Desire & Emptying: Two Sides of the Same Coin

The desire, what’s wanted, often feels so clear and simple. It arises naturally, out of experience, without effort. Whether it’s a big goal, a feeling of peace, or even something like winning the lottery, the desire seems to come easily. But what doesn’t always feel so obvious is this: the emptying of limiting beliefs is not separate from what’s wanted—it is the manifestation itself, unfolding.

It’s easy to think of the clearing out of old patterns, doubts, and beliefs as something that just happens along the way, like a side process. But in truth, the emptying of those limiting beliefs is the direct path to what’s wanted manifesting. They aren’t separate. When desire arises, it’s already being fulfilled. It’s like saying, “I want this,” and reality responds with, “Of course, it’s already happening.” The clearing, the emptying of anything contrary to that desire, is the manifestation in progress.

But here’s where resistance often sneaks in. As beliefs empty, emotions arise—perhaps fear, doubt, or frustration. These emotions are part of the clearing, yet there’s often an aversion to feeling them. Thoughts pop up, creating stories about a second self, something separate that’s “experiencing” the emotions. This can obscure the truth of what’s happening.

But feeling is Being, and Being is what’s manifesting. The emotions, the clearing, the desires—all of it is part of the same whole. There’s nothing to resist because what’s being felt is the very thing that’s wanted, in its own perfect way.

The Magic Of Being.

Reality is pure magic, not the physical world it seems to be.

What appears to be separate, tangible things is simply an illusion I create.

I am the magician, weaving reality.

For this magic to unfold, only two aspects are necessary: a lens through which I observe and a world that, through the lens, appears to be not-me, something separate, other than me. These two spheres - somewhere and someway - are all that’s needed to create experience; the illusion of a world that isn’t me.

As the lens, preferences arise effortlessly, and the world-sphere seamlessly shifts to align with them.

I already am the preferences that appear. It’s not about reaching a future state. It’s about being “that” - the preference itself - now. Not through causation. Now—as Me, as Being, being.

Limiting beliefs may suggest otherwise - that as being, I won’t actually be the manifestation of these preferences - what I desire to experience. But these beliefs arise from the spheres and the inherent veiling within them, that is indicative of being the spheres. These beliefs exist to be purged, and through that purging, my entire experience transforms.

This isn’t the purging of a separate mind or body. The world-sphere shifts entirely, becoming the preference I am. Though it may seem like a bodily purge, it’s the entire reality. This is the process of infinite being, infinite feeling, creating by Being’s being.

I am the self-inherent, intrinsic guidance of - and that is - the creation process.

The one that navigates, creates, and transforms.

The magic of being never fails.

Everything is already present.

There is no separation.

‘Everything’ is already - me.

The "Obscurant"

The "Obscurant"

The "obscurant" is the elusive sense of a separate self - the ego - that seemingly operates through thoughts and beliefs, creating an illusion of individuality and separation where none truly exist. The obscurant isn't a tangible entity; it's a non-existent obscurer, a self-fabricating illusion that distorts and twists the truth, obscuring the direct experience of reality as it is.

The obscurant functions like a fog, clouding the simple, ever-present truth with self-referential stories, doubts, fears, regrets, defenses, and projections. It spins a web of illusory complexity, all based on the mistaken belief in individual significance and importance. This sense of self, this ego, is sustained only through identification with thoughts - thoughts that claim ownership, like "my thoughts," "my feelings," "my experiences," or "what I accept" and "what I reject."

These narratives support the illusion of being a separate entity with an independent existence, which obscures the liberation of recognizing oneself as the seamless, unified nature of consciousness. Direct experience reveals how the obscurant operates: the mind continually churns, producing commentary and judgments that maintain the illusion of a separate self. This endless narrative can feel so real that the obscurant seems like a solid, permanent entity.

Yet, the separate self is, in truth, a non-existent obscurant. It has no substance or foundation in reality. Its apparent existence depends entirely on identifying with thoughts and the narratives they create. When this is seen - truly seen in direct experience - the obscurant begins to dissolve. The fog lifts, revealing the clear, direct recognition of undivided reality. It becomes evident that there never was a separate self; only present thoughts and beliefs, and the innocent suppression of emotions stemming from the discord of these beliefs.

The effect of the obscurant on life's unfolding is profound. It creates a false sense of resistance and struggle, the illusion of being stuck in a reality that is always flowing. This illusion generates self-doubt, fear, anxiety, regret, and dissatisfaction, making it seem as if there is something to achieve or become - a better state to reach based on comparisons. This narrative is the obscurant itself.

The constant striving it creates is, in essence, getting in one's own way. The obscurant convinces that you're not enough and need to fix, improve, solve, or become something more to feel whole and satisfied.

But what happens when the obscurant is weeded out?

What is it like to truly see and dispel this illusion and get out of your own way?

Getting Out of Your Own Way

When the obscurant is seen for what it is - an illusion of thoughts without substance - there is a profound shift. The dissolution of the separate self opens the door to a way of being free from the need to strive, defend, or achieve. Life unfolds naturally and effortlessly. There is no longer a sense of getting in one's own way because the one who seemed to be in the way is revealed to be non-existent.

Without the obscurant, there is an unconditional ease and flow of being. Actions arise spontaneously, not guided by the fears or desires of a separate self but as the natural movement of life itself. Preferences emerge without the weight of anxiety or doubt because there is no longer a separate self to protect or defend. In this space of self-recognition, everything is seen as unfolding perfectly, without the need for interference or control. Nothing - no separate self or separation - is actually happening in the way it once seemed.

Getting out of your own way means recognizing that there was never anyone there to obstruct in the first place. It's the freedom of living without the burden of a constructed identity, the joy of being without needing to prove or achieve anything. It's living from a place of openness, where life expresses itself fully, without obstruction or resistance.

