What Is Purification?

(Please first read ‘What Is Deflection?’ and ‘What Is Projection?’)

Purification describes an experience of the body releasing discordant misinterpretation, misunderstanding and misidentification, and therein the symptoms of suffering, contraction, tension, stress and dis-ease.

In truth the body is always naturally & effortlessly releasing discord.

When food is eaten which isn’t settling with the stomach, symptoms like nausea & indigestion are experienced. The body naturally brings what was eaten ‘up & out’. What was eaten might not taste very good as it comes up & out, but this is what’s desired in the bigger picture to bring an end to the nausea and indigestion.

It is the same way with discordant interpretations, misunderstanding and misidentification. What comes up & out may not ‘taste’ very good to the mind as it does, but this is what’s desired in the bigger picture to bring an end to confusion & suffering, and ‘see reality as it is’.


Allowing purification is acknowledging & being willing to question, inspect and see though -deflection & projection.

Allowing the light of awareness to illuminate & fill the body-mind with the true essence & nature of awareness, reveals the truth of the body-mind, and of all-things.

As purification ensues; breathe, relax, remaining present, aware, openness, spaciousness - prior to transient thoughts & emotions.

Be mindful that this is desired, this will pass, and do your best to let go of arising difficult interpretations as they are ‘tasted’ on the way out.

It - whatever arises to empty - might not make much sense.

It’s ok.

It doesn’t have to.

It will pass.

Purification is a natural process. As natural as being.

The caterpillar was always the butterfly. The sheep was always the lion.

Nothing real can be lost.

Nothing unreal is of any concern.