The Great Misinterpretation

In my seeking I read The Bible many times, and visited many churches. I experienced the intimate sermons of small, quaint chapels, as well as the thunderous productions of many a mega-church. I enjoyed & appreciated them all. Yet oddly, to this day I’ve not come across a single parishioner who is without the all to common misinterpretation of arguably the most significant, precedent setting passage of The Bible.

From Genesis 2:17:

The Lord God commanded, “You may eat the fruit from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat the fruit from the tree which gives knowledge of good and evil, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die”.

As is the inevitable fate of every seeker, my seeking came to an end, and I’m here to tell ya - death is a belief, as is the knowledge of good & evil.

In accordance with the passage, God did not say “if you eat from a tree”, nor “any tree”, nor even “your neighbor’s tree”. God said “the tree which gives knowledge of good & evil”.

God also did not say “at some point in the future, you will surely die”. God said “in the day”.


What’s the big deal about “the knowledge of good & evil”?

What does “in the day” mean?

Contrary to a most unfortunate prevailing popular contemporary misinterpretation, neither Adam nor Eve, physically speaking, died that day. Adam went on to live to the ripe old age of 930.

Perhaps more so, what does this have to do with death being a belief?

Good and evil, is a belief.

Goodness is not dualistic, Goodness is nondual.

The belief that there is good & evil, and that you are the knower of this - is the ignore-ance of how the very thoughts, the belief - feels.

Good and evil is the believing of thoughts. The thoughts feel discordant to, the Goodness you eternally are.

Thoughts appear in just one ‘flavor’; duality. This, and that. Up, and down. Right, and left. Me, and you. Self, and other. Life… and death.

Why is this so?

This is so because The Infinite One - that there may be experience - appears as; Two.

Twoness is apparent.

One of the more interesting & fun philosophical existential questions one can ponder or a group can discuss is - what is the ego.

Recently, compliments of a friend from the forum, I heard the best suggested definition of that which is truly nonexistant and therefore truly undefinable - the ‘ego’. He said, “the ego is that which can’t accept the truth, because the truth is too good to be true”.

To “eat from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil” is not to simply be a passer by or a passive unengaged onlooker of the tree. To eat from is to put it in yourself.

Knowledge, like all experience, is apparent. To assume that which is apparent, is not apparent, is to believe that which is apparent, is separate. To believe there is separation, is to believe the thoughts; this, and that, up, and down, left, and right - Me, and you.

God-Love is infinite, infinite means ‘no finite’. The idea, thought or belief about God is the “idol”. A finite apparent image. God is infinite.

Knowledge, thoughts… appear; and are not separate. The more relevant implication here is that in ‘holding’ knowledge to be separate - you are believing that you - are separate. Only of the believing of thoughts does it seem that you yourself, the very infinite awareness aware, are ‘a separate self’.

As shared in A Course In Miracles; “Separation never occurred”.

To eat from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil is to believe that you know that there is, good & evil. That is, it’s to believe you are ‘the separate self’ - “the knower” (or “understander”) - of God, which Is, Infinite.

Awareness is appearing as knowledge. Or we might say, knowledge is of the apparent world which is Awareness being.

To believe one is “the knower”, “the understander”, is delusion. Insanity. Suffering. Vanity of the finite mind. Pride. Utter denial of one’s own direct & actual experience via the overlooking of Oneself. The refuting of the unconditional Truth… which is the entire point of The Bible, and every word Jesus shared.

In accordance with direct experience; thoughts appear. Thoughts are not things. Thoughts are never ‘in’ perception. Never seen. Thoughts, appear. Good and evil are not ‘in’ perception. Are never actually observed, witnessed or seen… only believed, or not believed.

This is heaven.

This is “it” - already.

When you ‘eat from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil’, you ‘cast yourself out of heaven’, simply by overlooking reality.

Infinite Goodness. Infinite Godness. Indivisible Self.

There is not a heaven & hell which upon your death, God will judge you and send you to for eternity.

You are that which is eternal.

This is your creation, which you are being.

Heaven & hell, life & death, good & evil; are thoughts.


Feeling tells ‘you’ so, with every occurrence of every discordant thought, every judgmental thought - flawlessly and without exception and without fail - feeling leads.

