Meditation is infinitely more than just a practice for inner peace; it's self-discovery - self-realization of the truth of existence and the true nature of reality.
Meditation has absolutely nothing to do with spirituality, philosophy, existentialism, self-improvement, the development of an individual, metaphysics or epistemology - as these are conceptual abstractions - the apparent activity of thought.
Meditation is the un-obscuring of infinite consciousness of these theoretical mental constructs which are no more than personal beliefs based on the presumption One is a finite knower or understander, a separate physical self in a separate finite physical world of knowledge and understanding. Meditation is the the allowing of the dispelling & dissolving of this very illusion.
Meditation is the allowing of alignment and therein of ‘what’s wanted’, of preferences to manifest as perception - it’s the ‘getting out of your own way’.
Meditation is not about an illusory learner learning - it’s about allowing what’s actually wanted to manifest as perception.
In short, spirituality, philosophy, existentialism, self-improvement, the development of an individual separate self, metaphysics & epistemology - are knowledge… conjecture. Always heard & believed, never actually realized, as appearance is not a ‘thing’ which could be realized. Knowledge is apparent, not actual.
In accordance with nonduality (not-two) as well as direct experience, knowledge & understanding are ‘a second’. Any seemingly ‘second’ is an appearance of infinite consciousness, via infinite consciousness being the lens through which knowledge & understanding are experienced, and the world sphere appearing as, knowledge & understanding.
There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with a seemingly subjective experience of being a knower knowing, an understander which understands, an objective reality. The apparent experience is however, a dualistic veiling of that which is, nondual.
Meditation is simply & self-evidently infinitely more than ‘these’, and or any ‘other’ arising or appearing conceptual presumptions rooted in dualistic misidentification.
Before Meditation
Life seems to feel chaotic and disconnected, dominated by a sense of being at the mercy of external circumstances.
Self-referential and comparative thoughts (of comparing ‘selves’) create a falsely fragmented and competitive dualistic experience, forging a misperception of separation, obscuring the true abundant ever-present nature, effortlessness & of the true ease of reality.
Perception ‘in & of itself’ is simply & joyfully infinite being’s being, an apparent act of experiencing. Arising thoughts & interpretations as labels introduce a notion of separation which is not actually found in or to be of perception or sensation, or, reality as it truly & readily already is.
Obscuring thoughts seemingly segment the continuous flow of experience (infinite consciousness) into categories and distinctions, such as 'me' versus 'others' and 'desirable' versus 'undesirable', fabricating a divided landscape out of a fundamentally indivisible reality (infinite consciousness).
Realizations Through Meditation
The observation of appearing thoughts via meditation allows for the dispelling of beliefs and the dissolving of an illusion of duality & separation (awakening).
This non-attachment to thoughts clarifies perception, affirming the non-dual nature of reality in & as undeniable direct experience - where the observer and the observed, perceiver & perceived - are One.
After The Adoption of Meditation
Experience is revealed as perfectly cohesive and intentional. The misperception via misinterpretation(s) of experience as chaotic external events diminishes.
The reality of life is revealed as already unified and transparent, free from artificial distinctions wrought by comparative thinking & self referential thoughts. This clear seeing fosters naturally enthusiastic direct engagement with experiential reality, where any separation between creator and creation is readily ‘seen’ as illusory.
Effortlessness of Manifestation
Meditation reveals the true effortless nature of existence inherently in the 'getting out of our own way’ of un-obscuring yourself, infinite consciousness, of limiting beliefs about - infinite consciousness (reality as is). Thus meditation is an apparent means of releasing the resistance (stress, tension, contraction, dis-ease) that is ‘overthinking’ and an illusion of compulsion & impulsivity based on thought narratives of control & ensuing actions and behaviors as attempts at controlling outcomes.
Meditation aligns being & preferences, via emptying of beliefs to the contrary intentions, thus creating & allowing the very ‘space’ in which the very preferences may manifest, without the encumbering interference of an illusion of manipulation, deception or forceful efforts on behalf of an illusory separate, finite, physical self.
Through meditation, one realizes that the barriers and separations seemingly experienced of perception & sensation, are merely thought constructs of conjecture.
Perception & sensation - free of such dividing & veiling thoughts - is not only inherently & infinitely peaceful fulfillment and intrinsic alignment, but is the effortless manifesting of preferences. The practice as it were not only brings inner tranquility to the forefront, but also unveils the profound truth that you are the creator of your reality, seamlessly shaping your creation via deep intentions & beliefs.
Innocence (infinite consciousness) is already manifesting as and simultaneously overlooking the apparent nature of reality. Meditation facilitates the falling away of seemingly veiling beliefs and misunderstandings to the contrary of truth, revealing key aspects of you, infinite consciousness:
Oneness: The indivisible truth & true nature of your existence.
Timelessness: The eternal present prior to temporal distinctions (the apparent activity of thought or thinking).
Awareness: The ever-present creator by being & therein witness of - all phenomena.
Peace: The inherent tranquility of you, infinite consciousness.
Freedom: The absence of binding attachments or mistaken identities.
Meditation allows these self-aspects to be self-evident as the clutter of innocently misconceived beliefs diminish.
A Callback On Insanity & Sanity
The difference between insanity and sanity can be explained in this meditative context. Experience, when clouded by misconceived beliefs and attachments, is what insanity is - an experiential departure from the true nature of yourself - infinite & unconditional consciousness. Meditation, by clearing these veils, unfetters you, consciousness, awareness - sanity. Awareness, consciousness, is the natural, unobscured self - which is what sanity actually is.
Integrity: There Is No Substitute For Meditation
Teachers & teachings, videos, books, courses, seminars, etc - perception - experienced through the veil of misinterpretation of perception only reinforces the misunderstanding that re-sources exist, and is the overlooking of, the activity of thought.
This thought activity, which is an appearance of infinite consciousness - is the very ‘mechanism’ of - consciousness obscuring itself.
Believing in the existence and necessity of re-sources & external aids is the fundamentally obscuring aspect, clouding the direct experience of consciousness with unnecessary additional layers of conceptualization.
Meditation, by contrast, simplifies, strips away & dissolves these layers, revealing the underlying reality without intermediaries.