There’s No Anxiety In Buddhism.

What a statement, right?

Let’s ‘unpack’ This.

* Just in case, by any chance, it sounds any other way… just to be crystal clear, I’m all for reducing anxiety. In fact, I’m all for completely dispelling and obliterating and therein never experiencing anxiety - at all. Ever. None. Zero.

Fundamentally, the notion that there is anxiety is the notion that there is not - love.

Simply put, if there is anxiety, by definition, anxiety is other-than-love, or, is not-love.

More specifically, that there is not love, appearing as thoughts, and therein, that there is not - emotion. 

Is it even possible that there is indeed LOVE, endless, boundless, infinite LOVE - and therein there is not - anxiety!? 

What a ‘twisted’ & untwisting this would be, isn’t it so?

Such an untwisting wouldn’t even be a reduction of anxiety. Such an untwisting would be a dispelling of the notion that there ever was anxiety.

That there isn’t anxiety would be a revelation - isn’t it so?

A revelation of - LOVE.

Any method or manor of reducing anxiety is a withdrawing of attention from the activity of thought, and a ‘placing’ attention instead on perception and or sensation, such as seeing, hearing, feeling breathing, etc… isn’t it?

Being ‘where you are’, yes?

Being… present, yes?

Being present is therein - in accordance with direct experience - in accordance with feelingnot - anxiety… isn’t it so? 

Anxiety seems to often be attributed to and even equated to… survival, or, raw primal survival responses ‘left over’ from an evolutionary period in & of which humans evolved… and yet oddly… no one has ever actually  - experienced “that”.


Not one single person, human, entity or being has ever actually experienced that.

That narrative, that story, that version of events - there’s virtually no one which hasn’t heard and therein experienced that.

But what the narrative claims to be true - no one has ever actually experienced.

That means… the notion or theory that there is anxiety… is entirely based on… some ‘thing’…some ‘past’… which no one has ever actually experienced

So maybe, just maybe… in accordance with direct experience… the contemporary collective understanding & explanation of anxiety is entirely, in actuality, in truth - an utter… misunderstanding.  

With honesty & integrity - where is ‘death’? 

Who would have the audacity to lay claim to having actually experienced, death?


And therein, where is - ‘survival’?

Again, who has the audacity to claim there is death, and therein, survival?

How you seen death, seen survival? 

Or have you heard, listened to, agreed with & believed - a narrative of that there is, death, and therein, survival?

Indeed, The Truth is stranger than fiction.

Who would or could go against their conscience as it were, to such a discordant degree, against ‘their own’ health & well-being - as to outright claim there is - ‘survival’?

And… of what exactly? 

What exactly was born, is surviving, and knows there is - ‘survival’?

What happened to - LOVE?

What happens as the ‘two dots’ are connected…

That all reductions and eliminations of anxiety are the withdrawing of attention from the activity of thought… and redirecting awareness upon - Being, present?

Is Being present not… the very same… awareness (‘attention’)?

On a seemingly other note - what is, Buddism? 

Well, an ism is a distinctive practice, system, or philosophy.

So Buddhism is, a distinctive practice, system, or philosophy of - The Buddha. 

But who or what then is, The Buddha?

You are. 

You, are, The Buddha. 

The Enlightened One. 

The Infinite One. 



Are you not aware!?

To really bring it Home…

Who tells you there is survival, evolution, anxiety?

Did you, awareness, Being - even come up with that narrative?

What does feeling tell you as it were, about this narrative of - survival?

Why does the withdrawal of awareness upon the discord of this narrative feel relieving to - you - awareness?

To the very Being of, Being… present…?

How does continuing to listen to this narrative… be it by thoughts or by speech… feel?

What does the discord inherently felt in either case, reveal about the truth of such thoughts, wether felt directly, or listened to & thought about?

Is the health, well-being & alignment of one telling you this even noticed? Considered? Questioned?

In listening to a narrative which is not based on direct experience, and is discordant with Being, and health, and well-being, and alignment… even noticed or considered!?

What might the continuing to do so in spite of the discord felt be called? 

What word, what label, comes to mind?


Perhaps there is no anxiety in Buddhism precisely because Buddhism is a distinctive practice, system, or philosophy of, about and for - The Buddha.


“Oh! Phil’s a Buddhist, suggesting I become a Buddhist too!” 


”Phil” is The Buddha, as are YOU!


What Is Suffering?

Just as ‘pain’ points to the sensation of a hand on a hot stove, ‘suffering’ points to the discord of some thoughts with feeling. Thoughts which feeling, or Being, is appearing as. Thoughts are apparent, thoughts appear. Suffering is how some apparent thoughts feel, to that which is being, or appearing as, thoughts.

Sensation is the non-conceptual experience of the body - “the body”, is a thought, a conceptualization of, sensation. Sensation is also a conceptualization.

How so?

The actuality of what the thoughts body and sensation point to is the world-sphere - which is made of feeling, or, Being. Being is feeling the world-sphere Being is being, or, appearing as.

The actuality of thoughts, is the lens-sphere. Being is feeling the lens-sphere Being is being, or, appearing as.

Why is there suffering?

Being is nondual Good or Goodness, appearing as dualistic thoughts. Some thoughts are aligned with the reality that reality is, nondual unconditional Goodness. Some thoughts are not aligned with reality, Goodness. The unaligned aspect, or not indicative of the truth, of Being… is, suffering.

Suffering is of apparent thoughts, which Being is appearing as.

Suffering is not of or indicative of Being, of the true nature of Being.

Suffering points to how some thoughts feel, while suffering is not a “thing”.

As suffering is not a “thing”, suffering can never actually be “known”.

There is no knowing what suffering is, as there is no one separate from suffering, nor is suffering separate from anyone, which could know.

Therein, knowing & understanding… the mental gymnastics of attempting to know or understand what suffering is… are… the overlooking of, the truth of suffering.

Overlooking as in… there is no “knower” or “understanding”, and these are examples of thoughts which feel, discordant, in that these thoughts imply separation. A separate “knower” or “understander”.

Nondual Goodness already is, and is already being the spheres.

Every discordant thought, every incidence of suffering, is a pointing to the truth of - you.

You are not a separate knower or understander, you are Being, being.