There is truly only to Listen.

Jesus would sometimes say, “let God be the judge”.

What did Jesus know that you did not?


What do you believe you know, that Jesus did not believe?


That there is a heaven & hell, good & evil, life & death.

That God is not infinite, not unconditional - and like people, judges.

This is far from the truth, and the evidence is how the ignorance & judgment feels. The evidence of infinite unconditional love, Self - is the suffering of how beliefs to the contrary feel.

All there is, is infinite, eternal, unconditional love. That which Is, is All That Is, and could not, would not, never has and never will; know judgement, as infinite can not, and will not ever know - “finite”.

Should you find yourself as it were, in this predicament, caught up in this misinterpretation handed down from generation to generation for two thousand years… God spoke of another tree; the tree of life.

In fact, it is said, God hung a flaming sword above the tree of the knowledge of good & evil, pointing to the tree of life. Of everlasting Life. Of Aliveness.

Of this, now, as is. Without judgement.

Go to that tree; the tree of (your) life.

Relinquish judgement; be done with it. When you feel the burn of the sword, of The Truth; go instead to your life… and create.

Be the creator creating in your creation as you intended to. Leave the judgment to God, lest ye cast yourself from this heaven needlessly.

The Great Feeling.

The great feeling is not coming from anywhere, anything, or anyone. It can’t be thought or believed, it can’t be understood or known. It is never expected or suspected. It never started and will never end. It’s nameless, faceless, timeless & placeless. It’s within to be discovered. It’s present now and always.


The point of life is not spirituality. The point of spirituality is life. Laugh more. Enjoy more. Forgive & apologize more readily, freely, swiftly, and without delay. Love more. Be more kind, patient and compassionate. Test those boundaries, push that envelope. Allow more.


Everything of this world… the more you give, the less you have. But love is not of this world; this world is of love. You are not in this world, in spite of all appearances, measurements & logic. In spite of all science & religion and what anyone says or believes, truly, you are not in this world, this world is within you. 

Love Is Itself.

Love does not know itself.

For love is being the knowing too.

Love knows nothing of itself; love is itself. 


Thoughts appear; judgement, or perhaps resentment. 

Yet the substance never changes. 

Love knows no entity; love is itself. 

Thought arises;

As creation. 

For creating.

Love knows no place.

Love knows no other.

Love is itself. 

Thoughts arise; 

How can I feel this wonderful love? 

How can I get to this beautiful love? 

How can I attain this sacred unconditional love?

Love knows neither time nor space. 

Love is neither here nor there, now nor then.

Love is itself. 

Identity: The Reality of War, Violence, Harm, Peace & Love

There aren’t good & bad people.

There isn’t good & evil.

There isn’t right & wrong.

There isn’t higher & lower.

There isn’t self & other.

There isn’t us & them.

There isn’t me & you.

There is a most innocent experience of ignorance, and of a delusion of incompleteness & unwholeness, by only the believing of thoughts.

Thoughts which inherently don’t resonate, and therein dis-ease is felt.

Thoughts which create discord & disharmony within the body.

Discord, disharmony and dis-ease which is justified & rationalized as, by, appearing thoughts; in the ignore-ance of the discord, which is already the perpetuation of disease, and of conditioning, and of creating war, violence & harm.

The war without, is the war within.

Thoughts which are believed to feel discordant because they’re true, feel discordant precisely because you are the Truth, and thoughts are, in accordance with direct experience, appearance.

There is one infinite & eternal self, being ‘reality’, ‘the universe’; and therein forgetting it’s own - your own - true nature & infinitude.

You are the creator.

You are the peace.

You are the love.

There is an experience of conditioning via conjecture. Conjecture which arose of, which is, suppression. An experience of believing thoughts and identifying as a person, a human, a limited, believedly ‘real’; “separate self”.

I, me, my, mine.

Yours, you.

Ours, us, them.

These are thoughts.

Fleeting appearance.

Inherent perfection of being, of creator-creating-creation.

Like the thought ‘unicorn’, these thoughts of selves have no actuality in this apparent universe, which you are being.

These thoughts, these beliefs, are not the actuality of perception, nor of sensation. These thoughts are not the actuality of reality, which is self.