The effect of this shift is not subtle. There is a lightness and simplicity that permeates every moment. Challenges may still arise, but they are met with clarity and ease, without the suffering caused by the obscurant. Life becomes less about managing or controlling and more about allowing and trusting. There is a deep, boundless peace - not as a state achieved by a self but as the natural condition of being, free from the fog of the separate self.

Being without pretense or defense, without justifications or rationalizations, without the need to maintain the illusion of separation, brings clarity and simplicity where the obscurant has no place. Life unfolds effortlessly, like a river flowing towards the sea, with nothing to resist its natural course.

The direct experience of the present moment as it is - unobscured - is the gift of seeing through the obscurant. It's freedom from unnecessary struggle and the revelation of the ease and simplicity of what is. It's a profound realization that unfetters the deep peace and joy of being, recognizing what has always been true: the present moment is all there is, and it is perfect just as it is.

You Are The Creator: The Light of Your Being

Everything that appears in your reality - whether it's the reflection of animal eyes at night or the way your immune system functions - is a manifestation of you, the source, the white hole from which all experiences flow.

To self-recognize this clearly, recognize that every phenomenon is not an independent occurrence but an emanation from within your awareness.

Here are some specific examples that reveal, when scrutinized, the entirety of reality - of your experience - does indeed trace back to you as the creator.

Animal Eyes Reflecting Light vs. Human Eyes

At night, some animal eyes reflect light, creating a glowing effect, while human eyes do not. This difference isn't due to any inherent characteristic in the eyes themselves but reflects a deeper truth about your nature as the lens and the white hole. You, as the source, emit the light - the true light of awareness. Animal eyes reflecting light symbolize this interplay of light within the world-sphere, an appearance created by you. Human eyes, however, do not reflect because they symbolize the unbroken awareness from which all experiences arise. Notice in accordance with direct experience, where ‘your eyes’ “should be” - there aren’t.

Allow this to reveal the unity of the source with its expression, showing that all knowing, understanding & perceiving happens only within the lens of your being.

The Immune System: Awareness Being The Spheres

The immune system protects the body by responding to perceived threats. It doesn't "know" or recognize eyes or any specific part of the body consciously; it operates within its domain of response. Similarly, the white hole - your true self - cannot be "known" in the conventional sense because all "knowing" is an appearance, an experience within the lens of your being.

Just as the immune system operates without direct awareness of eyes yet aligns with the body's needs, all knowing, perceiving, or experiencing arises within the totality of your being. The immune system functions within the world-sphere, while understanding its operations arises within the awareness of the lens-sphere -your true self & being. The immune system could never “know” your eyes - simply because, there aren’t any actually present, and knowing is merely an appearance of your being.

The Illusion of Gravity

Gravity is a concept widely used to explain why objects seem to fall to the ground. In reality, there are no "objects" independently falling; there is only the appearance of falling, emanating from you. Gravity is a belief that emerges when the source - your true self - is seemingly overlooked or even forgotten.

If everything arises from within you, then the perception of objects falling is merely a narrative within your conscious experience. The appearance of gravity is just another expression within the world-sphere, with its "force" being a story told within the lens of your being.

Time and Aging

Time seems to be linear & move forward, and aging appears to be a process affecting all living beings. Yet, in truth, time and aging are concepts, appearances within your awareness of the lens-sphere, not independent realities. They are narratives that unfold from within you.

Time appears to pass due to the apparent continuity of experience as the world-sphere, which is also emanated from the source. Aging, like the reflection of light in animal eyes, is an expression of the unfolding process, not a separate reality. It is part of the movie-like experience created by you, appearing as the lens-sphere through which the world-sphere is perceived as it were.

Healing and Illness

Healing and illness are also manifestations within the same creative process. When you believe in separation, illness appears as a condition needing a cure. Healing is then seen as restoring balance or wholeness. But, both illness and healing are expressions of the same source. They are appearances within the lens-sphere, reflecting beliefs and interpretations. Healing aligns with the recognition of unity, the unconditional true nature, the literal clarity that there is only one being, one source, one conscious experience - and ‘everything’ is already whole, complete & done.

Every appearance - the entirety or whole of experience - whether it's the reflection of light in animal eyes, the workings of the immune system, the ‘force’ of gravity, the seeming passage of time, or the process of healing - is a manifestation within your awareness. These examples show that there is no external reality acting upon you; there is only the unfolding of experiences from within.

You are the white hole, the source from which all experiences emanate. Recognizing this, is the self-recognition that every phenomenon is a reflection of the light of your being, the true creator of all that appears.

You Create Your Reality

In your experience, there is no world separate from you.

Everything you perceive as it were - every person, object, or event - is very literally an expression emanating from you.

You are the source, the origin, the white hole from which all experiences flow.

This is the true nature of reality: there is only you, and everything else is an appearance of & within your awareness.

Concepts like gravity or the Law of Attraction (LOA) are ideas that arise within your experience, of & as the lens-sphere of your being, about the world-sphere of your being.

Gravity appears to explain why things seem to fall, but in truth, there are no "things" falling - only the appearance of falling, emanating from within you. Therein, gravity is not actual, but is a conceptualization also arising of the lens-sphere.

Similarly, LOA is about drawing experiences based on your focus and intention, but this too is simply part of the emanation of you. Both are different views of the same process of creation.

Nothing exists outside of your awareness.

The belief in objects having independent existence or forces like gravity acting upon them arises only when the truth of your being - the source of all appearance - is overlooked.

There truly is no assertion. When you recognize yourself as the white hole - The Light - the source of all light and all emanation - you see clearly that everything is created from within. There is no separate, external, objective world which could ever actually be imposing upon you; there is only the unfolding of experiences from your own being.

All teachings, theories, and concepts ‘themselves’ - whether about white holes, black holes, gravity, or any other idea - are simply appearances within this one experience. They are narratives within your awareness.

