Creator-Creating-Creation Contemplation

Sit comfortably somewhere you will have some time to yourself without being disturbed. Put your devices aside. Slow things down with the more ‘hands on’ feeling approach of using a pen or pencil & a pad of paper or journal.

Take a few slow, deep, big breaths into your stomach, expanding your stomach fully, and exhaling slowly. Allow the body to relax as you feel the expansion of the bigger, deeper, slower breaths. Feel your muscles sink into the comfort of gravity as you do. Allow your shoulders to sink, and the muscles of your neck, face, jaw, stomach, waistline, arms, legs, hands and feet - to release & relax.

Clear your mind by bringing attention to perception & feeling. While continuing to feel the sensation of breathing & relaxing deeply, be aware of the multiplicity of colors & textures of seeing, and the varying depths in perception. Allow it to be seen that there are no actual separations in perception.

Notice the empty space of perception. Allow it to be seen that there is no separate between the array of colors and textures of perception, and the empty space of perception.

While taking a few more relaxing, deep, slow stomach breaths, bring all attention to hearing. Hear the oneness, the totality, of sound. Be aware of specific sounds, and mindfully notice there is, at the same time, no actual separation in any literal sense, found in sound.

Allow seeing, hearing, sensation & relaxation to envelope you. Listen & feel within the body. Hear the silence, feel the peace, within the body. Allow it to be as it is - that there is no separation found in direct experience. Generously allow yourself this peace of mind of being present as this moment, just as you are.

Bring to the forefront of your experience appreciation for this moment, as it is. In mindfully allowing this moment to be what it is, as it is, without condition or expectation… feel the sensation of appreciation & reverence for the simple & ordinary abundance of all which constitutes this moment as it is. Again, take a few deep slow breaths feeling sensation throughout the body as you do. Notice the abundance of seeing, hearing and feeling ever-present in this moment.

Let go of expectations, desired outcomes, thoughts of taking action, concerns of making decisions, and or of getting or obtaining anything or figuring anything out. Empty the vessel of the body-mind by imagining the feeling of it being an empty, wide open & spacious antenna for receiving, fully equipped in it’s emptiness; whole, compete & perfect in it’s ability to receive wisdom & insight from the ever-present fullness of our source.

Simply write down a question you’d like insight, clarification, guidance, support or healing with on your paper. Keep your questions relevant to you & your life.

As the answer arises from the source within, write the answer down.

Take this exercise in whatever direction you like. You might probe more deeply into a subject matter for which you desire to receive a healing, releasing, clarifying & comforting insight or message.

You might ask questions specifically oriented to guidance for the way forward in matters of your life.

You might ask for understanding & compassion for the people & events of your past.

You might ask for guidance in ways you can be a vessel of help & change for a friend, a spouse or significant other, your parents or children, your community, or for our planet.

Feel & bask in the alignment of, with & as the true nature & reality of the source of all experience.

When you feel this exercise has come to a natural completion for now, again take a few deep breaths and express sincere appreciation for this moment just as it is, and for the guidance and ever-present communion of source.