These thoughts are attachment to an idea of a separate limited self, a self-conceptualization, via only the believing of thoughts and the suppression of the Truth which ‘tells us so’.

Teachers & students.

Leaders & followers.

Content creators & subscribers.

Every act of violence & harm is first the overlooking of the truth of self.

Peace is self; inherent, the eternal given, the unhidden, the non-secret, the Truth. This.

Peace can never be created because it is already the case.

War, violence & harm are created.

Love never fails.

“The day is coming when a single carrot, freshly observed, will set off a revolution.” Paul Cezanne

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” Confucius.

The Reality of Consciousness Being Infinite


Extending indefinitely: endless. 

Immeasurably & inconceivably great or extensive : inexhaustible, i.e. infinite patience. 

Subject to no limitation or external determination.

Having no boundaries or limits; impossible to measure or calculate: incalculable.

Immeasurably great or large; boundless.


Consciousness is not a finite thing, consciousness is infinite. 

Consciousness, being infinite, would never know what a “thing” is, such as an “unconscious” or “unconsciousness” - because consciousness is, infinite.

For consciousness, being infinite, there is not “this other thing”; “knowing”.

Consciousness, being infinite - is; Being.

Infinite, Being.  


Consciousness, being infinite, is inherently; unconditional. 

Any and all “conditions” would seem to be; an “other thing”. 


Consciousness, being infinite - would not, could not, cannot & does not “know”; “finite”. 

This is not a limitation of consciousness, this is the reality of infinite consciousness. 


But this doesn’t mean infinite consciousness can’t believe the so called “thoughts” - infinite consciousness is appearing - as.


In believing conceptualizations (‘thoughts’) of itself, which infinite consciousness is appearing as, consciousness can believe that itself, infinite consciousness… is a ‘finite self’.


Therein, infinite consciousness can believe that there are ‘finite selves’, possessing ‘finite consciousnesses’, on a ‘spectrum’ ranging from infinitely conscious or infinite consciousness… to…  infinitely unconscious, or, infinite unconsciousness. 

This is the materialist’s paradigm; the unrecognizable freedom. 



Another word for consciousness is; happiness. 

Therein; happiness veils itself, of the nature of itself (infinite), with the activity of itself (thinking, conceptualizing) about - itself. 


All the while remaining, infinite;

Endless, immeasurable, inconceivable, inexhaustible, infinite patience, limitless, boundless, incalculable. 

Enlightenment, Self-Realization, Liberation is for every one.

Enlightenment is available to every one. 

Paradoxically, it can take time. 

It can require letting go of what doesn’t resonate; of thoughts & beliefs that don’t feel good; that never felt good. 

It can require actually letting discordant thoughts & beliefs go; no longer attempting to solve ‘what is wrong’. 

There is no objective knowledge which leads to enlightenment. 

There are no levels or degrees of enlightenment. 

Enlightenment can not be attained or obtained by any one. 

There are no enlightened people or selves. 

There is no enlightened self. 

Therein Self-Realization is a most humbling & clarifying endeavor. 

It can involve investigating what doesn’t resonate, such as pride, vanity, arrogance, loathing, loneliness, projection, resentment & shame. 

It can involve acceptance, maturity, forgiveness and understanding. 

It can involve feeling into sensations & emotions which have thus far been averted from via conceptualizing, such as believing thoughts of there being good & bad, right & wrong, and of being a ‘separate self’. 

It can involve meditatively allowing the activity of thoughts and beliefs to come to rest. 

Via inspection, much misunderstanding & misidentification is dispelled, as much understanding, alignment & compassion arises. 

But enlightenment is for every one. 

Take just one day. 

One day in which every arising thought is let go. 

One day in which not a single thought is pursued. 

One day in which no attempt is made to solve or figure out. 

One day in which feeling breathing in the stomach is instead given all attention. 

One day in which all contractions felt in the body are met with deep breaths and relaxation. 

It is my promise to you that if you are willing to do so, you will begin to see that indeed everything is working out for you, and this place is truly magical, and enlightenment is for every one. 

What Is Aversion?

What is meant by ‘aversion’?

