Initially it may seem as if the world or universe is real and you are but a temporary fleeting happening within it, no more than just another human born in a series of humans born in a universe - and this is entirely false and absolutely - backwards.
In truth - you are what’s real, as in eternal, and the world or universe is - apparent.
An appearance… of - you.
How can this be?
For what is infinite, which means no finite… there isn’t - “something”, or “something else”. Thus, there is no experience for an infinite being. For a self-aware infinite being there is only, self-aware infinite being.
Yet, as there isn’t “something else” for an infinite being - there is no assertion, no restriction, no limitation nor lack or shortage of any kind whatsoever.
Therein, an infinite, formless, unlimited being can simply be, appear as - anything.
Yet again - as infinite formless unlimited unrestricted being appears as “a world”, as “experience” - because infinite being is self-aware that it is infinite - for infinite being there is no experience of “a world” or “universe”. For infinite self-aware being there is ‘still’ only, infinite self-aware being.
This is not a problem in any way for an infinitely whole, complete, eternal, unlimited, and unconditional being… as infinite being can simply appear as a means of veiling - it’s own inherent infinitude & unconditionality. Then it seems, to infinite being, that there is - that which is “not me”, such as - a world.
As infinite being veils itself, to make it seem to itself that there is ‘a world’ - there seems to be other-than infinite, or, so called ‘thoughts’, and some of these thoughts resonate with the true unconditional infinite nature of infinite being, and some of these apparent thoughts do not resonate with the true unconditional infinite nature of infinite being. Therein, experientially, via ‘it’s’ own appearing, infinite being feels the discord & alignment of, the very “thoughts” infinite being is appearing as. Thus there is, albeit apparently experiential - alignment, and discord.
A great many things - entirely presumed to be ‘real’ - seem to be persued to resolve this apparent experience of - alignment and discord. Namely, that ‘discord’ aspect, which feels most foreign to, infinite being which is, infinite & unconditional. Overlooking the inherent, intrinsic guidance of that ‘discord’, of feeing - of infinite being’s own inherent unconditionality… a resolution to a nonexistent assumed ‘problem’ is sought - in appearance, which is appearance, and is not - a thing.
In this pursuit, this seeking for a resolution to a presumed & imagined problem… infinite being ‘checks in’ a great many ‘things’ for the answer, the solution - the resolve. Peak experiences, states, others / relationships, collections of presumed material things, accomplishments, victories, acquisitions, etc, etc, etc. Happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction seems to be found, and yet lost - again & again & again, in this seeking.
Inevitably it dawns upon awareness, infinite being, that the happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction and wholeness sought and believedly found in ‘things’ - is in actuality, fleeting. A mirage of believing the happiness etc, is of, coming from, or a product or result of - things.
Therein the truth dawns upon infinite being. A remembering of what was seemingly forgotten, of what is Being, overlooked - that one Is Infinite Being, overlooking. That “time” never actually transpired. That infinite being has been appearing all along as it were, and never actually even moved, only appearing in such a manor as to make it seem to itself that it is or has.
Pure. Magic.
Not something, not something else.
Not somewhere or somewhere else.
Not other than This direct experience.
This, this so called direct experience’… This ‘perception’… This ‘thoughts’… This is “it” - This is the appearance referred to.
Just as there is no water in a mirage, there is no one “in” - an appearance. Just as there is only in actuality the truth of a mirage - The Light - THIS is The Light.
I, you, we, us, they etc - is a mirage. An apparent & presumed limitation.
THIS, is pure magic.
An ‘unfolding’ of, ‘having appeared’, which in truth is presently appearing.
There are no “external events”.
There are, lightly speaking, only expressions of infinite being. Infinite being’s appearing. Appearance.
Infinite being, which has no actual reference of having been born, of sleeping nor of death.
Infinite being, appearing as a veil, a lens-sphere, a someway-sphere… as someway of veiling itself, of itself, as itself, of its own infinitude & unconditionality… and therein appearing as thoughts, assumptions, beliefs - that it was born, sleeps, or could end - is pure, unthinkable, incomprehensible - magic.
Magically, Self-Inherently - all doing, thinking, pursuing, purpose, value, striving, attaining, accomplishing, knowing, understanding, meaning, learning, embodying, efforting, controlling, forcing, desiring, notions of worth, manipulating, will, choice, realizing, recognizing, awakening - are all revealed to be… a mirage, based on there being, a… separate self. The “one who” - does, thinks, pursues, for whom there is purpose, value or values, striving, attainment, accomplishment, knowledge, understanding, meaning, some thing to learn or embody, effort, control, force, desire, worth, manipulation, will, choice, realizations, insights, recognitions, and awakening or awakenings… is revealed to be, a mirage.
Therein, so called reality as is, is revealed to be that of, allowing, receiving, attracting.
Solely based on, the true infinite, unconditional nature of, oneself; infinite being.
Pure Magic.