For example:

Self-criticism: Thoughts about another self, a second or separate self, which is not, nondual Goodness. The discord of the implied separation is felt, by that which is not separate and would not know or understand what separation actually is. The only self that is, is infinite nondual Goodness. Thus, thoughts that there is a second, separate self or selves, which know there is good and bad, good & evil, or truly right & wrong - feel discordant, and the discord felt is what suffering is.

Anxiety: As this is overlooked, in spite of the suffering felt, more thoughts appear as if to explain - the suffering felt. Namely, the survivalist’s paradigm. As there is (in accordance with direct experience) no actual experience of a survivalist or of survival, and there is only an experience of the concept… the concept is a self-conceptualization. That is, a concept about there being a ‘second’ or ‘separate self’ feels discordant to, infinite self which is being the spheres.

Loneliness: Thoughts of ‘I am alone’, feel isolating and disconnecting to that which is appearing as & feeling thoughts, which is already infinitely whole & complete fullness. Being is fulfillment in & of itself. The discord arises of presumption, of interpretational disconnection or separation, which infinite Being does not and could not actually know of, as infinite Being is already - infinite.

Regret: Thoughts of the nature of dwelling on a past and or past actions or decisions such as remorse or longing for different outcomes guarantee suffering, as the implication of the thoughts is that there is a divergence from the inherent right-now-present-only reality of perfection - nondual Goodness.

Stoking Creativity

The experience of passion & creativity, and the eagerness, excitement & exuberance therein are of the highest vibration and experience life & creation has to offer.

There are countless ways to re-connect in creativity to infuse the spark & zest of Creator-Creating-Creation.

The key is the willingness to let go of all that doesn’t resonate, and to experience being adventurous in trying new experiences, practices & exercises, finding what resonates and clicks most with you.

There are unique gifts to be discovered within, developed, and expressed.

This is one of the most satisfying experiences possible.

See Webpages:

Just Let Source Take The Garbage Out


Stoking Creativity.

Misnomers; Teachers, Meditation “&” Nonduality




Absolute & relative.

Form is formlessness, formlessness is form.

Nothing is something, something is nothing.

Nothing is everything, everything is nothing.

Everything is one, one is everything.

Spiritual teachers.

To the un-meditative mind as it were, these misnomers might seem like accurate pointers or pointings. Yet, these are realizations of a realizer, pointings of a pointer, personal insights and are still apparent dualistic thought(s).

In accordance with direct experience, thought(s) simply appears & disappears, isn’t it?

What appears and disappears inherently can not per se be, a thing or things, and therein relative, form, something, everything or anyone.

The implication of thought(s) is that there are, things.

Things which correspond to, thoughts.

Therein is the misnomer of these sayings.

The cessation of thought is inherently the dispelling of, things.

The dispelling of things is the dispelling of separation.

The dispelling of separation is the dispelling of the separate self.

The dispelling of the separate self is self-realization, awakening, enlightenment, and most accurately effable; nonduality.

That which is absolute, is unchanging under any and all circumstances & situations, and is appearing as, all ‘situations & circumstances’, which is to say, as the thought(s) that there are, ‘situations & circumstances’.

Thoughts, or the activity of thinking as it were are / is ‘measured’, displayed, recreated as - frequencies on a screen, such as with an EEG (electroencephalogram), while the screen, the doctor, the room, the technology, the body, the mind (lens) - the thoughts, that there are these things - are vibrational.

The screen is a vibrational appearance displaying a vibrational appearance, just as this screen is a vibrational appearance, as are the thoughts of a body presumptively witnessing or observing - ‘this screen’, and ‘these very words’.

What is meditation but an allowing of the activity of thought, which is vibrational appearance, to settle?

What then could remain?

Of course - that which is not appearance, but is - vibrationally appearing.

Put another way, as all belief(s) (activity of thinking) are / is settled, dispelled - only The Truth could remain, isn’t is so?

“Brain” waves are vibration.. categorizing… vibration… while “the brain” is “itself” - the vibrationally appearing thought, “brain”.

That’s a bit like a cigarette company weighing in on the health & well-being of cigarettes, isn’t is so?

Or vibrational appearance claiming to be a (thing, self) teacher of, vibrational appearance & that which is, appearing.



“Brain waves”, (an utter misnomer in & of ‘itself’) are typically classified as:

Delta (0.5-4 Hz): Deep sleep, unconsciousness.

Theta (4-8 Hz): Dreaming, deep meditation, creativity.

Alpha (8-12 Hz): Relaxed wakefulness, calm focus.

Beta (12-30 Hz): Associated with thinking.

Gamma (>30 Hz): Heightened perception, peak cognitive function, spiritual experiences.

These frequencies experienced via meditation, or, as vibrational appearance fizzles out, as thought or thinking comes to rest, are experienced in a different order:

Beta waves: Associated with active thinking.

Alpha waves: Signify relaxed wakefulness and calm focus.

Theta waves: Reflective of deep relaxation, creativity, and meditation.

Gamma waves: Associated with heightened cognitive function and spiritual insight.

Delta waves: Occur during deep sleep and unconsciousness.

What’s the point, the relevance?

The originally mentioned misnomers, the ‘teacher’s’ insights - in accordance with direct experience - are an experience of - Beta waves.

Yet, the actual direct experience of insights is an experience of - Gamma waves.

What is the implication in regard to beliefs, hearsay, and indirect insights, and direct insight?

Well, what is the actual direct experience of being born, of sleep, of death?

If such an inquiry is still lingering, still not absolutely clear, perhaps consider the waves you’re settling for, and regroup.

Advaita, Nonduality,Non-Secondness

There is no second or separate self. 


That there is a separate selves is the believing of thoughts akin to “I am a separate finite self”, “and so there are other separate finite selves”. 


Put another way, the separate or second self is not actually a self, but is thoughts about a separate or second self, believed / identified with.

Self referential thoughts.

Just like unicorn; “it” is a thought, not an actual thing or entity. 


The truth, that there is no second or separate self, recontextualized as “a no self teaching”, is conjecture, which is ignorance, from the illusory perspective of / as… a separate self… and is indicative of suppressed emotion, which is indicative of suppressed trauma. It’s the so called finite mind’s attempt to ‘make sense’ of the suppression of the very ‘substance’ of awareness, consciousness, love - appearing as the spheres. 