In regard to the guidance of pain, such as upon touching a hot stove, removing the hand from the stove, is intelligence, and non-aversion. To continue to hold your hand on the hot stove, in spite of how it feels, is the aversion of the guidance of feeling, and the burn in doing so is what suffering is.

Just like pain, emotion is guidance. Aversion is the suppression of emotional guidance, and feeling the suffering of doing so, just like continuing to hold your hand on a hot stove. Aversion is the mental tendency to label and conceptualize feeling & emotion, vs feeling, listening to, and understanding the emotional guidance of source.

To avert away from the guidance of emotion, is to conceptualize the very ‘substance’ that the mind ‘itself’ is made of & seeks to feel, and is akin to holding your hand on the hot stove.

There is sometimes a tendency to continue to hold attention on the activity of thought, when the current thought, outlook, interpretation or perspective is discordant. In shifting attention to allowing the entire body, every muscle, to relax and sink into gravity, and breathing deeply & slowly from the stomach, the discord is less & less felt within just a few minutes. This is ‘taking your hand off the stove’. The longer you do this, the less the discord is experienced, and the more the true nature of feeling & intelligence arises. It arises naturally, like helium from a tank when the valve is unobscured.

The Unseeable Iceberg & Expression: How It All Coming Apart - Is Actually It All Coming Together

It’s as if it’s just under our nose… “I just can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong with me!”… “I have the drive, I have the time, but it’s not clicking! I don’t what to do or how to go about it!”.

Again, breathe, relax. Bring attention inward, feeling the stomach area.

With respect to the emotional scale, we all want to feel the ‘highest’ of emotions. Yet often the greatest insights, the ‘dots connecting’, reside hidden & just out of sight and under our noses - still underwater - awaiting our admittance of, our attention to the ‘lower’ emotions we’ve been averting away from.

The ‘lower emotions’ are not lower as in less than, but are equal to the higher in that it is guidance for you and of the path.

Aversion isn’t initially easy to notice, and can sound like a plethora of things such as “it’s not fair”, “it’s because of him, or her, my parents, my upbringing, what happened, or my situation”, and or most unfortunately - “something is wrong with me, but I just don’t know what it is”.

‘Right & wrong’ are judgements. No one really knows what is right and what is wrong. But every one feels, and therein is receiving - the guidance.

Aversion can also look like seeking validation outside of yourself rather than communion & alignment within yourself, or using substances which don’t contribute to your clarity & hold discord ‘underwater’ and out of ‘view’, and even repetitive defensive mechanisms which block out the hearing of that you can, that you are worthy and are capable - and ultimately that everything you want to create & experience lies within you - yet to be manifest & seen.

None of these are ‘wrong’ either, these are actually a variety of the many ‘faces’ of, healing.

The ‘way forward’, is with - and no longer averting from - the guidance of feeling within you.

As attentive care is given inwardly, discordant beliefs which were innocently created, essentially - conditioning, begin to loosen, to be set free, as if pieces of the iceberg begin to separate to be carried away with, by, and as the Greater Current which Is, and moves us all.

As these ‘pieces’ or ‘chunks’ are allowed free, the light & love of Our Being shines through more & more as it is less & less unobscured. The old thought patterns and discordant feeling therein, more & more simply disappear.

This is not a doing, nor an obtaining of a goal, nor a noteworthy achievement of any kind per se, but a falling away of patterns so innocently and inadvertently created within the body and mind.

In continuing to nourish inwardly with attention, in allowing time, and presence for this, being with this… old ways of perceiving, and old ways of sensing so too begin to fall away, and more and more of the true nature arises - in being allowed into our experience, our lives, our world, our creation.

Bursting Your Bubbles - From Beliefs To Clarity.

What is Bursting Your Bubbles really about?

Unfettering, emancipating, liberating, unbinding - potentiality, Truth. Feeling, knowing and allowing the unfathomable goodness, the infinite potentiality & creativity of the infinite being you truly are… into your life, into your experience, into your reality - into your creation - into presence, now.

How to Burst Your Bubbles?

When you’re feeling some tension, when you’re troubled, when life’s got you feeling down, when you’re vibrationally ‘low’, when you’re feel ‘stuck’ and the way isn’t clear… take a moment, sit, and relax.