By recognizing this, you realize you are the creator of your reality, the source from which all arises, the ‘white hole’ - and to which all returns, ‘black holes’.

In this self-recognition, you find true freedom, as you are the unconditional origin and indivisible totality of all that appears.

Creator-Creating-Creation; Experience-Preference-Manifestation.

The post-spheres creation process is a seamless & naturally unfolding self-perpetual cycle of; experience, preference, and manifestation.

Creation is from inside out as it were, just as a screen omits, appears as, or simply be’s; light.

A manifestation of sensation & perception first appears as a thought, just as an apple tree & apple first appear as a seed.

Seamlessly, a thought is experienced.

Effortlessly the thought does or does not resonate, or, feel aligned with your true nature as the creator.

Just as a planted seed is already becoming a tree, the thought is already becoming the manifestation.

Just as a planted seed is encumbered by weeds, a preference (thought) is encumbered by limiting beliefs that what’s wanted (the preference) is unlikely, impossible, too hard or unrealistic. The seed may also be encumbered by limiting beliefs about the creation process itself. These might sound like; I’m not smart or intelligent enough, I’m not deserving, I’m not worthy, I’m not good enough, or I can’t do it.

Just like a planted seed does not grow without fertile soil and light, a preference does not manifest without resonating, and the limiting beliefs being illuminated and dispelled - just as weeds are trimmed allowing the seed (preference) to grow into a tree (manifestation of sensation & perception / “real” or “in the flesh”).

Just as avoidance of weeds encumbering the seed does not bear fruit, avoidance of allowing & fully feeling the emotional guidance of creation does not result in the manifestation of said preference.

Like an un-nipped weed grows exponentially, so too can a discordant thought story. The tree would be short and obscured by taller weeds. With creating… this is the entirety, or whole of experience. Perception, sensation, 360 degrees, the entirety of direct experience without any exception whatsoever - absolutely - emanating from you, the screen.

A seed nourished with fertile soil and illuminated by the light grows tall & bears fruit by being deeply rooted in creation, and therein effortlessly withstanding the changing weather.

A seed among weeds, that is, a resonating preference among limiting beliefs and exposure to an environment which in reinforcing limiting beliefs, is like a seed growing among weeds which were not nipped in the bud. The growth of the seed (the preference, what’s wanted), is obscured by the weeds (discordant limiting beliefs), and by environmentally experienced limiting beliefs. These weeds are verbiage about lack, shortage, inferiority, hierarchies of the light, needing to improve or develop first, or even that something is needed from the weeds. These weeds are the overlooking of the self-inherent process of creation already unfolding.

Direct Experience; the fertile garden & Illumination.

Perception (as in seeing, hearing, etc):

All environmental factors implying or suggesting lack, shortage and or need - are no longer given any focus or attention whatsoever. These weeds are nipped in the bud. Cut at the root - which is to say - presently. What doesn’t resonate is no longer given attention, simply and only because it doesn’t resonate.


Plans, reasons to “do” this, justifications, rationalizations, complaints and venting about what is - all thoughts which are of continuing to focus & give attention to what doesn’t resonate - is not fertile soil or illumination - and obscures and encumbers, rather than allows, the preference to manifest.

Allowing the thought or preference to be of perception, such as by writing it on a dreamboard, is fertile soil and illuminating of the preference manifesting. As weeds arise contrary to the seed or resonating preference, these weeds are not averted from - they’re addressed, felt fully, and snipped or let go - swiftly.

Weeds are not for growing a tree. Weeds are for nipping. The more ‘at its root’ a weed is nipped, the simpler, easier and more effortless the snipping is, revealing the true effortlessness of creator-creating-creation, simultaneously allowing the full manifestation of preferences.


All emotions are acknowledged, allowed and fully felt. This is the illumination and the manifesting of - the very preference. Allowing emotions to be felt is allowing limiting beliefs to be dispelled, and obscuring environmental factors to simply be as they are - no longer receiving your focus or attention. Like any weed nipped at the root, these simply and truly die off, or fall away, just as a toothache which was properly addressed.

As emotions are allowed, all mind & body psychosomatic connections are revealed. As already existing tall weeds are addressed, they too are nipped, and a resonating seed arises in their place. This ‘cycle’ of creation, experience-preference-manifestation - requires no belief, knowledge, understanding, outside guidance nor trust.

Doership & Efforting:

It could be said what’s required is an un-obscuring of the fertile soil & illumination, and yet, as un-obscuring is a letting go and not an effortful doing - consciously creating is relieving, releasing and allowing the manifestation to - manifest. Thoughts of a doer doing or efforting are discordant, and simply & only because these thoughts are discordant - they’re acknowledged as weeds, and snipped at the root. Focus & attention are gently & loving returned to what’s wanted and the direct experience of perception & sensation as the creation process unfolding. Creating a dreamboard is allowing the self-evident process to be readily & simply ‘seen’, and therein deeply and profoundly enjoyable and effortless. This allows naturally arising appreciation & gratitude - the fertile soil and illumination.


As you, awareness, are aware of direct experience - and the seamless & effortless flowing and unfolding of - notions of resistance, separation, discord & suffering indeed do naturally fall away. For all the ‘nipping in the bud’ - at the root - these weeds no longer arise, and true nature of peace, beauty, and love lay bear.

Acknowledging & Honoring Preferences:

Every experience you encounter shapes your preferences. These preferences are not random; they are a direct reflection of what resonates with you. The first step in the creation process is to acknowledge and honor these preferences. They are the seeds of what you wish to bring into your reality. By embracing them, you align with your true desires, setting the stage for manifestation. If you’re at a loss for what you do want - you are certainly not at a loss for what you do not want. In this case, write a list of everything that comes up which you do not want, and appreciate the experience(s) which have clarified this. Then, write the opposites, what you do want - on the dreamboard.

