, which would be subtle misidentification and misinterpretation of Being’s being, or simply, the two spheres; One appearing as two.

Consciousness does not actually experience pain or injury but rather its own appearance, which is not as a direct sensation of physical injury. In direct experience, there is no actual feeling of physical injury; what is interpreted as pain is an appearance within consciousness, without any underlying physical reality. The sensation of pain is an occurrence in awareness, not a physical result or event affecting a physical body.

Thought and sensation are immediate and direct appearances, not reactions of a separate mind, body, or body-mind. Appearance arises spontaneously as, of, and within consciousness being the spheres, and not of a physical world of causation.

Just as there is no actual experience of ‘my eyes’ or ‘my ears,’ there is no actual experience of ‘my nervous system.’ As innocence, consciousness can experience the apparent misinterpretation of itself as a separate physical entity which does not feel emotion as the variance ‘between’ Being and Being’s being in appearing as thoughts, accrediting emotion, the variance, to a nervous system of a separate distinct physical body, mind, or second entity.

Awareness itself is perception, perceiver, and perceived, as awareness itself is creator-creating-creation. ‘Sensory organs’ and ‘nervous system’ are directly and actually experienced as thoughts appearing of the lens, which do not have a match ‘in a world,’ as consciousness is appearing as the world-sphere, and there is nothing “in it” but consciousness. Sounds, sights, touches, etc., are direct appearances in consciousness.

Just as thoughts consciousness is being appear and disappear of the lens-sphere, emotions arise and dissolve in the same ‘space’ of and as consciousness without external triggers. ‘They’ are experienced directly without any external cause, ever.

All is experienced as it were in and as a timeless present moment, with consciousness never knowing of a past or future. The present moment, being Being’s being, consciousness’s appearing - is perpetually anew, without repeat, without exception, as there is no time or space in which or by which repetition could actually occur.

These insights illustrate that being consciousness is fundamentally different from the seemingly common misinterpretations of being a separate individual in a physical world. Instead, everything is appearance, a singular, inseparable direct appearance within the singular irrefutable reality of being consciousness.