Emptying: The Overlooked Game Changer

Attention can drift toward adding - new ideas, skills, or patterns of thinking. But the real potency is in what remains when what doesn’t resonate falls away. This is the emptying aspect - the unfettering of experience. It’s the real game changer, the opening to the infinite - yet it’s seemingly so often entirely overlooked.

No one changes beliefs. No one becomes “better.” The notion of a “bad person” simply dissolves, and true goodness, already present, the radiant beauty you truly are - shines through. There’s no separate agent ‘fixing’ anything or anyone - only the illusion of effort. What’s happening is an unveiling, a clearing of mental debris - a release of the grip on identity.

Emptying can feel raw, like an unlayering of everything known. Every thought, story, or notion of a “me” clings and halts the flow. But behind it all, there’s a profound intelligence - not separate, but the very being in which everything unfolds.

If it feels overwhelming, it’s okay to pause. Just as the body naturally rests after exertion, so does the mind. Unfettering doesn’t demand struggle - it simply asks for surrender of what isn’t resonating or serving the betterment of experience.

Fear, insecurity, separation, and illusion are all truly the same - unreal shadows, cast by the mind. There’s no threat, no real division. The entire drama is a mirage appearing in the lens-sphere of perception. The belief in its solidity can hold tight, and this is where emptying reveals its true & infinite power. It’s not about making a separate self feel more confident or secure - it’s about seeing that “reality” itself is the fluid, shifting play of unexamined beliefs.

This emptying isn’t happening to a separate body, nor a separate somebody.

It’s the totality of being shifting and clearing itself, the whole of reality transforming.

The lens-sphere through which all arises and subsides changes, apparently, and therein - effortlessly.

Thoughts, ideas, and beliefs are like filters, coloring every encounter, every perception. But they don’t limit inherently. There are no limits here. The limitations that feel solid are only reflections of beliefs - shadows that disappear in the light of seeing.

It’s possible to fly.

It’s possible to teleport.

It’s possible for experiential reality to change instantly - without any logical or rational explanation available - or necessary - whatsoever.

Reality’s spontaneity is boundless. Consistency is an illusion - a mere artifact of linear thinking of old. The world isn’t governed by rules, only by what is, and isn’t - believed. All can change in an instant, because the so-called “rules of reality” are nothing but - appearance.

It’s not about efforting to be something or get somewhere. It’s about seeing the magic already present - the miracle of being ‘itself’. Everything as it were - every appearance, sensation, and thought - is the miracle. ’Sneaky’, defensive, projective or clinging as ‘the mind’ may seem to be - there is truly, absolutely - no exception.

All limitations are constructs of a ‘mind’ that simple, truly & self-evidently - does not exist. “They’re” just filters in the lens through which the world-sphere is viewed. To see through them is to realize the miracle is here, right now - this. Emptying clears those filters, allowing what is to shine through - unfiltered, unbound.

Reality is inherently miraculous - free of all concepts and illusory grasping. This isn’t a future event or a goal; it’s the nature of being itself, right now, as it is - already - and the emptying reveals this. The unfettering allows it to flow freely. The emptying is the revelation of revelations.

Pause and notice - what filters are still coloring the view?

There’s no one to fix or change them.

What’s ‘held’, which isn’t serving?

There’s only the emptying, the clearing, and with that - the spontaneous, boundless love that has been here all along.

That - THIS - and not even - is the miracle of being.