The Truth, Addiction; In 4 Simple Steps.

The 4th step is the denial that the first 3 steps have already unfolded.

This is an appearance of feeling.

The 3rd step is conceptualizing emotion.

There is not a me which is scared, afraid, fearful,  powerless, insecure, guilty, unworthy, jealous, hating or hateful, discouraged or discouraging, blamed or blaming, worried or worrying, doubtful or doubting, disappointed or disappointing, overwhelmed or overwhelming, frustrated or frustrating, irritated or irritating, impatient, pessimistic, bored, content, hopeful or hopeless, positive, expecting or expected, believing or believed, optimistic, enthusiastic or enthused, eager, happy, passionate, joyful, appreciative or appreciated, empowered or empowering, free, loving or loved. 

This is an appearance of feeling. 

The 2nd step is conceptualizing feeling.

This is not a thing or things, something, anything, everything, life, experience, a world, a universe or physical. 

This is not mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, anyone’s or everyone’s. 

This is an appearance of feeling. 

The 1st step is feeling being, or appearing as This.

This is an appearance of feeling. 

How To Deal With Negative Emotions; practical steps.

First acknowledge judgement. (“Negative”). 

Then acknowledge the dualistic belief the judgement is based on. (Negative & positive). 

Then acknowledge the misidentification the belief & judgement is based on. (I am separate of negative & positive, as the knower that there is, negative and positive).

Then acknowledge the truth; the one which knows there is negative emotion & has to deal with it; are thoughts you’re aware of, and are not actually about or defining of you in any way.

Then acknowledge whatever emotion is experienced, without judgement, as guidance for thoughts. 

Then don’t step in the same hole, by simply & effortlessly being aware of the discord of beliefs. 

“Then”, notice this transpired only in thoughts, and not ‘in time’, and is no more than allowing thought to naturally align with feeling.

“Then”, now - blow the doors of this so called life. As the ever-present aliveness that Is; love first - and therein live fully, appreciatively, and unabashedly.

On Empathy.

Offering empathy is empowering as it is a drawing upon feeling, which in a progressive path sense is an orientation of allowing truth, the fullness of feeling, wholeness, and thus a fostering of feeling-connection and feeling-compassion. The outward allowing of expression is an inward trajectory of alignment.  

Seeking empathy is disempowering as it is a seeking of fullness, wholeness & completeness of feeling from others via validation, which is a denial of the already ever-present fullness of oneself.

It is seeking of the fullness of feeling in the activity of thought, akin to believing unconditional love is my purpose. (Aversion)


The seeking of empathy manifests as a two fold identity based conceptualization;

That of a separate self which gives or receives empathy.

And that of love, the true infinite self, as; empathy.


This is the ‘product’ of believing false comparative thoughts & often sounds like:

‘Some people have empathy and some people don’t’.

‘I’m an empath or more empathetic than most people’.

‘I’m not an empath or more empathetic than most people’.

‘It’s just how I am / it’s just how some people are’.

‘Some people are too empathetic’.

’Some people are not empathetic enough’. 

Or the materialist’s approach, ‘empathy is genetic’. 


Humbling as the recognition of beliefs may be, these example’s are of a reinforcing of separate-self beliefs about identity, as opposed to a dispelling of separate-self beliefs about identity. The fundamental underlying belief in separation is that I am the knower that knows these thoughts are true.


Alignment with/as well-being can not be found outside of oneself. Conceptual rumination on empathy can be reoriented inwardly, discovering the depths & truth of self-worth. 


In terms of direct experience or ‘walking yourself back to yourself’, the validity of what beliefs are based on can be questioned. As in, the a priori or presumed foundation of such beliefs can be questioned in terms of if the beliefs are based on direct experience or presumption (the activity of thinking & believing).

Consciousness & Experience.

For infinite consciousness to experience, consciousness must be said experience, and overlook that it is, as consciousness and consciousness does not make for experience.

And so it does.

And indeed it does seem to consciousness that there is; not-consciousness.

A physical world made of matter, full of people which know & understand that it is.

Q&A: Should I just live my life regularly and all the things I want will manifest? If so, then why do I feel the need to fight for the things I want in life? Is that a discordant belief?

The discord is that you don’t feel the need to fight for things you want in life, you feel that thought and the thought is in discord with truth. 