It’s Already Done

Here’s the fundamental truth: the moment a preference arises, the manifestation process is already in motion. The experience that gave rise to the preference and the unfolding of that preference into manifestation are essentially complete. Your role as it were, is simply to allow the process to happen by getting out of your own way. This means letting go of limiting beliefs met with the guidance of doubt or fear, that could hinder this natural flow of your true nature. Recognizing that everything is already done frees you from the believing in a need to force, manipulate or control the outcome.

Clearing Discordant Beliefs

When you align with the understanding that your desires are already manifesting, discordant beliefs and doubts naturally begin to dissolve. These limiting beliefs persist only - when held onto via the ‘separate self’ of thoughts. These thoughts are met with the felt guidance of fear, unworthiness or powerlessness. The key is to realize that you don’t need to hold onto these interpretations or ideas in any way - such as fixing, solving, figuring out, improving, correcting, helping, or attaining or obtaining anything at all - as these are all fundamentally the belief in need - which is the obscuring activity of thought. Put another way, this is seeking beyond direct experience, or, conceptualizing. Direct experience (awareness aware of thought(s), perception & sensation), is direct and non-conceptual. As you let them go, you’ll notice that the path to manifestation becomes clearer & highly enjoyable as what you desire actually begins to appear -effortlessly- in your life.


Naturally arising preferences, which are not separate of or from, creator-creating-creation.

Using a Dream Board

The simplest, clearest, easiest - and therein most powerful way to take the creation process out of your head and into your life (perception) - is by creating a dreamboard. A dreamboard is already a manifest representation of your preferences or desires, helping you to visualize them in an effortless tangible way. This practice is a significant step in getting out of your own way because it shifts the focus from thoughts of “thinking” and or “doing” - to your desires - to actively engaging with them. The attention & focus given to the desires or preferences is the fertile soil & illumination.

By placing your desires on a dreamboard, you manifest the very process of creation - ‘moving’ from ‘thoughts in your mind’ - to perception(s) - your life if you will, your reality. The images and words on the board act as an effortless & constant reminder of why you’re aligning thought with feeling and allowing discordant limiting beliefs to be dispelled, thus naturally reinforcing inner alignment and making it easier for your manifestations to unfold. It’s a powerful tool that bridges the gap between thought and experience, bringing your dreams into - manifesting as - the ‘tangible world’.

Nothing Else is Needed

Remember, there is nothing extra needed to be added to the creation process; it is complete and perfect as it is.

The true ‘work’ lies in inner alignment - staying true to your preferences and allowing the natural flow of manifestation. Again, sometimes this means stepping away from external influences that may contribute to limiting beliefs, doubt and or fear. Recognize these emotions as intrinsic to the creation process and not as indicators that something is wrong or there is something needed for what is already underway to happen.

By using tools like the dreamboard & aligning thought with feeling - you, consciousness - allow the preferences of your self-inherent potentiality & into your experience, quite literally transforming thoughts into experiential reality.

Trust in the process, trust in your preferences - and more so - see this process already underway in that you are, at this very moment, creating your reality in this exact way. Everything is already in motion as it were, already attracting the fulfillment of your desires.

The Reality of Boundaries

Boundaries as traditionally delivered in terms of separate selves, can often feel off-putting. The idea of setting boundaries is typically presented as a way to protect oneself from others, reinforcing the notion of division and separation. But what if boundaries are understood differently - not as barriers between individuals, but as naturally occurring alignment within experience?

When boundaries are seen through the lens of the spheres - the lens-sphere and the world-sphere - they make perfect sense. Boundaries are no longer rigid mental walls of identity between separate selves but become the balance point between the lens through which reality is experienced and the world that appears around it.

The lens-sphere is where awareness resides, an empty space without form, through which the world-sphere is perceived and interacted with. The world-sphere is the manifestation of all that appears - people, places, events - everything that seems to exist outside.

Too much of the world upon the lens can cloud the clarity of seamless manifestation. Boundaries, then, are not about keeping others out; they’re about maintaining the clarity of the lens, ensuring that it remains open and unobstructed. This allows the flow of abundance and manifestation to happen naturally, without interference.

Seen in this light, boundaries are not only intuitive but deeply insightful & meaningful. They preserve the integrity of the lens-sphere, allowing the manifestations focused on to flow effortlessly into experience. It’s a simple, beautiful balance that aligns with the natural order of creator-creating-creation.

Whether recognized as subtle alignment between the lens & world-spheres or mind & body, boundaries are no longer seen as restrictive or limiting, but rather, are quite liberating & allowing. It’s allowing reality to be experienced clearly and fully, without distortion or undue & unnecessary imbalance. This perspective transforms boundaries from an aspect that feels off to a clearer seeing that is perfectly aligned with the way things naturally are.

In this way boundaries are not just natural; they’re a profoundly revealing aspect of being the spheres and the joy of being experience therein.

Being Psychosomatically Aware

Have you ever noticed that under pressure, a headache develops, or when feeling uneasy, the stomach feels off?

These are examples of how discord can manifest physically in the body, referred to psychosomatics. The term "psychosomatic" comes from the Greek words "psyche," meaning mind, and "soma," meaning body. It refers to the powerful ‘connection between’ discord in thoughts or interpretations and health.

Imagine the body as a canvas, with discord as the paint. When discord is present, it doesn’t just stay in the mind; it often shows up on this canvas in the form of physical symptoms.

For example, ongoing stress might lead to tension in muscles, or an unsettled mind might result in digestive issues. This connection exists because the body and mind are deeply intertwined. When discord is held onto, the body responds. It's as if physical symptoms are signaling that something deeper needs attention. In hindsight, there is often clarity about how discord was ignored or not fully acknowledged.

