What is co-creation?
The lens-sphere is infinite; is ‘made of’ infinitude.
The world-sphere is infinite; is ‘made of’ infinitude.
‘We’, as humans, as objects, do not ‘fit into’ the world (as an object) in the manor that animals presumptively do, as the world-sphere is experienced through the lens-sphere, like magnification is experienced through a magnifying glass.
There is not ‘this thing’, an ‘object’. Magnification is not ‘on the other side’ of a magnifying glass. Magnification is inherent to looking through a magnifying lens.
Another pointing term for the lens-sphere is; focus.
Duality arises, appears, of, as and as if within, the lens-sphere. The apparent duality, referred to as thought, thoughts or thinking, is in fact one apparent ‘thought’ ‘at a time’. Appears, disappears. Appears, disappears. Many thoughts can arise about this (thoughts), and not a one (thought) is an exception to this (thoughts).
Thus there seems to be a great many things, such as free will or not, or choice or not. The very thoughts are appearing as & of the lens-sphere in the only possible way appearance can appear; as dualistic.
This, and or, that.
Most fruitful it is, when discordant or confusing thoughts are arising, to take pause and question - what is focus upon?
Is discord felt or is alignment felt?
Is the thought focused upon in alignment with that which is appearing as, the thought?
Therein in - you, consciousness, are creating in any case - and ideally… consciously, in alignment, as well-being.
The human condition is the condition that you are, that there are - humans. Put another way, the human condition is the belief that ‘human condition’ is not a thought - but a separate thing, an object. This thought, this belief, is a condition. A false & discordant conclusion.That which is feeling this thought or belief - is unconditional.
When discordant thoughts are focused upon, and the emotional guidance felt therein is suppressed - ignorance, confusion, conflict & suffering persist.
When deflection & projection are employed, the suffering seems, or is believed to be, justified and or rationalized away… and sounds like ‘that’s just how it is’, ‘that’s just how I am’, ‘that’s just who or how they are’ or ‘how life or the world is’.
As the world-sphere is through the lens-sphere, just as magnification is through a magnifying lens; these are thoughts appearing, and not how I, you, life or a world, is.
When discord is experienced, and one is told and or believes therein, ‘that’s just how it is’; one innocently ignores or suppresses the guidance felt, and follows suit in suppressing as well.
Create, consciously.
Share the message freely & unabashedly.
(See The Immutable Laws, The Dreamboard, and The Emotional Scale)