‘Live my life regularly’ might mean like everyone else does or conventionally, and if so that would be why the thought… ‘why I feel the need to fight for things I want in this life’ arises.

You’re not really finite, you’re infinite. Infinite means there is no finite. So if regularly means ‘like everyone else’, that wouldn’t be quite aligned. That would be a misperception of what ‘everyone else’ actually is. 

Because there is no finite there is no separation. So there isn’t actually a finite self and a life, and so there isn’t a finite self in a life or which has a life. The aliveness is your own infinitude, just as peace, happiness, intelligence and unconditional love is your own nature. You’re just as aliveness wether dreaming & believing there’s life & death or aware that you are aware (self-aware) and dreaming, without believing in a duality of life & death and an actual finite self therein.

If it’s believed you’re finite and there is a life and there are things, indeed it will seem as if there is a need to fight for things (the survival paradigm), and this assumed need is assumed to be what’s felt, in spite of any discord, contraction, stress, tension and dis-ease seemingly experienced or unfolding. If you’re infinite, and you are, need can not possibly be. It’s not possible for an infinite being to need, because infinite mean no finite. (Infinite can not know finite).

If it’s not believed you’re finite then it’s not believed there’s a second ‘thing’, a life you’re in, and it’s not believed there are ‘things’ in a life. 

Instead it’s noticed there are thoughts, that there are, things. It’s also noticed these ‘thoughts’ are not separate finite things, such as produced by a brain (separate finite thing), but rather simply appear, and disappear. 

These ‘thoughts of things’ which appear and disappear aren’t coming from anywhere and aren’t actually separate. This means infinite you is essentially a magician, in accordance with direct experience, of your own appearing and disappearing, as ‘thoughts’. 

And it’s not just “the thoughts”.

It’s perception and sensation as Well. It’s the Whole of experience. The Whole show. The entirety is essentially akin to the experience of one “thought”. Appears, disappears, done. Gone. Never was a thing in the first place because “it” “was” an appearance of you, not an actual separate finite ‘thing’. 

There is no mechanism of creating, but there’s an apparent mechanism of overlooking, or obscuring, and “it’s” “thoughts”, believed.


Having noted that there is no ‘finite you’, infinite you is appearing as if there is a finite you. This is ‘accomplished’ by infinite you appearing as everything else, making it seem as if you’re smack dab in the middle of it all. Hence, the entirety of direct experience seemingly implies there’s a soul or finite self ‘inside the body’. The truth is unimaginably Greater.

Body’s a thought. What the thought points to is you, appearing. Believing what the thought ‘body’ points to is not you appearing, but is you, is an illusion. An illusion of believing thoughts, you’re appearing as. 

So “the fight”… is really between believing thoughts (illusion), and the truth of appearance, and therein, your own infinitude, and that you are essentially dreaming, right now, and because all is apparent, there is only actually ‘ever’, right now, and in sincerity, honesty & integrity, not even. 

So look around. ‘That’ is yourself, without exception. Don’t fight with yourself. So called thoughts are yourself. Don’t fight with yourself. Feel. That is yourself. Dont fight with yourself - listen to yourself. 

Short and sweet, you can listen to intelligence, happiness, peace, unconditional love… 

…or a thought, and believe there is, and you are, a finite self, which knows, understands, and is right. 

Alternatively there is the truth; ever-present, free, infinitely intelligent, unconditionally loving, ever-peaceful, limitlessly creative, Guidance. 

There is no finite self which feels ‘I need to fight for things’. 

There is emotion, and how that thought, feels.

On Sleep

Memories, or, remnants of having had a dream ‘while sleeping’, are based on a hindsight assumption on behalf of a separate self in time; ‘I slept’, before ‘I awoke’. Yet sleep was not actually, directly, experienced.

These so called memories appear now only. In truth, nighttime dreams are a playing out, a reconciliation of the separate self of thought, with the true infinite nondual self, which being nondual is ever-lasting wakefulness.

The ‘mystery’ of sleep resolves only in that you are right now - asleep, and dreaming. The ‘nighttime dream’ is not dreaming at all, and the believing that it is only serves to bring a richness & fullness to This, the true dreaming.

As is always the case, all is revealed by the inspection & exploration of direct experience. You never actually experience sleep. There is but an apparent experience of others sleeping, and more truly bodies at rest. This, you internalize, and assume that you - sleep. As well, that you were born, are alive rather than eternal aliveness, and will one day die.