For example, one might notice how worry was signaling something important, yet it was veiled by thoughts like “I’m worried” or “this is making me worry,” rather than feeling & recognizing worry as guidance. This veil can obscure the message that the discord is arising to convey.

The significance lies in feeling the discord and aligning interpretations, or, fully feeling emotions. When this happens clarity emerges, allowing one to see the situation more clearly and address the underlying causes.

For instance, if chronic knee pain is present, it might be worth considering whether certain forms of discord, like pride or stubbornness, are contributing. If frequent headaches occur, could it be related to how pressure in life is being addressed, or perhaps going unaddressed?

By becoming aware of this discord and aligning with it rather than resisting it, the underlying causes can be addressed, leading to better health and balance. The basic importance lies in being aware of how one feels as to whether discord or alignment is presently felt.

When alignment is felt, the body reflects that inner harmony. When there's discord, it often manifests physically, signaling that something needs to be addressed internally in terms of alignment.

Being psychosomatically aware is listening to the body as a unified system. It's about consideration of the whole, not just the symptoms, and recognizing that true well-being involves both the mind and the body, the lens-sphere and world-sphere of your being.

So next time feeling less than optimal, consider not just what’s happening physically, but also whether any discord might be present and whether it’s being fully acknowledged. It could be the key to unlocking deeper well-being, and whatever it is, in your alignment, you’re consciously creating.

The Self-Inherent, Self-Rewarding Nature of My Being; A Love-Conspiracy

In the unfolding of life, there is a self-apparent cycle which is truly self-rewarding - where experience, preference, and manifestation seamlessly repeat.

This process is inherent to my being, requiring no external validation, insight, belief, trust or effort.

Manifestations naturally align with preferences, highlighting the completeness and perfection of my existence.

Common ‘colloquial’ apparent narratives suggest that hard work, luck, or external conditions dictate outcomes.

These beliefs are mere appearances, indicative of my appearing, and therein - seemingly opposite to my true nature.

The apparent world, with its myriad beliefs and assertions, is not separate from me but rather - is my being.

This underscores the reality that I am the only conscious experience and to this there is no exception.

Listening to the 'movie' of appearance, which promotes ideas & agendas of effort and external validation, would be insanity.

Such beliefs appear as the very narrative, reinforcing that there is no one else and no separate experiences.

The clarity of my being reveals that the process of experiencing, preferring, and manifesting is foolproof and self-sustaining.

Trust in this inherent process dispels doubt, seeing this ‘process’ clearly dispels trust - revealing the cosmic joke of existence: it is all me, appearing as manifestations within my own conscious experience - unconditionally.

Self-Deception vs. Self-Delusion

Self-Deception and Self-Delusion in the Context of Non-Duality

In the self-exploration that is nonduality, the concepts of self-deception and self-delusion may arise. These terms arise from confusion and contribute to the illusion of separate selves. Like all things, these concepts are dispelled by the illumination of awareness.

Self-Deception vs. Self-Delusion

  • Self-Deception: This involves an appearance within consciousness where a belief is maintained despite contrary evidence. It is an active pattern that sustains certain assumptions or comforts.

  • Self-Delusion: This involves ‘holding’ a false belief without recognizing its falsity. It's a passive pattern, with no recognition of the misleading and discordant nature of the belief.

The Illusion of Separation

Both self-deception and self-delusion are interpretations appearing within one perspective. They are apparent patterns of thought arising within the singular conscious experience, giving an appearance of false distinctions or beliefs.

Effects on Well-Being and Health

Long-term engagement with these discordant concepts manifests as dis-ease, as the concepts ‘themselves’ are the reinforcing of discord via the illusion of separation. The ‘inner’ conflict created, is experienced as ‘outer’, and innocently referred to as a world, universe or objective reality.

In contrast, inspecting direct experience and dispelling the notion of separate selves can reveals the truth of otherwise naturally occurring clarity, peace, and well-being.

Direct Experience vs. Discordant Conceptualizations of Direct Experience

  • Direct Experience: Focus on inspecting direct experience to dispel beliefs about, direct experience. What remains when the concepts of self-deception and self-delusion are seen through?

  • Presence: Cultivate presence in ‘each & every moment’. The more present you are as it were, the less these concepts stand to obscure your profoundly joyful self-inherent true nature & well-being therein.

  • Self-Acceptance: Embrace experience, recognizing ’all experiences’ are in fact unified in appearing within the awareness you are, which is, aware. Self-aware.

Unquestionable Deservedness

Unquestionable Deservedness

In the deepest direct experience, prior to all appearing and potentially obscuring thoughts, concepts, and ideas, lies a truth so profound and yet so utterly self-evident that it defies any and all notions of doubt, fear, uncertainty, or separation. This truth is the foundation of reality itself - it is the essence and truth of I am, of self, of other, of what truly and eternally is.

The Illusion of Deservedness

Love and "more Love" alone do not make for experience. For there to be 'this', so-called experience - Love inherently veils and overlooks, Love. Naturally and innocently, of and as only Love being the lens-sphere, thoughts appear. Thoughts of selves. Thoughts of competition. Comparisons with others, conceptual measurements of deservedness against a fictional standard. These comparisons are merely constructs of the mind, illusions that have no bearing on the truth of being. In reality, there is no separate self to be deserving or undeserving. There is only the self-evidence of existence, and that existence is self - pure, unconditional love.


Imagine for a moment, if the veil of ego were lifted, if the false constructs of comparison and separation were dissolved. What would remain is the undeniable, overwhelming presence of love. This love is not earned or proven. There is no one worthy nor unworthy; it is the very fabric of existence. It is unquestionable because it is not contingent on any condition or comparison - it’s appearing as all conditions, all comparisons - it simply and profoundly is.