Breathe from the stomach. Ground by slowing down a bit & feeling the comforting and relaxation of gravity. Let your shoulders sink, your waistline loosen, the muscles of your head, face & neck relax. Allow the muscles throughout the body to let go. Bring attention inward, to feeling throughout the body, and allow yourself reprieve from the activity of thought. Allow your mind to clear.

Bring attention to feeling, in & around the area of your stomach. Recognize, in the bodily sense, the center of feeling here. Feel for the ‘connection’, the link - between you & You, right here.

Listen to your inner being right here, in feeling.

There is something on your mind, to some extent - weighing you down, and what’s felt is the discord between how you’re looking at it - and how your inner being, that feeling ‘in’ the stomach, is looking at it.

Perhaps what you were thinking was something along the lines of how ‘it’s not going to work out’, or maybe even about how in some way or another, you aren’t enough, as you are right here, right now.

Respect, honor, put first - the guidance of the feeling in the stomach area. Consider your inner being knows best, is infinitely intelligent, and absolutely loves and adores you - without condition or any reservations whatsoever, and can be - is being - All that Is.

By feeling right there in the stomach area, right here, right now, present - listen.

Bring to mind;

I’ve been thinking I can not, it might not work out, maybe I’m not worthy, underserving, maybe I won’t be able to, that I can’t have or be what I envision, that maybe I’m not enough right now as I am.

But I feel the discord of this, and I know it.

I feel my inner being is not going there with me.

I’ve been experiencing aversion from this feeling of discord - for too long.

I want to feel alignment. I want to feel Home.


Open-mindedly allow the consideration;

Perhaps I’ve been coming at this from a limited view.

Maybe my inner being knows better, and has much more in store for me, and has been telling me so for quite a while now.

Maybe this is what my inner being has been telling me.

Maybe listening is the key - to what I want.

Maybe that’s what this feeling has been about all along.

Maybe, there’s an interpretation which can be released, and in allowing this, I am allowing more fullness of myself, and more of the clarity, ease, joy, and potentiality - that I am.

What does it feel like, to align, to release, to put the communion between me & Me, if you will, first?

From the many relationships & experiences of our lives, in innocently trying to understand & make sense of our experiences, interpretations are naturally created. Some of these interpretations are aligned, and we know it by how we feel when they come to mind. Some interpretations however are discordant, and we know this too, by how it feels when they come to mind.

Where we often struggle, is in allowing discordant interpretations to be released, such that new, fresh, invigorating, creative and resonating understanding can arise. To make sense, is to feel good - to feel the Goodness that you Truly Are.

Often, this allowing, this releasing - is an emotional experience of tears, and a distinct visceral shift of feeling in & throughout the entire body from that of tension, contraction or stress, to feeling soothed, at ease - loved. To feeling the true nature of our being.

It is as if these interpretations created in our innocence become like an ice berg which ‘sits’ unseen, and often unrecognized, right there in the area of the stomach, in the body’s center of gravity.

In bringing awareness, in non-aversion - in willfully allowing attention to this area with sincerity to listen, to receive, to let go of the discord and to allow insight… it is as if this discord between you & You begins to fall away.

In one open & peaceful engagement at a time, this ‘stuckness’, this ‘ice berg of interpretations’ about our past, our future and ourselves… falls away, back into the water from which it arose & served us, back into the stream which moves all our lives, leaving in it’s wake one release at a time, one insight, some wisdom, and a greater confidence & alignment in the Greater Knowing…

That I have a source within, which is ever-present, ever-guiding, which never comes, and never goes, is always there for me, which has been longing for me as I have been for it, to reunite, and to share and spread the Message of Ourself therein with all.

Q&A: The Dreamboard & The Ego.

So since theres no doer of any action, and all desires come from ego, how should we approach the “dreamboard”, and creating the life we want ?

“The ego” is the activity of thought. Thoughts about a second, separate self. Only via the believing of these thoughts does it seem an ego, second or separate self, exists. Only then does the concept of desire arise, alongside the dualistic concept that desire arises from - a separate self.