Inspection, introspection, expression & release therein is the way of dispelling the discordant belief(s) & liberation of misidentification.


 “Neo-advaita” is a conceptualization of Advaita (not two; no second-ness, no second or separate self). 

“Neo-advaita”, the “New no second or separate self”, is the continuance of deflection & projection, which is inadvertently the favoring of - suffering.

The conceptualization is an inclusion of & misidentifying as an illusory second or separate self, and is experientially denial; the believing of thoughts to the contrary of the truth - Advaita, Nonduality.


“New not two” & “no self teaching” are conceptualizations, which are deflection & projection, on behalf of an illusory second or separate self - the knower, or, understander, which Truth (awareness, consciousness, love, being, reality) obliterates


That there is a second or separate self, and or neo advaita, is conjecture, and is as delusional as being a unicorn. 

There is no one which is deluded, just as there is no one which is awake.

The discord of delusion is suppressed, adapted to and conceptualized via endless justifications & rationalizations at the expense of well-being, wholeness, completeness and true innate, intrinsic, inseparable - happiness.


The so called body identified with is in actuality a world-sphere.

The so called finite mind identified by, is in actuality a lens-sphere. 

One appears as two.

Satanism, Christianity & Reality.

Ism means theory or doctrine.

Satanism would then be the theory or doctrine that there is, Satan.

The doctrine that there is Satan is, Christianity.

In accordance with Christianity, Satan is a fallen angel.

Fallen means subject to sin or depravity.

Sin means an immoral act, and depravity means moral corruption. 

Moral means concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.

The one concerned with principles of right & wrong and good & bad would be the “knower” (who ate from the tree of the knowledge of good & evil), which “knows” that there is - good & evil. 

This is a (separate) self referential belief loop.

A belief loop is two thoughts believed, repeating.

“I’m the knower”, and, “there is good & evil”.

Belief loops are like airplanes circling an airport. 

Emotions are like landing trips for beliefs. 

An emotion felt & acknowledged as how an interpretation feels, is not an action or behavior - it’s an acknowledgement. 

An emotion felt, yet not unacknowledged as how an interpretations feels, is an action or behavior.

Want to change actions & behaviors?

Acknowledge emotions. Allow the spiritual & religious planes to land in reality. 

Being; The Spheres.

For there to be experience, Being must be; “experience”.

So Being be’s, a world.

A perfect sphere of unspeakable majesty, beauty & intrinsic perfection; a projection of Being, appearing as ‘a world’, that there may be - experience.

As Being is self-aware, there is not “experience” or “a world”.

There is simply what is; self-aware Being.

For it to seem to Being there is experience, a world in which Being is experiencing, Being must veil itself of the fact that Being is being - the world-sphere.

So Being be’s a sphere which veils itself of its infinitude & unconditionality, and therein that Being is being, the world-sphere; and Being be’s - the lens-sphere.

Being be’s neither space nor time, nor here nor there, nor this nor that, nor life nor death, nor self nor other.

One appears as two; a world-sphere & a lens-sphere.

Clarity; Autism & Alzheimer's

There is perhaps no better self-evidentiary testimony to the truth of what’s being said than the sudden and alarming rise of Autism & Alzheimer's.

What’s being said is experiential reality is that of an infinite unconditional being, appearing as, two spheres.

A ‘world-sphere’, or ‘somewhere’ that experience may seem to transpire… and a lens-sphere, which veils infinite unconditional being of its own infinitude & unconditionality - so that infinite being may experience, the world-sphere infinite being is, being.

That there is a finite thing such as an earth, world or universe - is a belief.

That there are separate selves on an earth or inside of a world or universe - is a belief.

These beliefs are based on the presumed existence of, “matter”.

Matter, is a belief.

In place of the belief in matter, a new belief has arisen, that of - mind.

A mind or minds has never been experienced, because a mind or minds, whether believed to be finite or infinite, does not exist and is - a belief.

That infinite being “needs a world and or people”… or a “finite mind or minds” - to know itself, or know or understand itself, or that infinite being ever does know or understand anything whatsoever about itself - is a belief.

The two spheres are self-perpetual. That is, infinite being, being infinite, can not be inside of some thing - because there is not “some thing” - and infinite being is -already being - the two spheres.

As infinite being is being the two spheres, infinite being can not be inside of the spheres, such as to direct or correct anything to or for anyone, as there is no one or any thing, other than or in addition to - infinite being.

This is however, not a problem whatsoever, as there is - intrinsic guidance. The guidance is, emotion(s). Emotion is intrinsic, as emotion is how thoughts feel, to infinite being, which is being the spheres, namely the lens-sphere - and therein - thoughts.

Thoughts appear of & as, the lens-sphere. Thought is for, and is not separate of - creation.

Creation is not a separate thing. Creation is the spheres, which are the appearance of, infinite being.


The spheres are self-perpetual & self-adapting, relative only to, the spheres. That is, as mass suppression of emotion persists within the world-sphere - the lens-sphere adapts.

Therein, autism & Alzheimer's are in actuality the lens-sphere, adapting to the suppression of the guidance and of the truth of the true nature, occurring in / as, the world-sphere.

To highlight just how far creation has conceptually & collectively as it were, strayed from alignment, from Truth:

Self proclaimed “teachers” of spirituality and or nonduality are now purporting on behalf of a nonexistent separate self of thoughts, to know & understand, and to have knowledge & understanding of - infinite being, and these “teachings” vehemently encourage “knowing what I know”, and “reaching my level of understanding”, at the expense of suppression & the overlooking of the very guidance of - infinite being - which is, intrinsic. It is no small task to suppress emotion to such a delusional degree.

This sounds like, “so what there’s suffering… force yourself to x, y or z”, “you are avoiding the truth”, “you can become enlightened & it’s my job to enlighten you”, “emotional intelligence comes from experience”, etc. These beliefs are emotional suppression & the aggrandizing of the separate self of thought as, “a teacher”. The thoughts believed feel discordant & manifest as bodily dis-ease, yet the discord is ignored, in favor of pretending to be, and believing there is, a self proclaimed teaching speaking with confidence & conviction purporting to be an authority on - you - infinite being.