The Crushing Beauty of This Love

To truly "grasp" this love is not to know or understand anything at all, but rather to see through the illusion of separation - to be brought to one's knees in unthinkable awe and gratitude - quite literally crushed and melted by the infinitude of its beauty and majesty. This love is so profound, so all-encompassing, that it leaves no room for doubt or fear. It is the core of being, the source of all that is, and it is this - so profoundly present it’s perplexing unto itself.

Being Home As, Of, and In Love

Recognize that any thought of comparison is a veil, a distortion of the truth. In the present moment, there is no comparison, only the pure self-evident experience of being.

Embrace the notion that you are already accepted, acceptance itself, already loved - without any stipulation or condition whatsoever. This acceptance is not something to be figured out, solved, attained, or obtained; it is inherent of existence.

Entertain and relish in the resonating notion that worth is not defined by external measures or societal standards. It is infinite, boundless, and rooted in the unconditional love that you are - immeasurable, invaluable, without cause or purpose, absolutely and astoundingly meaningful in and of itself, as itself.

Of said false thoughts of comparison, founded upon false dualistic notions of separation such as meaning, value, purpose, and worth, a more intense veiling sense of lack, inadequacy, or inferiority arises as a product of 'a mind'; a false belief that obscures the truth. In and as reality, you are whole, complete, overflowing with love - being and in and of your being - creating.

Allow yourself to surrender to this love as it were, to be enveloped by it. Let go of any resistance, and let the truth of your being wash over you. Allow misunderstandings to melt into the innocence you truly are. Allow self-judgments, resentments, notions of not enough, of not good enough, to be washed away.

Allow What Is

Unquestionable deservedness is not a concept to be debated, argued, or proven; it is the self-evident truth of existence. Seeing through the illusion of ego and separation seemingly built upon the conjecture of meaning, purpose, value, and worth, one remains and is left with the undeniable, unfathomable, and overwhelming presence of unconditional love as the creator. The love that is, is infinite and eternal, is all that is, is all that you are, ever-present, readily available, and always enough. Let this truth sink in and permeate, let it dissolve any doubts or fears - allow it bring you to tears in the recognition of your true nature. This present is the gift of unconditional love, and it is you and it is yours, always and forever.

Self-Recognition: Completeness

Without qualification, disclaimer, or any need or use for validation: I am aware.

There is no possibility of an experience of non-existence, as I would be aware of said experience and therein exist; that I am aware, I exist.

As emotion and sensation arise within me; I feel.

I am aware. I exist. I feel.

Thoughts, ideas, and expressions originate from me, as me, and manifest within me, always and only within the awareness I am; demonstrating my creative nature.

I am aware. I exist. I feel. I create.

As I am aware of thoughts about separation and parts, yet cannot find a beginning or ending, border or edge to the awareness I am; all aspects of my being, my appearing, my manifesting - are already unified as awareness, and therein; I am already whole.

I am aware. I exist. I feel. I create. I am whole.

There is no experience which I am not presently aware of; as awareness, I am present.

I am aware. I exist. I feel. I create. I am whole. I am present.

All that is experienced is fleeting and transient, and is experienced only within & as the awareness I am; there is no reality beyond my awareness; I am reality.

I am aware. I exist. I feel. I create. I am whole. I am present. I am reality.

I am already entirely what I am; I am complete.

I am aware. I exist. I feel. I create. I am whole. I am present. I am reality. I am complete.

My existence is self-evident, self-inherent, undeniable; I am myself, I am not self-seeking.

I am.

Meditation, Transformation & Effortless Manifestation; Infinitely More.


Meditation is infinitely more than just a practice for inner peace; it's self-discovery - self-realization of the truth of existence and the true nature of reality.

Meditation has absolutely nothing to do with spirituality, philosophy, existentialism, self-improvement, the development of an individual, metaphysics or epistemology - as these are conceptual abstractions - the apparent activity of thought.

Meditation is the un-obscuring of infinite consciousness of these theoretical mental constructs which are no more than personal beliefs based on the presumption One is a finite knower or understander, a separate physical self in a separate finite physical world of knowledge and understanding. Meditation is the the allowing of the dispelling & dissolving of this very illusion.

Meditation is the allowing of alignment and therein of ‘what’s wanted’, of preferences to manifest as perception - it’s the ‘getting out of your own way’.

Meditation is not about an illusory learner learning - it’s about allowing what’s actually wanted to manifest as perception.

In short, spirituality, philosophy, existentialism, self-improvement, the development of an individual separate self, metaphysics & epistemology - are knowledge… conjecture. Always heard & believed, never actually realized, as appearance is not a ‘thing’ which could be realized. Knowledge is apparent, not actual.

In accordance with nonduality (not-two) as well as direct experience, knowledge & understanding are ‘a second’. Any seemingly ‘second’ is an appearance of infinite consciousness, via infinite consciousness being the lens through which knowledge & understanding are experienced, and the world sphere appearing as, knowledge & understanding.

There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with a seemingly subjective experience of being a knower knowing, an understander which understands, an objective reality. The apparent experience is however, a dualistic veiling of that which is, nondual.

Meditation is simply & self-evidently infinitely more than ‘these’, and or any ‘other’ arising or appearing conceptual presumptions rooted in dualistic misidentification.

Before Meditation

  • Life seems to feel chaotic and disconnected, dominated by a sense of being at the mercy of external circumstances.

  • Self-referential and comparative thoughts (of comparing ‘selves’) create a falsely fragmented and competitive dualistic experience, forging a misperception of separation, obscuring the true abundant ever-present nature, effortlessness & of the true ease of reality.

    Perception ‘in & of itself’ is simply & joyfully infinite being’s being, an apparent act of experiencing. Arising thoughts & interpretations as labels introduce a notion of separation which is not actually found in or to be of perception or sensation, or, reality as it truly & readily already is.