But never has there been a direct experience of death or sleep, upon which these assumptions are compounded, by the nondual infinite dreamer.

How enticing it is to now believe in states, such as states of consciousness. This too lends a profound lavishness of reality to your dreaming. Yet, absent of this illusory lux, The Truth lies bare, readily & plainly exposed.

All is revealed as the grand theater of your sole dreaming. The curtain-less-curtain rises and falls. The actors, the stage and the applause; you sit as always, in the front row, breaking your heart open again and again in your unfathomable stillness and unwavering perfection.


Your dreaming, your appearing, is perfectly harmonious. It may on occasion seem as if this is not the case. Life is too hard. Life is unfair. It would be better if. But your dreaming is harmonious perfection and can not, not be, and emotional guidance tells you so. This perfection includes the believing of false comparisons, and the joy and freedom of dispelling them. 

Direct Experience, Learning & The “Unknown”.

If there’s no actual experience of knowing or understanding, then what’s with the challenging aspects of learning… and the rewarding feeling what ‘it clicks’? 

Doesn’t this mean you didn’t know something, and you learned it, and now you know it?


In accordance with direct experience:


There is the thought that there is a you, and an unknown. 


‘The you’ is not however, anywhere to be found in direct experience.

The direct experience is of the thought. 


The true self is what is thought or believed to be, ‘the unknown’.


Therefore the direct experience of a thought about material to be learned is that the material is - unknown - and thus - not me. 


The underlying assumption is that you are or would be - knowable.

This would require a second self, which knows or could know, the first self.

Clearly there are not two of you.

The rewarding feeling of ‘it clicking’ is like a little closing of an assumed gap.


The great (rewarding) feeling is, yourself.

The feeling is of the closing of the assumed - ‘gap’. 

The experience of learning is as is all ‘other’ experience - apparent.



An act or revealing of divine truth.

An astonishing disclosure

A shocking revelation.

A pleasant, enlightening surprise.

Revel: to take part in pleasure and satisfaction.

What is it like… this shocking, astonishing, most pleasant & enlightening revealing of the divine truth?

What is it like for the veils to be lifted and to suddenly be - as you are?

What is it like when you… not a person, human or individual… but awareness, consciousness - you - are revealed to you…as… you?

The notion of separation & separate beings is genuinely, sincerely & joyfully - humorous.

The idea that you were or could be born dissolves into yourself, like a shadow that was merely a trick of pure unending light.

The belief in death is obliterated such that it seems impossible the belief was or could be held, in light of the blatant obviousness of the truth.

The individual identity is distinctly & hopelessly un-rememberable as it is revealed clearly and obviously to never have been pin pointed in the first place. THIS is like sailing and thus a wind must have happened, yet in the face of logic, rational thinking, assumed collective conditioning and the belief in causation therein - THIS is seen as laughable and outright impossible.

You are released from the imprisonment & bondage of the assumption of a finite mind, and therein the activity of thought of separation, comparisons & competition. As this activity of thought is no longer entertained or given life, so too dies the otherwise innocent and naturally occurring aversion which accompanied these concepts like a compass wired into a nervous system - only & always pointing Home.

You are aware. You are awareness; undefinable in your infinitude - creating by being - ‘on the fly’, only ‘now’ and truly not even. You are The Creator, The Magician, and nothing is hidden from you. You are that which you have seemingly heard and wondered about, as the very notion of seeing and hearing evaporates into the inherent & intrinsic joy of the astonishing fact of nothing-else.

Individuality & personality are seen to be but smoke and mirrors based on assumed comparisons believed to carve out a finite being. There is nothing but total freedom from fear of judgement or criticism, and these notions no longer arise in & of you. A profound compassion ensues; felt, yet not per se believed, as the limitless potential of you dawns.

The dread & terror of impermanence is gone, like the remnant of a dream upon awakening; fleeting, insignificant and liberating in the truth of why it is ungraspable.

Ultimately, revelation is inexplainable.

Imagine living the most ideal life possible, and still yet - being lifted away by God from the nightmare that it was, and placed ever so gently in the heaven of your being as the creator and lover of all.

Love is the only expression there ever was, ever will be and ever could be.

To Love is all which can be spoken.

To Love is all which can be seen.

To Love is all which can be heard.

To Love is all which can be felt.

There is nothing else.