Suppression of the guidance and the self-adapting, self-shaping of the lens-sphere which occurs accordingly and is now referred to with the labels of autism & Alzheimer's sounds like:


"I'm fine." Is the presumption there is a separate self, and therein experiential difficulty recognizing and expressing emotions.

"Don't cry, it's not a big deal." Is the projection of the belief “I am a separate self”, “listen to me”, and is contributing to suppression by minimizing emotional guidance.

"Just toughen up and deal with it." Is the internalized belief “I am a separate self”, and the projection of this belief, amounting to the notion that vulnerability is unacceptable“.

"Stop being so sensitive." Is the projection of the belief “I am a separate self”, and the invalidating of emotional guidance, leading to difficulties in self-awareness.

"You shouldn't feel this way." Is the projection of the internalized belief, “I am a separate self”, perpetuating shame by overlooking the intrinsically felt guidance of guilt in regard to perpetuating shame, which discouraging of acknowledging & expressing emotions, which is internal conflict, and which is therein the manifestation of all external conflict (projection of suppression).

"It's not appropriate to express anger." Is the projection of the belief “I am a separate self”, and the projection of shame with respect to the allowing & expressing of the guidance, resulting in unacknowledged & unexpressed anger playing out instead in actions & behaviors.

"I must always put on a brave face / save face." Is the projection of confidence & strength associated with the belief “I am a separate self” (which is emotional suppression), resulting in false strength and confidence, suppressing the true strength & confidence of (infinite) being. This is the prioritization of “how I look” (self image), over the intrinsic guidance of emotion (reality as is).

"I can't show weakness." Is again a purporting & projecting of the belief “I am a separate self”, which is the suppression & shaming of emotional vulnerability, which hinders authenticity.

“Ignore how you feel (emotions) and just push through it, suffering is necessary & helpful” Is purporting on behalf of a separate self of thoughts, the “knower” or “understander”, and encourages disassociation from intrinsic emotional guidance (which otherwise dispels suffering). The purporting encourages the veiling of self-awareness, and manifests as all inner & outer conflict.


Welcome to The Non.

The vast majority it seems are engaged & entwined in the believing of thoughts about there being a separate self, thinking, doing & efforting… virtually unaware of the true power of allowing non-judgmental unconditional awareness, of non-claiming & non-resistance… of non-engagement with believing discordant thoughts. Namely, discordant self referential thoughts, and discordant thoughts about what’s wanted.

Rather than actively trying to learn how to not suppress, un-suppressing is about letting go of the resistance that has already been innocently added. The resistance is essentially conditioning rooted in misidentification. The resistance felt is of any discordant interpretations, and is to or with the truth or true nature, the reality of yourself. 


As the habit of suppression is happening, acknowledge that it is without judgment or blame. If blame is experienced, acknowledge that blame is felt, as blame is an emotion and not an action or behavior. Observe sensation, thoughts, and emotions without trying to change, challenge or resist, and without labeling any experiential phenomena as good or bad.

Mindfulness & presence is key as thought patterns of suppression untangle naturally, and any underlying reasons, justifications or rationalizations are allowed to be ‘seen’ and come up & out.

Allowing non-judgmental awareness towards whatever arises, including any tendencies to suppress emotions, allows ‘space’ for patterns to dissipate and is the allowing of emotional freedom and authenticity.


Letting go of resistance and allowing experience to unfold naturally is also incredibly beneficial for attracting & enjoying relationships. By releasing the resistance towards loneliness and the desire to be with someone, you actually open yourself up to the possibility of genuine connection and authentic relationships.

Instead of approaching dating with a mindset of desperation, attachment, or any objectification, openness, presence & authenticity are allowed and do shine through, allowing for more meaningful connections to arise organically.

Fully embracing & allowing periods of solitude as an opportunity for self-discovery & un-suppressing is allowing the natural wholeness, fulfillment, confidence & assuredness you are, inherently enhancing current relationships and attracting healthier, more fulfilling, richer, deeper & lasting relationships into your life.

In short - un-suppressing is unfettering, the allowing of the fullness of you, and inherently therein, is allowing the attracting of what’s wanted into the whole of experience.

Bear in mind, while allowing what you haven’t allowed to be felt before is underway, the ‘barfing up’ of conditioning can be quite challenging - but un-suppressing is the allowing of what you’re wanting into your life or experience. If & when the allowing or ‘barfing’ get’s tough, remember and affirm - you’re behind this 100% - you want to let discord go, as this is most self-assuring. It is only discordant & resistant interpretations and any entanglement with emotions, and ultimately with awareness which is let go… while all that is Good, all that is wanted, the fullness and richness of life experience ultimately desired - remains.

Weakness Isn’t Solved, Weakness Is Transmuted.

Direct experience most fundamentally, is that of awareness aware of apparent, transient; thought, perception and sensation.

Has weakness ever been seen, is weakness of perception?

Can a picture of weakness be shared?

Is weakness found in sensation?

Can weakness be pointed to?

Weakness is a self referential thought.

As it’s believed “I’m weak”… awareness, aware of thought(s), is believing the transient appearance of itself, thoughts… to be descriptive or accurate about, itself.

This is like steam claiming truth about water, while the reality of steam is none other than, water.

Weakness is conditioning. A self referential thought, based on a past, and an individual who had one - believed.

Weakness, per Merriam-Webster:

Fault. Defect.

The condition, “I’m weak”, is derived of past experience, believed to be “a defect”, which is, “my fault”.

A belief loop. A thought about me, and a thought about, me.

But that pesky emotional guidance though right? Ever-present, infallible perfection. A rather relentless love.

So what gives?

“I’m” is a thought about the awareness aware of, the very thought, which awareness is appearing as.

“Weak” is also a thought awareness is appearing as and aware of.

As it pertains to the true nature, to that “pesky” infallible guidance of Creator-Creating-Creation; thoughts - fleeting transient phenomenon, simply will not do.

Belief, per Merriam-Webster:

A state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing.

Some thing that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion : something believed.

Conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence.

Really let that sink in. Deeper than bones.

A belief is a state or habit.

Does that mean there is a state or states, habit?

No. That would be, a belief.

Some thing accepted, true, held as opinion?

No. That would be, a belief.