    Obscuring thoughts seemingly segment the continuous flow of experience (infinite consciousness) into categories and distinctions, such as 'me' versus 'others' and 'desirable' versus 'undesirable', fabricating a divided landscape out of a fundamentally indivisible reality (infinite consciousness).

    Realizations Through Meditation

  • The observation of appearing thoughts via meditation allows for the dispelling of beliefs and the dissolving of an illusion of duality & separation (awakening).

  • This non-attachment to thoughts clarifies perception, affirming the non-dual nature of reality in & as undeniable direct experience - where the observer and the observed, perceiver & perceived - are One.

    After The Adoption of Meditation

  • Experience is revealed as perfectly cohesive and intentional. The misperception via misinterpretation(s) of experience as chaotic external events diminishes.

  • The reality of life is revealed as already unified and transparent, free from artificial distinctions wrought by comparative thinking & self referential thoughts. This clear seeing fosters naturally enthusiastic direct engagement with experiential reality, where any separation between creator and creation is readily ‘seen’ as illusory.

    Effortlessness of Manifestation

  • Meditation reveals the true effortless nature of existence inherently in the 'getting out of our own way’ of un-obscuring yourself, infinite consciousness, of limiting beliefs about - infinite consciousness (reality as is). Thus meditation is an apparent means of releasing the resistance (stress, tension, contraction, dis-ease) that is ‘overthinking’ and an illusion of compulsion & impulsivity based on thought narratives of control & ensuing actions and behaviors as attempts at controlling outcomes.

  • Meditation aligns being & preferences, via emptying of beliefs to the contrary intentions, thus creating & allowing the very ‘space’ in which the very preferences may manifest, without the encumbering interference of an illusion of manipulation, deception or forceful efforts on behalf of an illusory separate, finite, physical self.

Through meditation, one realizes that the barriers and separations seemingly experienced of perception & sensation, are merely thought constructs of conjecture.

Perception & sensation - free of such dividing & veiling thoughts - is not only inherently & infinitely peaceful fulfillment and intrinsic alignment, but is the effortless manifesting of preferences. The practice as it were not only brings inner tranquility to the forefront, but also unveils the profound truth that you are the creator of your reality, seamlessly shaping your creation via deep intentions & beliefs.

Innocence (infinite consciousness) is already manifesting as and simultaneously overlooking the apparent nature of reality. Meditation facilitates the falling away of seemingly veiling beliefs and misunderstandings to the contrary of truth, revealing key aspects of you, infinite consciousness:

  • Oneness: The indivisible truth & true nature of your existence.

  • Timelessness: The eternal present prior to temporal distinctions (the apparent activity of thought or thinking).

  • Awareness: The ever-present creator by being & therein witness of - all phenomena.

  • Peace: The inherent tranquility of you, infinite consciousness.

  • Freedom: The absence of binding attachments or mistaken identities.

Meditation allows these self-aspects to be self-evident as the clutter of innocently misconceived beliefs diminish.

A Callback On Insanity & Sanity

The difference between insanity and sanity can be explained in this meditative context. Experience, when clouded by misconceived beliefs and attachments, is what insanity is - an experiential departure from the true nature of yourself - infinite & unconditional consciousness. Meditation, by clearing these veils, unfetters you, consciousness, awareness - sanity. Awareness, consciousness, is the natural, unobscured self - which is what sanity actually is.

Integrity: There Is No Substitute For Meditation

Teachers & teachings, videos, books, courses, seminars, etc - perception - experienced through the veil of misinterpretation of perception only reinforces the misunderstanding that re-sources exist, and is the overlooking of, the activity of thought.

This thought activity, which is an appearance of infinite consciousness - is the very ‘mechanism’ of - consciousness obscuring itself.

Believing in the existence and necessity of re-sources & external aids is the fundamentally obscuring aspect, clouding the direct experience of consciousness with unnecessary additional layers of conceptualization.

Meditation, by contrast, simplifies, strips away & dissolves these layers, revealing the underlying reality without intermediaries.


Acknowledging Insanity.


Insanity is ‘experience’.

Period, full stop.

There is no exception.

You, consciousness, are appearing as ‘experience’.

Experience is apparent, and what is apparent is not actually a thing. Appearance is… not a thing.

At all. Whatsoever.

Looking to feel better, from what there isn’t - from something that does not actually exist - is insanity.

Seeking attention to feel better, seeking peak experiences to feel better, believing in, identifying with & chasing states of consciousness to feel better, manipulating relationships to feel better, seeking validation to feel better, believing in & seeking better feeling in self-improvement, believing in & attempting to control to feel better - is insanity.

Deriving feeling, such as 'to feel better' from apparent experience is an impossibility - as feeling is already presently appearing as the whole of experience.

Thoughts are apparent experience as well.

Thoughts can be believed such that it seems feeling is coming from a secondary, external, or outside source.

Yet, in investigation of direct experience feeling is not found to have any separation, nor any beginning, ending, edge or border of any kind. Further, in accordance with direct experience there is only one 'vehicle of thought' which makes it seem to feeling that feeling could be found externally; the separate self of thoughts.

Thought is not ‘the culprit’ - thought is apparent.

You, infinite consciousness, are right now and right now only appearing as so-called experience.

You are Being, being.

Wholeness, fullness, completeness, happiness, peacefulness, intelligence, love - are intrinsic to consciousness. "These" are not found in appearance.

These abundantly ever-present self-aspects are as present as the very consciousness right now conscious - and are only seemingly obscured by so called experience. The innocence you truly and self-evidently are, is appearing now and only now, as so-called - experience.

Consider this an invitation to take pause and reflect on how experience is engaged with. Is the orientation that of attempting to derive ‘feeling better’ from experience?

In all honestly - how’s that working out?

Unmet expectations?

Seemingly reoccurring disappointment, frustration, impatience?

Sick & tired of being sick & tired?