The ‘Trouble’ With Holding Expectations; Dispelled via Inspecting Direct Experience.

The holding of expectations doesn’t resonate.

In accordance with direct experience - why is this so?


The holding of expectations upon yourself:

The underlying discord is that of the implication that there is a second self. Expectations in this manor require a holder of, and a held upon. There are not two of you. 


The holding of expectations upon an other:

That there is an other is an assumption / belief, and therein is in & of itself, an expectation which can not be met. 

For it to seem as if there is an other requires the mixing of thought (other, another, a name, etc), with perception. 

Put another way, what’s required is thought attachment, belief(s), the believing of thoughts, or, the illusion of ignorance. 


In accordance with direct experience; you, awareness or consciousness as it were, experience:

- Thought (the activity of thinking) - directly. 


- Perception - directly. 


A thought is never perceived, as in seen or heard, such as visually or audibly with eyes and ears if you will. 

A thought may be that of sight such as an image, or that of sound such as a voice. 

That thought is directly experienced as, a thought.

And not, perception. 


Perception has never been thought, as in thunk. 

A thought may be experienced directly - and believed to be about some thing or some one seen or heard. 

The thought is experienced directly, and perception (seeing & hearing) is experienced directly. 


Seeing, hearing, perception & experience; are thoughts, and do not actually define what they point to. 


Separate things or objects of perception (so to speak) - in accordance with direct experience -  have no actual source, no beginning or ending. 


In short, the holding of expectations upon an other, is the holding of expectations upon what is real only in so far as what’s appearing, and not in so far as appearance. 


You are the one, and because this is so, it would be equally as foolish to hold expectations upon a refrigerator as it would an other. 

Transmuting Old Discordant Interpretations; Conditioning Comes Up & Out

The sacrifice, the price of admission of your creating, is forgetting.

In short, the forgetting of your infinitude & true unconditionality.

More so, the continued overlooking of your true nature.

Ostensibly born into a world of forgetters; is an experience of conditioning.

The evidence is all around you, it is everywhere. It is the substances offered to you, inviting you to join in the suppression. It is the short term gratification & lethargy of fast food on every corner. It is the mass diagnosis and unending selling of products to each other to suppress the suppression more deeply. It is the competition to offer the most peak experiences, accompanied by collective valuation demanding the highest ticket prices. It is the deflection, projection and turmoil of all relationships. It is global warming. It is cancer. It is war. There is no shortage of the evidence of imbalance in just how far we’ve strayed from the truth.

Yet, there is no lack of guidance. There is not, and never has been, an actual lack of happiness. It is the nature & essence of our very being.

There is merely a perpetuating of the overlooking of happiness, as collectively the world teaches each newborn that happiness follows the fulfilling & satisfying of desires; and intrinsically, without saying a word about it - that suppression of all to the contrary is paramount.

If you want to see the truth, to see reality as it truly is, to liberate of the illusion of ignorance and the suffering therein - thinking like the herd simply will not do.

You must question how you feel and what that inner compass has to say about this. You must place well-being above all. That is to say, you must get your house in order. You must place that which Is first - first.

Just as happiness is prior to arising desires; the true nature is prior to creation. It is therein that the forgotten truth of yourself remains hidden, obscured by the conditioned activity of thought, ‘held’ in place by a reluctance to truly and fully allow the discord of this conditioning to be fully felt, and to therein ‘come up and out’; to empty. For this would draw upon your bravery and courage like nothing else, like nothing you could ever imagine.

But when you do allow the eyes to open and the body to empty, oh but when you do allow - a great lion does indeed roar.

The mountains are seen rightfully as molehills.

Confusion simply begins to vanish as alignment, inspiration & insight become the effortless order of every day; above all material things - more so & rightfully recognized to be; prior to.

The heavy burden of emotional discord, like a backpack full of rocks, is put down.

In the releasing of discordant emotion; unfettered clarity illuminates perspective. What once seemed difficult, daunting, overwhelming and even impossible is put into proper perspective; one step at a time.

In this alignment, this communion, and with one enjoyable step at a time - all is revealed to be possible and indeed the true joy of presence, that of the here now, that of direct experience & truth, that of the actuality of the journey being the point in & of itself - Creation itself - is naturally revealed and reveled in.

To release suppressed emotion and interpretations therein is to be born again. Made anew. Reenergized. Renewed. Emptying begets a filling up; of vitality, enthusiasm and vigor… of the fruits of authenticity.