Conviction of the truth, some statement of the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence…?

No! That would be - a belief!

"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.

When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.

Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."


Only transmutation will do, as thought simply cannot do what the true nature appearing as, can.

Pesky, per Merriam-Webster:

Troublesome. Vexatious.

And I try, oh my God do I try! I try all the time in this institution!

And I pray, Oh my God do I pray! I pray every single day for a revolution!

And so I cry sometimes when I’m lying in bed, just to get it all out; what’s in my head.

And I, I’m feeling a little peculiar.

So I wake in the mourning - and I step outside and I take a deep breath and I get real high and I scream, from the top of my lungs -

what’s goin on!?

Well, that’s ‘the thing’. Nobody knows. You can’t figure it out. You can’t solve it.

But maybe the guidance as it were is not so ‘pesky’ after all.

Maybe “I’m weak” is simply, self-evidently, and in accordance with the guidance - just, not true.

They could’ve easily went with ‘Four Brunettes’, but they didn’t. They went the other way, the way-less way of non. Of emptying, of letting it all out. Of truth, relief; of Not Knowing what’s goin on.

And so it is with you as well, if you are playing small, pretending this light can be dimmed, believing the message and the intrinsic guidance of, isn’t felt.

Go the other way.

No one get’s out of the ‘institution’, as the institution is yet another thought, a belief - that which is not in yet seems to be in, is presently aware of.

Transmutation, per Merriam Webster:

To change or alter in form, appearance, or nature and especially to a higher form.

To subject some thing, such as an element, to transmutation.

Are you aware?

Are you aware, that you are, aware?

Can you name one thing, just one single thing, anything at all,

which is aware?

Which is allowed to be heard, now, presently?





Start of course ’where you are’, inevitably; all is but belief.

This is where the pointing ends.

This is not a screen, Santa isn’t coming, and the ‘revolution’ will not be televised.

The Fallout of Being Lied To.

The aggrandizing of the separate self as a teacher and the message therein of becoming enlightened is not without pitfalls, as the ‘becoming’ is the aversion. 

This “message” ignores that the self which is teaching, and the self which could, would or will become enlightened - is the separate self of thoughts. This aversion from emotions reinforces the separate self of thought / idea of a self / a future and is spiritual bypassing. 

This “message” feeds into the belief that there are individuals and fosters a fixation & obsession that enlightenment could come from an individual such as a teacher, to an individual. While some teachings appear to include testimony of Being being deceptive & manipulative, nothing could be farther from the truth. It’s crucial to see the phenomena of deception and manipulation as, the phenomena of deception & manipulation. 

Being is, Being, and is not any thing or any one other than, Being. Being is already presently the case, in spite of any thoughts to the contrary, which Being is being, and being inherently self-aware, is aware of. 


The orientation of introspection is the dissolving & dispelling of the separate self of thought & the unfettering of the fullness of feeling as it were, and is not the conceptual orientation of becoming enlightened. 


Enlightenment is not attainable through any thing or object, such as a self, individual, person, or teacher nor obtainable by any means. Bypassing the linguistically challenging aspects of communicating about Being, while there is only Being, is bypassing emotions and the albeit apparent everyday challenges of feeling difficult emotions as well as challenges that arise therein in, albeit apparent, life. 


Examples of the fixation & obsession which might ensue of this misdirection may sound like:

"If I could just spend more time with X or Y teacher ‘I know I’ could achieve or attain enlightenment or become enlightened."

Fixation on personal anecdotes, insights and or experiences shared by aggrandized separate selves purporting to be teachers, rather than exploring one's own inner landscape, is the epitome of misdirection, and seems to result in intensifying suppression and obsession with so called, spiritual teachers. Again, this is an apparent phenomena of deception and manipulation, ‘sewn into’ the very misleading & inherently corrupt ‘teachings’. 


Dismissal of what’s being said by solely focusing on self proclaimed ‘teachers’ as authorities on spirituality, enlightenment & nonduality often seems to result in a belief that enlightenment is even inclusive of ‘transcending emotion’ altogether.  


Examples of emotions commonly averted in the ‘pursuit of enlightenment’ might include:

Fear: "I wouldn’t experience fear if I was truly enlightened like teacher X."

Or      “Once I become enlightened I will have transcended emotions like fear & insecurity”

Or      “Once I know & understand what teacher X is saying, I’ll obtain enlightenment like teacher X, and there won’t be the emotions fear or insecurity anymore”. 

Anger: "Enlightened beings don't experience anger."

Powerlessness: "If I'm feeling powerlessness, it means I'm not spiritually advanced enough."

Discouragement: “Once I’ve done enough ‘consciousness work’, I’ll be at a level like X teacher where emotions like discouragement will clearly be seen as petty normie or human stuff”. 

Frustration: “I’m only feeling this way because I haven’t been doing / haven’t done enough ‘consciousness work’, eventually I’ll become enlightened and transcend these emotions”. 

All emotions: “Teacher X didn’t fully feel and allow all emotions, teacher X achieved emotional mastery, I will achieve emotional mastery too”.  

These are just a few examples which illustrate how the belief in becoming enlightened can encourage fixation on a teacher or guru, while simultaneously averting from certain emotions that are unfortunately ignored or even interpreted as obstacles to enlightenment, via being ‘human stuff’, as if humans become enlightened.


In online forums, these dynamics often manifest as projections of emotions experienced but suppressed in ignoring the separate self of thought phenomena, by the belief in becoming enlightened, and may sound like:

Fear: “It’s obvious there is my life & separation and you’re oblivious!”

Anger / Frustration: “Your teachings don’t work!”.

Powerlessness: “You’re only where you’re at on the path because you meditated so much and did a bunch of psychedelics! If I had as much experience as you I’d be enlightened by now too!” 

Discouragement: “I want to be a teach of nonduality like you, but you don’t tell me how!”

All emotions: “It’s genetic not a matter of dispelling conditioning, and if I had genetics like you I’d be enlightened like you!”. 

Or “Enlightenment is easy for you because of your experiences, where you live and the friends, relationships or money you have!”

“The Reason”, Suffering, Mental Illness & The Actuality Of Perfection.

Why is there suffering? What is the real reason?