Legend has it that when a seeker seeking enlightenment would visit The Buddha, they would initially be turned away. Ostensibly & miraculously The Buddha would tell them with a straight face, ‘come back once you’ve relinquished desire’.

The seeker would of course inevitably return having realized they are now desiring to be without - desire. This would remain puzzling however, as the seeker has yet to question the subject-object thoughts about there being; a seeker & desire.


What would it be to fall asleep and dream, and in that dream, to seek to know the truth of - the dream? One might dream of a Buddha which points to the source of the dream. A good & diligent seeker would surely contemplate, realize and come to know the truth of the dreamer, having recognized desire, ego & seeker are like all dream-things; thoughts.

Upon this realization & knowing surely the excited seeker would return again to The Buddha, which would undoubtedly say, ‘come back when you’ve relinquished realizations & knowing’.


What would it be to love yourself so much,
there isn’t & truly never was one?

Yesness, Allowing & Alignment.

Reality is Yes.

When focus is on what I don’t want, feeling & thought are as if disconnected.

Confusion is created.

The con: there are two - feeling and thought… and these “two” can somehow be fused together.

Con-fusion is experience(d).

When the opposite thought is ‘reached for’ - is allowed…what I do want - feeling & thought are aligned.

And this is known, by how it feels.

Confusion is dispelled.

And this is known, by how it feels.

Discord & alignment are experiential - experience(d): but two is not.

When thought is aligned with feeling, Yes is felt. Yes Is. Yes was what the Universe was already saying.

Welcome back.

You Already Are Yourself 🤍

What you really want is to feel great.
But you can’t because you are.

Thoughts arise:

If I figure this out, if I get this done, if I solve this…
I’ll feel the way I want to feel; I’ll feel like myself.

You already are yourself.

What you really want is to love everything.
But you can’t because you already do - you already Are.

Thoughts arise:

If I appreciate more, if I am kinder, if I let go, if I express…
I’ll feel the way I want to feel; I’ll feel like myself.

You already are yourself.

You are what is.

Desire & Loving Thoughts.

You are love, love is unconditional.

Love appears as desire, and as thoughts.


You love this experience of desire and thoughts - into being - into existence.

Thoughts arise:

“But I don’t love all experience, there are some things I would change”.

You are love, love is unconditional.

You love those thoughts… too.

And therein the manifestation of the very the change desired is already underway.

What is desired?

What thoughts arise?

Love those thoughts.

See what happens.

The Dreamboard


A dry erase board, on which anything & everything desired is written. Essentially what’s written on the board, is the dream which is already within you, and which can be realized & manifested. What you write is entirely up to you.


This could be anything! To get started, keep it simple - think of what you want to eat today, and write that. Do your best not to overthink it. If you want a car, write that. If you want to move out & get an apartment or a house, to go on a retreat or take a vacation, to change jobs or careers, or create a new company - anything that comes to mind that you want - write that. There is nothing too big or too small.

The more you add to it each day, the more you’ll see your unique preferences, desires and interests. With each day you go to bed and see it again in the morning, more clarity arises in seeing what used to ‘float around as thoughts’, right in front of you - from a bird’s eye view. What you are actually most passionate about will ultimately be right there, on the board.


Manifesting the dream within you and experiencing it ‘in the flesh’, is the most satisfying possibility of all experience and is the greatest contribution possible on behalf of your brothers, sisters and world. No words can truly communicate what exemplification so perfectly & silently speaks.

Communion with Source, which is infinitely greater than all experiences and is, without exception, what is truly always sought. Unveil the ineffable magic of reality, of experience, of your creation - of yourself.

Inspiration, self-realization, awakening, enlightenment - effortlessly, as you originally intended when you came, and of course, do intend right now - while creating & experiencing the very life, relationships, prosperity and abundance you desire to experience.


Navigating relativity, consciously. Attracting, consciously. Conceptualizations of life & the passing of time might arise, but in truth conscious creating is now, or not at all. The thrill, the ‘juice’, the ‘electricity’ of consciously creating - is far greater than the pleasures of the ten thousand things. But of course, you can have your cake & eat it too. Again, it’s ‘why you came’. It’s literally what you have in mind. What you write on the board manifests, because you are the creator.