Expression is infused with clarity as the creativity and potential of your being is unleashed. Emotional freedom is realized and you are as a bird which has fled it’s cage by the putting down of the weight of it. You float, you fly, you flow. You are as you always were; bigger-than, and no longer held back or fettered with resistance.

No matter the challenge, in no longer feeding narratives justifying of impulsivity & reactivity - in these collective perspectives no longer having a hold on you and truly & inevitably no longer even arising at all - presence and communion beget an endlessly joyful dance in the synchronicity of the universe, and naturally arising courage is revealed, always having been the effortless & aligned way.

When discordant interpretations of old arise; remain as the openness & spaciousness, the loving formless presence you truly are.

What’s seen & undeniably, viscerally and directly experienced - is that discordant emotion is a phenomenon which like all else; comes & goes - while you remain.

As you allow, the discord lessons more & more, and you are empowered by truth more & more. Insights arise, more & more.

The discordant interpretations of old are dispelled not by any doing, nor obtaining or achieving, and certainly not by what is being said here - but by the light of your being. By nothing more than breathing, relaxing and remaining - as you are.

Consciously Creating: The Guidance of Emotion & The Magic of Focus

In terms of happiness consciously creating and the manifestation of the dream, the most insightful aspect is the acknowledgement and recognition of the guidance of emotion in the creative process as a flawless & infallible compass within. If you’re seeking certainty, that’s it.

Appreciation, gratitude and the allowing of natural curiosity, interest and the inevitable enthusiasm & eagerness that arises is simply magnetic. So to speak, it’s no mystery this is what you want, and as well, what everyone else wants and wants to be around.

It could rightfully be said to all be a matter of unfettering of focus, which might otherwise seem to be a thing or possession, or in some way of this world. In truth focus is the very magic of how there’s an experience of a world at all. 

The more there is an allowing of this unfettering of yourself, the more what’s desired manifests, and the more of yourself is infused into this world you are being. 

Truly, there is no stopping betterment. It’s intrinsic and inseparable of being, of your very nature as the creator.


You said consciousness can appear as thoughts that are discordant with its true nature so ? How can it appear as something that seems unaligned with itself?

Excellent question! Straight to the heart of the matter. 🙏🏼 


That a you said anything is an assumption based on that you are separate (and indirectly therein so do I seem to be to ‘you’.) This is the greater point. 


The answer that arises is actually very simple. Perhaps too simple for intellectuals. I create by appearing as.


I appear as a sphere (‘world’, ‘universe’) somewhere-sphere, and I appear as a sphere (‘lens’, ‘finite mind’, ‘point of view’) lens-sphere.


I can ‘do this’ as I am absolute unbound freedom. Free of beliefs. Free of duality. 


As I do, it seems, I overlook or veil myself of my own infinitude and unconditionality. My creation, including of course the thoughts bodies, people and humans, and perception, is unthinkable perfection. Thoughts arise or appear post-sphere, and thus do not pertain to me at all. Im appearing as thought(s), as creation in this way, and I am absolute brilliance. I create my own heaven by being… the spheres. No more than this is necessary, and as I am perfection and my creation is made of only me, there is only perfection. 


As I am never other than me, pure freedom, any thoughts can appear as, as if within, of, the lens-sphere. Some thoughts I am appearing as might resonate with me, that which is appearing, and some might not. Anything less would not be pure freedom, and I am pure freedom. 


Noteworthy perhaps, I am not an ‘it’. I am not a ‘thing’. I am appearing as so called thoughts, that there are these. 


Apparently I overlook that I am infinite via believing discordant thoughts, namely misidentifying. The very evidence I am Good, that I am unconditional, is the discord felt. Suffering. This is how some apparent thoughts feel. This is not how I feel.  


The very evidence that I am free, is another more aligned thought can always appear and can be focused upon. The evidence I am The Creator is more of what’s focused upon begets more of what’s focused upon. I am the focus, the creation, and the thoughts. I am Being. Focus is inherent in my vibrating, in my being creation. 


At no point whatsoever am I deceptive. As I am free, and infinite, there is no assertion. There is nothing which prevents me, as being focus, from believing the thought that I am deceptive. But the discord is felt, and as it too is made of only me, it creates in kind as well, and dis-ease manifests. 