Weird as it may initially sound, there isn’t a reason. At least, not thought wise. Thoughts can ‘point’ to this ‘reason’, but there isn’t a thought which is the reason. 

As ‘pointing’ goes; what appears to forget, forgets by appearing. 

The belief / misidentification is that there are people, and you’re a person. The truth is these are apparent thoughts, not finite things. 

Hence meditation, emptying ‘the cup’. As the activity of thinking / thoughts settles, Being remains, without any obscuring beliefs. 

Thought implies there are separate finite things, and therein cyclic things. 

Thought implies this about perception & sensation. 

Feeling is appearing as sensation, perception & thoughts. 

The thoughts ‘implying’ are apparent, appearance, and not separate finite things. 

Thought implies there is a separate finite thing called a person. What’s overlooked is that that is, a thought, and that the thought appeared, and there is no ‘reason’. Every ‘reason’ is, another presently appearing thought. 


What about someone who finds everything to be depressing & nothing feels pleasant to him? What about addiction, and the feeling that he isn’t able to resolve his addiction?

‘Find every thing depressing’ is the believing of thoughts, that there are things, and that there is someone finding every thing - depressing. It’s the thought which feels off, because the thought isn’t true. The thought about there being separate selves and things feels off to that which is aware and does not know there are separate selves or things, because there aren’t. 

The illusion is; “I’m here”, “I know”. The illusion is that of believing thoughts.

Likewise the thought “nothing feels pleasant to him” is the assumption there are things and a him (a separate self), and none of these things, feel pleasant, to him. The thought feels off to feeling because feeling is aware and there is no “him”. The thought, ‘the feeling that he isn’t able to resolve his addiction’ is again the assumption there is a he, which is separate of feeling, and there is ‘some thing’ called ‘the feeling that he isn’t able to resolve his addiction’. The belief can be dispelled, but not solved, because it’s a belief (not an actual problem). Feeling is not a thing.

Suffering (discord) doesn’t have a cause… such as ‘in a past’… but is descriptive of how an appearing thought feels, now. Thoughts can be about other-than-now, even though there is not other than now. Thought is creator-creating-creation. (Perfection). 

You’re being way to radical implying saying mental illness doesn’t exist! If mental illness doesn’t exist, then what are doctors all over the planet curing!

The body, doctor, doctor’s office and world are one indivisible whole. There isn’t “this other thing” being cured. There may be the thought that there is, and that thought might be believed. 

You’re being way to” is deflection & projection.

An emotion is felt. The very reasonless discord & guidance talked about. But the thought arises, ‘you’re…’ and the message isn’t heard. 

 The “cyclic” aspect of thought is the addition of ‘the separate self’ of thoughts. As in, “this is projection”… is changed in terms of interpretation, to “he’s saying I’m projecting”. The ‘cyclic thought activity’ is like planes circling an airport, of runaways, of emotions.

The end of projection is the acknowledgment of the emotion felt. 

The acknowledgment of the emotion felt is the end of projection. 

This is where the analogy ends, as these ‘planes’ (thoughts) which land on landing strips (emotions) don’t take off again, and if they do, they don’t make it very far for being seen for what they are & aren’t.

So to speak, perhaps a worthwhile question is… why do doctors believe thoughts as labels & prescribe medication, rather than talking about discord, emotional guidance, alignment & truth. 

Deflection & projection happen very quickly as it were. Light “speed”.

Either it’s very tricky, or, felt

If it seems like there is someone here being singled out, at fault or blamed for deflection & projection… then it’s tricky indeed, as blame is an emotion (felt). Emotion is intrinsic guidance.

It seems most often discord & alignment are felt & clear in hindsight

In taking pause, discord & alignment are felt actually, which is to say, presently. Foresight ensues. 

The wildest craziest most radical possibility of all possibilities is actually the truth; what’s being said about the spheres, and Creator-Creating-Creation therein, is actually true.

One (being) appears as two (spheres)

What appears to forget, forgets by appearing.

Emotional Bypassing Is A Sign Of Intelligence.


Bypassing thoughts of limitation and separation, the expression and allowance of joy, appreciation & empowerment is the unlocking or self-inherent boundless potential, fostering a profound realizations of the truth & beauty of self, as well as the abundance and profundity of the miracle of being. 



By bypassing thoughts of hesitation, uncertainty & second guessing, the allowance and expression of passion inspires and propels never before experienced ideas & actions aligned with the reality of creator-ship infusing every moment and endeavor with the pure energy of being.



Bypassing separate self referential concepts of hesitance, reservation & intimidation, the allowance of enthusiasm, eagerness and happiness is a renewed welcoming & open-hearted engagement with present moment experience which reveals new possibilities as new adventures ensue, inherently infusing the body-mind with excitement, anticipation and the simple pleasure of having fun. 


Positive Expectation/Belief:

By bypassing cynicism, the allowance of the expression of positive expectations and beliefs pave the way for the realization of desired outcomes and opportunities,



Bypassing the ostensible mental action of presumption, the expression of optimism effortlessly aligns thought with the inherent goodness of being which allows the potential for manifestation of preferences and positive change strengthening momentum & allowing solutions in moments of adversity. 



By bypassing false assumptions & conclusions, the expression of hopefulness fuels the courage, bravery, intrinsic curiosity and resilience, unfettering infinite possibilities and boundless potential.



By bypassing self referential thought patterns of loathing & cravings, the allowance of contentment reveals the truth of peace and inherent fulfillment, allowing the beauty of being to shine, the otherwise ordinary to be seen clearly as extraordinary and the mundane remarkable as being basks in the inherent abundance of the present moment.



Bypassing self referential concepts of bored & judgmental thoughts of boring, the expression of boredom dispels beliefs of stagnation, stuckness, shortage, lack, inability & assertion and revitalizes curiosity, wonder & exploration paving the way for new invigorating ideas & experiences by naturally allowing creativity and the manifestation of preferences to be.



By bypassing concepts of sadness, anxiety, hopelessness & depression, the allowance of the expression of pessimism prompts introspection and a reevaluation of beliefs, leading to renewed optimism & alignment, resulting insights, solution orientation, and unveils the reality of all being anew in this moment.