Use the emotional scale, as well as the other tools. Recognize the willingness and sensibility of allowing discordant thoughts to be as they naturally are, which is, to appear & disappear, to come & go. You are the creator and you are more powerful than you know. Focus - is more powerful than you have yet recognized. This is precisely what is realized in creating a dreamboard and using the tools, and as healing occurs & limiting beliefs are dispelled.


Large, double sided, on wheels, with an array of colorful dry erase markers.


Write whatever comes to mind, that you want. That’s it.

  • Not what you believe you’re supposed to want or do. Let your brothers & sisters make their own boards.

  • Not what you believe you need - what you want. Most often, what you believe you need, is actually what you want.

  • Not anything about ‘you’ - what you want.


Be realistic to what is, so to speak, to ‘where you’re at’, or, what is ‘true for you’. Bypassing, vs inspecting and understanding beliefs and any discord therein which arises - does not ‘work’. Do not write “$1,000,000” and “my own island” on your board and hold the expectation for it to manifest, if in earnestly and sincerely, you believe this is not possible. Start simply with something smaller. To ‘test it out’, write something far less significant to you. This might be elephants, cardboard, or key rings. Anything which there is little to no attachment with / to. Something which when thought of, feels free & easy to you. Write that on the board - and you’re done. Then bring focus to perception & feeling through out your day as you experience the ever-playful universe ‘showing you’, appearing as - being - that which you wrote.

  • If you know that which you wrote… the universe will be - then, awesome. There is nothing to add.

  • If you don’t know, believe in this. That is not to say, ‘believe what you’re being told here’, but rather, check direct experience. If this resonates, if it feels aligned. If so, believe in that. Listen to that feeling.

  • If you aren’t comfortable with believing, or, listening to feeling - then just be open minded. Recognize any discord felt, consider what is being said, and consider not believing a word of it… but do see for yourself if this is the case in direct experience. These words are a hand full of beans.


Inspection. The vantage point of ‘what you’re thinkin’, written on the board, is a bird’s eye view which is far superior in terms of allowing clarity in regard to thoughts, vs trying to make sense of the activity of thought ‘swirling around in the ether’ (“in your head”). This can be most useful for inspecting the ‘tricky nature’ of Self Referential Thoughts and Subject Object Thoughts.


The direct experience can only speak for itself. That is the only reliable testimony. Embrace non-conceptualization. Be where you are, enjoy this everlasting moment. Allow what you are wanting to come to you, to ‘show up’ in this ‘now’.


Writing what you want on your board is affirmative & validating of, and you might say breathes life into, what you want. There is indeed a Source of this wanting, of so called desire. This ‘Source’ is The Truth. The affirming & expressing, of your wanting, is most connective, so to speak, with ‘your’ source.

This is inherently ‘shadow work’, or, ‘shining the light of awareness’ on any limiting discordant beliefs. Beliefs which sound like ‘I can’t’, are dispelled by Truth.

These beliefs, while not things or objects in time, will arise to naturally ‘come up and out’, or simply put, naturally be let go - because they are in discord with what is natural, Truth. What might presently seem ‘woo wooo’, or ‘just wishful thinking’ will come to be known & recognized as, the common sense.

Just like with the experience of any relationship, some discordant beliefs are naturally illuminated… so it is with communion, the ‘relationship’ between ‘you and you’. What’s been bothering you, what’s been discordant, will naturally be illuminated, dispelled, and seen through.

What’s dispelled & seen through are conceptualizations of yourself, how you feel, and reality. The ‘shift’ from focusing on (unknowingly) believing conceptualizations… to what you are actually feeling - emotions - it a shift from focusing (often exclusively) on thought(s)… to receiving the emotional guidance of, Source.


Conscious creating is not a doing, and is not a ‘new thing’ or ‘way’, which you learn. Quite similar to meditation, conscious creating is allowing - receiving. The use of the dreamboard, and of the tools like the emotional scale… reveal the truth - that you are already creating your reality.

Again, that may very well seem like an outlandish claim, and this is why The Truth is referred to as absolute, or, The Truth. The Truth can not be thought, as in ‘thunk’. The direct experience of using the dreamboard, and the tools… truly - can not be explained, and can not be, technically, understood. To believe it could be, would be to believe one can think the taste of a double chocolate, chocolate frosted with chocolate sprinkles donut. To know, is to taste, and is not to think about or conceptualize, the direct experience of the donut.