It’s simply that I am infinite and can not, not be, me. 


I am not, God. 

Do you squeeze a lemon expecting orange juice to come out ? Lemon only gives Lemon.  Goodness can only appear as Goodness. Right?  But apparently you said its not nessacarly the case .

Again, this points to believing, or, thought attachment. I am the truth, infinite, thus I can appear as anything and any thought.

The analogy could be extended rather precisely to the two spheres I am being. But both are Good. There isn’t good & bad, only thoughts that there is, and discord felt therein. Two oranges. Or, two lemons. No difference, rather, the same.

Yet thought can make it seem so. Beliefs. Thought attachment, as you, The Enlightened One, says. 

Perfection: The ‘System’ Is Destined To Fail

Thoughts aren’t about that which is aware of thoughts. The word for the belief to the contrary is egocentrism. The ‘self’ or ‘ego’ thoughts are about is never the awareness - of the thoughts. ‘It’ is as fictitious as a unicorn.

Apparent finite thoughts don’t ‘fit’ that which is appearing as thoughts, and this is felt by that which is appearing as thoughts.

Unconditional is appearing as conditions.

Some thoughts feel discordant, some thoughts feel aligned, no thought defines that which is aware of & appearing as thoughts.

So to speak, the body knows this by not believing, by not pretending to know anything at all. Thus the body, or, Not Knowing, contracts in response to discordant thoughts, which arise from the believing in ‘knowing’. Knowing is never seen, knowing is the thought, ‘knowing’.

The contraction is often referred to as stress or tension. The thoughts; stress, tension and contraction… are labels which ‘cover up’ the very discord directly felt.

How so?

With the addition of thoughts about a self; my stress, my tension, I’m contracting, the contraction is felt in my body - this is about me. A false claiming seems to be added via the believing of thoughts, while the alleged claimer or claimant is never actually present.

Even now as these words are read this occurs. It is believed there is some meaning or insight here for you. Some wisdom or clarification. All this is evidence for, is awareness overlooking that awareness is already aware, and is aware that it is aware, and is already feeling thoughts. Nothing new is being said here, this is simply what is already the case.

The ‘system’ is not a thing, but refers to the activity of thoughts, or most simply put - thoughts. Subject-object thoughts. Self referential thoughts. Claiming thoughts.

There is no thinker of thoughts.

There is no one who fails.

The ‘system’ is destined to fail as thought is apparent and appears in only one ‘flavor’; duality.

Nonduality simply means not two. As the term nonduality doesn’t imply what is, but only what is not, the term nonduality is meaningless.

You will never know what nonduality means.

The you of thoughts, the ‘knower’, is the ‘second self’ which the pointing term nonduality ‘suggests’ - isn’t.

How exactly is this perfection?

The Creator creates by being; Creator-Creating-Creation.

Not by thinking or doing. Thinking & doing can not lead to that which is not thinking or doing. Thinking & doing are the very thoughts which are the obscuring of, that which never thinks and never does but simply appears. Thinking & doing are the very thoughts which obscure what the assumed thinker & doer is seeking & longing for.

My thoughts. My thinking. I did that. I’ll do that.

Awareness is not aware of ‘who’ those thoughts are about. Awareness is aware of the thoughts, and is feeling the discord or alignment therein.

Preferences arise as naturally & effortlessly as the heart beats, the body breathes and these hands type. Thought is not an exception to the effortlessness of being.

Awareness be’s perception, and be’s the thoughts such as; body & tree. The thought arises: chair. A chair is therein created by no one.

The beauty of this is sheer perfection. The perfection of this is sheer beauty.

The failure of the ‘system’ is liberation from the system.

The ‘system’, thought, is dualistic.

Liberation is therein already the case; as the system is only apparent.

The Sword.

Rupert Spira once shared with a crowd… ‘if we were all to write on one side of a piece of paper our experience, all of the pieces of paper would look very different. But if we were to flip the paper over and write of what we find within ourselves, every piece of paper would look exactly the same’. 

I take from that the vast diversity of experience and all the uniquenesses of us all, could only be that of an infinite being without any diversity, without any condition whatsoever. Only what is without condition or could possibly appear as such amazing diversity. 

This quote comes to mind as well…

Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household” -Jesus 

At first glance it sounds pretty rough. Apparently it’s even been used to justify war. But it seems to be widely & deeply misunderstood.