By bypassing thoughts of time, judgement, urgency and complacency, the expression of the emotions frustration, irritation and impatience relieve the body-mind of discord allowing constructive proactive steps in the orientation of resolution, and un-restrains self-discovery, the truth of of the timelessness of being, and the true eternal nature of formlessness. 



Bypassing patterns of thought of a separate self in time, the acknowledgement and expression of overwhelment highlights how truly invaluable self-care and mindfulness are as reflections of inherent inner peace and balance.



By bypassing expectations and false conclusions, the allowance of the expression of disappointment stimulates resilience and broadens openness & open-mindedness allowing to new solutions & opportunities. 



By bypassing circular logic / uncertainty, the expression of the emotion doubt prompts a journey of exploration and self-discovery with respect to the unmistakably felt dissonance, fostering confidence and clarity, unveiling self-assurance and empowerment.



Bypassing fortune telling & mind reading, the expression and release of worry prompts proactive planning, insights, ease of mindfulness & peace of mind and unfetters happiness. 



Bypassing judgements, the expression of blame relieves consciousness of distorted interpretations of separation, which un-hinders and un-restricts creativity, clarity, potential, empathy, compassion and appreciation.



Bypassing defeatism, the expression of discouragement fuels determination and resilience in the manifestation of goals, leading to achievement & success.



By bypassing tension, hostility & dis-ease, the expression of anger unfetters assertiveness & clarity, as well as fostering patience, kindness and improved communication. 



Bypassing actions & behaviors of vengeance via the expression of revenge tension empties, unfettering sincere heartfelt forgiveness making healing, harmony and reconciliation possible which inherently promotes peace and freedom.



By bypassing animosity, resentment & hostility, the expression & inherent release of hatred / rage allows for and inspires empathy and compassion, harmony and connection.



By bypassing the suppression of preferences and employment of deflection & projection, the expression of jealousy prompts self-reflection, unfettering self-assurance and naturally occurring appreciation.



Bypassing disparaging self referential thoughts with the expression of insecurity, guilt and or unworthiness relieves the body-mind of unnecessary tension & dissonance is self-love as it’s an allowing of self-inherent self-awareness, self-compassion, self-worth and empowerment to be unfettered and arise.



Bypassing all other emotions and beginning with the expression of fear, grief, despair and or powerlessness in the acknowledgment that there is that which some thoughts & interpretations do not resonate with and this is evidentiary that there is a true nature of being. 

Q&A: Anger, Karma; Breaking The Cycle of Ignore-ance & Harm.

How to express anger, this intensely consuming anger - without harming or hurting the bad people who caused it?

This is already an expression anger, very good! It’s easier than you might be thinkin. The aspects of othering, resentment, animosity, exclusion & self-isolation are all an expression of anger, or, anger infused interpretation(s). 

It is incredibly wise, intuitive & aligning to allow healthy means & ways of expressing emotions and releasing anger. Healthy, as in, doesn’t involve harm (war, violence, etc) and therein doesn’t perpetuate the cycle of ignore-ance: suppression, internalization, harming, traumatizing, next generation - repeat.

Breaking the cycle is the non-conceptual real deal of self-discovery & awakening.


The simplest way to fully empty is fitness (inherent betterment & alignment) and using a journal to express anything & everything that comes up.

The emotional scale is very handy, as disappointment feels slightly better than anger, and what’s really wanted is always clarity / feeling better - Truth.


When anger arises the lens and body contract and there is a limiting / limited experience. Expression & emptying de-contract. As the lens & body de-contract, naturally they are filled with the true nature of that which is being the lens & body. 

The ideal is transmutation. Turning anger into beauty, pouring the energy of anger into creativity, betterment & change. 


  Why should they get away with it?

Why they should is based on the belief that they could. The truth is they can’t. They don’t really get away with anything anymore than you do.

Allow the dots to connect in terms of mental, emotional and bodily health or ‘quality of life’. 

 “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” 

- Mark Twain


Chronic suppression & internalization of anger manifests as…

Hypertension (high blood pressure) & cardiovascular (heart) disease. 

Digestive disorders (hernia, ulcers, IBS, SIBO).

Headaches or migraines.

Insomnia or sleep disturbances.

Anxiety disorders.


Substance abuse or addiction.

Skin conditions (such as eczema or psoriasis).

Weakened immune system.


Does that sound like getting away with anything?

Suffering / ignorance (suppression of emotional guidance) and misidentification inevitably get old and as one unfetters one experiences the ‘barfing up’ of all which has been experienced, internalized & suppressed. Karma. 

There is no escaping karma, even in dying / death. This is why there are conflicting reports of near death experiences for example. Tales of heaven & hell etc. It’s believed to be objective and experienced, while in fact it’s what’s emptying out. Reality is already a from in to outward appearance.


But if bad people aren’t punished enough everyone is free to hurt & har each other as they won’t experience the revenge to set them straight!

Reality is absolutely free, unconditional, inherently peaceful and only seemingly divided by ignore-ance & misidentification… and therein harm, violence, war and perpetuating the cycle; revenge.

Conscious-Creating; Interpretation & Introspection In Three Simple Steps

Step 1: Acknowledge What Is. 

Actions, behaviors, circumstances & people do not have to change for interpretation to change. 

Sitting still with eyes closed, notice there is no experience of any actions, behaviors, circumstances or people. Yet, there can still be an experience of arising interpretations. 

Notice therefore, interpretation is closer to home, more immediate & intimate in direct experience, prior to & not contingent upon… actions, behaviors, circumstances and people. 

If there is a preference for actions, behaviors and or circumstances to change - allow interpretations to change in alignment with feeling - and actions, behaviors & circumstances will change. 

Allowing isn’t an action, it’s non-action - non-reaction. Allowing is not something someone can do. Allowing isn’t a behavior. It isn’t ’how someone is’ or ‘what someone does’. That would be an / another interpretation. Allowing is simply What Is, being. 

Step 2: Acknowledge What Is, is being. 

As consciousness / awareness - you are being interpretations by appearing as interpretations, and not by thinking or doing.

Alignment is that of appearing thoughts & interpretations… with that which is appearing as thoughts & interpretations.

Interpretation is not a thing or object. That there are things or objects is an apparent interpretation.  

Interpretation being apparent, is formless, fluid & dynamic - not static, rigid, solid or solidified. 