Yep. Works for that too. Already is. The difference lies in the ‘consciously’, of consciously creating. The universe is being me and you, isn’t it so? It be’s them too. Take a moment to reflect on past relationships. What resonated, what didn’t? What was fun & easy, what was difficult? What did I attract, and why?

The universe is the only teacher. Words can only point to what is ineffably already guiding. One must listen, and ‘go and see’.


If the aim is to discover what you do want, notice the habit of focusing on what you don’t want. Use the tool of Improv Writing, to change that habit to consciously continuing to focus on what you do want, by more or less simply applying the ‘rule’ of: 

On the back of your dreamboard, write a list of everything you know you don’t want. Then on the front, write the opposite of each of those. Then erase the back.

It feels really nice to experience seeing the board filled with lots of what you do want, since inherently what you do want feels good, to you. 


While there definitely is ‘flying’, often referred to as flow, flow-state, floating, streaming or stream entry, oneness, or most simply, wakefulness… this question brings about the matter of ego, of identity. While in truth, no one can tell anyone they can’t fly - as it were, you’d have to stop being gravity first.


Just as you are attracting, so too is every one. You aren’t attracting on behalf of anyone else, no one is attracting on your behalf. We are all collectively attracting, and we can all help each other to consciously create.

We are creation. We are co-creation. We are co-creating.

There is no source of bad or negative, and no source of what you don’t want to happen. Analogously, focusing upon an empty gas tank doesn’t result in a change of scenery. Focusing upon what is undesirable, and or the absence of wanted, doesn’t result in the changes one desires. There is a source, and the source is love, and the alignment of thought with ‘it’s’ source, is conscious creating.

God bless, and Godspeed in your creating.

“There is no path; but only a fool doesn’t walk it.”

Desire & Doubt: Are You Trying To Stop The Rain?

You aren’t doing experiencing and preferring, you are being experience & preference. Because you are the infinite one, for there to be experience, experience must appear as if there is - two. Because appearance is twoness, there seems to be a you and a thoughts.

Experience appears dual; preference arises; what you do want, and what you don’t want.

You aren’t doing duality and preferring, you are being duality and preference.

You, are love. You are what feeling, is.

Because you are the infinite one, you are experience by appearing as; twoness. There are not two, it appears as if there are two. There is, you; the infinite one.

The appearing thoughts are felt as wanted and unwanted, and are felt, by, as and of the love that you are, which is being - appearing as, the ‘thoughts’; as the duality, the twoness.

Being experience, being the thoughts, being the preferences, being feeling… there is: desire & doubt.

When it rains, do you hold it to be a problem such that you actually attempt to stop the rain?

Of course not. There is no belief you are doing the rain, and thus there is no belief you could stop the rain. There is no belief you should stop the rain. This isn’t even considered. For the rain, these thoughts don’t even arise.

But for you, being desire & doubt - are you trying to stop the doubt?


The rain happens, and it is fine. No story is needed for the rain. The rain just be’s the ocean inevitably; it already is, and so there is no call to worry for the rain. It is not your rain; you are being rain. Doubt is like the rain. Don’t hold on to it, don’t believe it’s yours, don’t dwell in the rain. There is rain and you are that; you are what is, which is being, creation. You are being the rain.

Doubt happens, and it is fine. No story is needed for the doubt. Doubt, like rain, is of the ocean. Doubt comes and goes, and it isn’t yours; you are That.

The rain seems to leave the ocean; seems to not be the very same water. The rain takes a journey; the rain is the journey. The rain experiences experience; is what experience is.

The rain is the ocean; being the rain.


The ocean is great in & of itself, and is salt water. From the salt of the ocean comes every living, breathing & walking thing. Man has a strong sense the depths of the ocean are not for him; the fresh air, the birds, the trees, the deserts, the mountains; are for man.

The ocean arises of you and the rain falls for you, and as it does - don’t miss it. Witness the majestic ineffable perfection you are; and the ineffable beauty of your-being.