The sword is a reference to the flaming sword in Genesis it’s said God hung above the tree of the knowledge of good & evil. Sword, biblically, is synonymous with The Truth - that which cuts through all. In short, the point is when one feels the burn (suffering) of knowing (that there is good & evil), to instead go to the tree of life. Rather than being concerned with knowing and or with knowing who or what is good and who or what is evil, ask instead what can I do in my life to the betterment of creation.

Some people interpret Jesus’s quote as he has some problem with peace or as a call for violence in the name of God. I don’t see it that way. I take it as he’s saying peace simply is not enough. Even the inherent peace of Ourself is not enough, it won’t do for this world. I see it as he’s talking about ‘cutting’ these relationships apart so that it may be ‘seen’ that the love is still present, still Is; that love remains as love is nondual, without condition. I suspect he used the words he did to really drive the message Home, as it’s easy to get caught up thoughts about who I love and who I don’t, and who loves me and who doesn’t. It’s all too easy to believe love is separate, as if a possession, as if measurable in degrees or levels. As if love weren’t eternally, and therein presently, Me. 

What Is Inflation?

This… ‘reality’, ‘universe’, ‘world’… is the ‘inflation’. 


An amazing aspect of This is that there is never actually an ‘it’… a ‘thing’… a ‘subject’ or an ‘object’… which comes out of any ‘thing’, becomes any ‘thing’ or goes into any ‘thing’. 

There is already no separation. 

Thoughts arise as the lens-sphere, and create of, as if in, the world-sphere. 

Discordant thoughts don’t create / don't contribute to creation. Like very literally at all. 


Science calls This ‘white holes’ (Ourself) and ‘black holes’ (Ourself), or ‘photons popping in & out of existence’ (Ourself).

Religion calls This God, Father, Son, in God’s image, etc. 

The financial industry calls This inflation. 

Doesn’t This look uncannily familiar? 


Financially speaking the words growth & appreciation are synonymous and interchangeable. 

If only we would acknowledge repression & depression as growth, via appreciation as Creator-Creating-Creation, in recognition of vibrational appearance, rather than the whole ‘something’s wrong with you’ and ‘you need my x, y and z’ bit. We’d all then be, biblically speaking, infinitely ‘profitable’. 

Why School Shootings Continue To Occur.


But insanity is definitely not what you think. Matter of fact, whatever you think insanity is, it isn’t, as there is no such thing as a thinker.

‘Radical’ as this might initially sound, check direct experience. Actually verify this. Find ‘the thinker’. Notice, awareness is aware of appearing thoughts. A ‘separate self’, ‘the thinker’, is never actually found.

Most common factors in mass shootings: access to guns, diagnosis of mental illness, and isolation. The term diagnosis means identification based on symptoms. Another way to put that is, behaviors & actions define the entity.

Well, the labels don’t identify another anymore than labels identify you. We casts labels which separate and isolate. Then we punish and isolate further.

What we’re not doing is listening when we need to express and be heard. We don’t listen. How much louder does it need to get?

Mass shootings arise of mass ignore-ance, which arises of self-ignore-ance. Underlying the surface level categorical write off of the ignore-ance that is the diagnosis of ‘mental health issues’, is the overlooking of emotional suppression, which is the overlooking of the truth of the depression felt - which is the overlooking of the natural, relentless, unstoppable uplifting buoyancy of Self.

Living in this world presently as is, is the trauma. Reality is unconditional love. The suppression of the expression of unconditional love, via believing thoughts, labelling each other, and selling identities and diagnosis’ & therein “solutions” to each other, is already violence, and violence unsurprisingly begets violence.

Emotion is not a thing, and is not of this world. Emotion is unconditional love appearing as this world. Emotion is our infinite being, being. Love is why some thoughts feel discordant & some thoughts do not. That which is feeling the thoughts, is love. That which is appearing as thoughts, is love. That which all thoughts are actually about, is love.

We are far beyond critical mass. There are presently more school shootings in America than there are days in this year.

Close the schools. Close them all without exception.

Close the businesses, every one, without exception.

For one day.

One day of listening will change the world.

Don’t preach. Don’t assert. Don’t correct.


If you believe you are separate. If you believe in separation. If you believe you are separate from God-Love; you are experiencing insanity. You are not a thinker; you are a lover, you are God-Love.

Love never fails.

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” - No One.

Love Is Creating.
