
As a practice & exercise of expression, poetry is about the natural flow of rhythm & rhyme. If new to poetry, start small with any topic or idea that comes to mind, and don’t go for meaning…just expression. Any topic, relationship, desire, dream, experience, memory, or interest, etc will do to get rolling.

Write a single word or small phrase of whatever comes to mind, and use the body to feel and move to the up & down rhythm which somehow mysteriously & intrinsically arises within all people in regard to poetry. Whatever that rhythm is, which comes to mind as these words are read will do just fine, there is no right or wrong in poetry. Though it is enjoyable to feel the nuanced rhythm of the words and for the alternating ends of the lines to rhyme, even these are not per se necessary, or ‘rules’. Here, as an exercise, it’s all about expression, and expression is wide open and completely of you.

Once there’s some ‘flow’ going, continue on with different poems and expand and express in different ‘colors’ and magnitudes, as this practice is very expressive for the heart, the soul, and expansive for the mind.

Google to learn about and use metaphors, allegories, synecdoche, metonymy, imagery and other literary devices in poetry. This practice ‘gets you out of your head’, and into a more emotional and creative ‘space’.

Write a poem to convey an idea or a story, about an interpretation or emotion, in regard to someone, a situation, or an event. Anything will do, and the inspiration and connection deepens and arises. If any difficult emotions arises, feel free to utilize the emotional scale to express and release, and utilize this experience as poetic material.

Using and becoming familiar with the emotional scale pairs perfectly well with poetry as it sheds light on emotions, with expression. If say, anger or rage arise to be released, find release in the expression of writing a poem about the injustices of the world, or perhaps a more specific & intimate sharing.

Creatively construct, or, ‘paint pictures’ in the readers mind. Imagine scenes, events and characters, and pull from imagination some words which highlight the key images ‘seen in’ mind, for the reader to imagine as well. This can be very connective and strengthening of imagination, and, if desired, share the poetry, as this can be very freeing of any concerns about what someone else may or may not think of you and your creative work, so to speak, as poetry is completely grey. It helps the realization that at the end of the day, in regard to what anyone else thinks, it’s all opinion.

This is also a great way to connect with other people. There are millions interested in poetry online and in meet ups. Venture out, share, you might find that you are inspirited in a myriad of ways from this single practice of poetry.