Notice “actions, behaviors, circumstances and people”… is an interpretation / are interpretations. 

Liberation is noticing none of the interpretations are true. None of these interpretations actually define perception. 

Why is that? How is that possible?

Step 3: Introspection. 

Action implies causation; a doer doing. Where is ‘the doer’ in direct experience?

Behavior implies someone’s behavior. Where is ‘someone’ in direct experience? Is a body someone? Is someone presumed to be inside of a body? 

Circumstances implies my circumstances. Where is the me of my circumstances, which is separate of, circumstances? 

As infinite awareness right-now-only appearing, or being - you, awareness, are the creator of your reality. Creator-Creating-Creation. 

By appearing as the lens-sphere, there is focus & arising or appearing thoughts, about the world-sphere you are being. 

Some appearing thoughts seem to be about you, and true. That is, some so called thoughts & interpretations which you, infinite awareness are right-now-only appearing as - seem to be true about - that which is appearing. 

Apparent thoughts are as true about what’s appearing as thoughts, as a mirage is true about a desert. 

In shining the light of awareness on discordant beliefs and allowing emotions to be fully felt, beliefs are dispelled & suffering is ‘seen’ for what it isn’t, and felt as what it actually is - unconditionality. In this way-less way, awareness is ‘getting out of its own way’ and allowing thoughts, interpretations, actions, behaviors & circumstances indicative of the true nature of awareness to appear. 

The Three Little Pigs; A Progressive Path Analogy.

The three little pigs story as analogous to daily meditation, acknowledging emotions, and questioning & dispelling beliefs…

The first little piggy built a house of straw. That is, the daily practice was adopted, but in truth was intermittent and based on thoughts & mood. When the big bad wolf came, his house was blown down like a house of cards built upon un-inspected beliefs, and the ensuing justifications & rationalizations for not inspecting, which were the aversion from feeling emotion.

His phone was functioning perfectly, ringing loudly with the guidance of insecurity, powerlessness, fear & guilt - but thoughts of separation & being a separate piggy remained un-inspected and therein believed, and so the call - the guidance, was ignored & suppressed.

The first little piggy lived all the days of his life believing he was separate, insecure, powerless, afraid and guilty. To him, the world was a fearful place where other piggies knew & understood things he didn’t and therein had power & courage which he just didn’t have. All of this piggy’s choices, decisions and opportunities were limited in that they were based first & foremost on avoiding the wolf so his house of straw wouldn’t be blown down.

The second little piggy adopted & adhered to the daily practice of meditation, getting on that little piggy cushion every morning, rain or shine, making his house of sticks. The sense of peacefulness he experienced was nice and he enjoyed relating to other spiritual piggies & talking about the traps of straw houses and the value of stick houses. His phone indeed rang as well, and he was content in his knowing of how voicemail works.

However, when the wolf came around, as the second little piggy hadn’t acknowledged emotions fully nor inspected beliefs, when the wolf would blow, the beliefs would be triggered and the second piggy would become overwhelmed by emotions as again & again his house of sticks would implode & collapse upon itself.

The second piggy lived a mediocre life. When his house of sticks was blown down, he and his little piggy friends would rebuild another house of sticks together. In time he learned to compromise and barter with the wolf with the help, understanding, wisdom & guidance of his little piggy friends.


The third little piggy adopted the practice & adhered, answered his phone whenever it rang, and inspected every arising thought, dispelling every belief, bringing the activity of thinking to rest as quickly as it arose. The third piggy built a house of brick.

All was revealed to this third piggy. The truth of himself, of all piggies and of the universe therein. This piggy wasn’t seeking anything from anyone, in any time, in any where. In answering his phone, he allowed self-respect, diligence, honesty & integrity. Whenever the wolf came around, this piggy would not avert, but would question & inspect the wolf as well, thus seeing the wolf for what it isn’t, and what it is.

In seeing the house the third piggy had built, the wolf was confronted with the futility of trying to blow it down. As the wolf was seen for what it is and what it isn’t, he had no choice in the matter and simply moved along.

The third piggy lived an atypical life, which in truth was more of a dream full of endless possibilities & inexplicable synchronicities. Indeed great & transient hurricanes, floods, tsunamis and earthquakes came upon him; ever-deepening the reality of his house, which no one nor no thing could blown down.

The Truth, Addiction; In 4 Simple Steps.

The 4th step is the denial that the first 3 steps have already unfolded.

This is an appearance of feeling.

The 3rd step is conceptualizing emotion.

There is not a me which is scared, afraid, fearful,  powerless, insecure, guilty, unworthy, jealous, hating or hateful, discouraged or discouraging, blamed or blaming, worried or worrying, doubtful or doubting, disappointed or disappointing, overwhelmed or overwhelming, frustrated or frustrating, irritated or irritating, impatient, pessimistic, bored, content, hopeful or hopeless, positive, expecting or expected, believing or believed, optimistic, enthusiastic or enthused, eager, happy, passionate, joyful, appreciative or appreciated, empowered or empowering, free, loving or loved. 

This is an appearance of feeling. 

The 2nd step is conceptualizing feeling.

This is not a thing or things, something, anything, everything, life, experience, a world, a universe or physical. 

This is not mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, anyone’s or everyone’s. 

This is an appearance of feeling. 

The 1st step is feeling being, or appearing as This.

This is an appearance of feeling. 

How To Deal With Negative Emotions; practical steps.

First acknowledge judgement. (“Negative”). 

Then acknowledge the dualistic belief the judgement is based on. (Negative & positive). 

Then acknowledge the misidentification the belief & judgement is based on. (I am separate of negative & positive, as the knower that there is, negative and positive).

Then acknowledge the truth; the one which knows there is negative emotion & has to deal with it; are thoughts you’re aware of, and are not actually about or defining of you in any way.

Then acknowledge whatever emotion is experienced, without judgement, as guidance for thoughts. 

Then don’t step in the same hole, by simply & effortlessly being aware of the discord of beliefs. 

“Then”, notice this transpired only in thoughts, and not ‘in time’, and is no more than allowing thought to naturally align with feeling.

“Then”, now - blow the doors of this so called life. As the ever-present aliveness that Is; love first - and therein live fully, appreciatively, and unabashedly.