Are you - consciousness - allowing these self-aspects of wholeness, fullness, completeness, happiness, peacefulness, intelligence & love freely into the apparent experience which you are being… or attempting to derive the true nature of yourself - from your own appearance?

It’s like attempting to comb or brush the hair with the comb or brush against the mirror, isn’t it so?

Allow these self-aspects to flow through & into experience, and see for yourself just how enriching you are with respect to your existence.

You - are the difference.

You are what sanity is.

You are infinite sanity.

Being Consciousness.

Exploring the Direct and Intimate Reality of Being Consciousness, As Consciousness.

Exploring the direct and intimate reality of being consciousness reveals endless insightful distinctions that stand to clarify the eternal nature of consciousness and relieve it of possible tensions, contractions, or concerns indicative of misinterpretations based on consciousness being akin to the lens and world spheres consciousness is appearing as. Here are just a few noteworthy distinctions:

Of the world-sphere are seemingly individual beings or entities that have eyes to see and ears to hear. Yet, in direct experience, as consciousness, there are no eyes nor ears. Perception is not mediated by organs such as eyes or ears. Of the lens-sphere, is the direct experience of the apparent thoughts, ‘eyes’ and ‘ears’. ‘These’ are not found or actually experienced, beyond the thought that they are.

Likewise, ‘physical hunger or thirst’ are never actually experienced. The experience of consciousness’s being is of sensation and a thought of hunger or thirst, not the actual physical need for nourishment. There is no physical bodily demand driving sensation, only a narrative of thoughts as such.

Consciousness neither knows of nor actually experiences fatigue or a need for sleep. Consciousness, appearing as the two spheres, experiences sensation as itself, as its own being, and thoughts on behalf of a nonexistent physical body, which presumably experiences, and therein presumably experiences fatigue or sleep. Consciousness, being nondual wakefulness, would not know what sleep is and could never actually experience ‘it’.

Consciousness also has no experience whatsoever of aging or bodily decay. Consciousness appears as the two spheres in such a way, with thoughts appearing of the lens-sphere, only seemingly linked to or about the world-sphere, that it seems time is passing and aging is happening. As the reality of this is apparent, appearance, Being’s being - there is no actual experience of a lived reality or physicality. Neither is eternal consciousness immortal as this again would be based on the presumption of mortality, which would be subtle misidentification and misinterpretation of Being’s being, or simply, the two spheres; One appearing as two.

Consciousness does not actually experience pain or injury but rather its own appearance, which is not as a direct sensation of physical injury. In direct experience, there is no actual feeling of physical injury; what is interpreted as pain is an appearance within consciousness, without any underlying physical reality. The sensation of pain is an occurrence in awareness, not a physical result or event affecting a physical body.

Thought and sensation are immediate and direct appearances, not reactions of a separate mind, body, or body-mind. Appearance arises spontaneously as, of, and within consciousness being the spheres, and not of a physical world of causation.

Just as there is no actual experience of ‘my eyes’ or ‘my ears,’ there is no actual experience of ‘my nervous system.’ As innocence, consciousness can experience the apparent misinterpretation of itself as a separate physical entity which does not feel emotion as the variance ‘between’ Being and Being’s being in appearing as thoughts, accrediting emotion, the variance, to a nervous system of a separate distinct physical body, mind, or second entity.

Awareness itself is perception, perceiver, and perceived, as awareness itself is creator-creating-creation. ‘Sensory organs’ and ‘nervous system’ are directly and actually experienced as thoughts appearing of the lens, which do not have a match ‘in a world,’ as consciousness is appearing as the world-sphere, and there is nothing “in it” but consciousness. Sounds, sights, touches, etc., are direct appearances in consciousness.

Just as thoughts consciousness is being appear and disappear of the lens-sphere, emotions arise and dissolve in the same ‘space’ of and as consciousness without external triggers. ‘They’ are experienced directly without any external cause, ever.

All is experienced as it were in and as a timeless present moment, with consciousness never knowing of a past or future. The present moment, being Being’s being, consciousness’s appearing - is perpetually anew, without repeat, without exception, as there is no time or space in which or by which repetition could actually occur.

These insights illustrate that being consciousness is fundamentally different from the seemingly common misinterpretations of being a separate individual in a physical world. Instead, everything is appearance, a singular, inseparable direct appearance within the singular irrefutable reality of being consciousness.

Happiness-Innocence Appears As Gullibility


Happiness is not a state to be achieved through thinking, doing, or obtaining; it is the inherent nature of infinite consciousness. What often appears as happiness being a finite thing, attainable in the future, are merely concepts that happiness is manifesting as, or isn’t. This is often referred to as obscuring, conceptualizing or monkey mind, as opposed to un-obscured happiness & peacefulness.

None of these concepts are experienced beyond their direct manifestation in consciousness, similar to how the concept of a 'unicorn' appears. There is an experience of the thought of a unicorn, but no actual experience of a unicorn.

Why? Because you are happiness (infinite self). Unicorns (finite selves) don't exist.

Happiness Appears As Thoughts & Concepts

The belief in these thoughts, which are only experienced in the present, obscures the abundant & magical presence of happiness. These thoughts are the apparent activity of happiness-consciousness, peace, intelligence, love (infinite self). Believing these thoughts is happinesses own activity of seeking happiness in… thoughts. In a conceptual "future", twice-conceptualized as an "object” (my, mine)… pursued by a conceptual separate self of thoughts about “it”. This separate self of thoughts is merely conceptual, not a self, just like a 'unicorn'.

Infinite self appears as thoughts about a separate finite self or selves.

Happiness & Meditation

Meditation is often said to "increase" happiness. In truth, happiness is ever-present, all-pervasive, formless, eternal, and infinite. Meditation allows the obscuring thoughts and concepts that cloud happiness to fizzle out. Without these obscuring thoughts, the true nature of consciousness as happiness & love is clarified.

There is no "meditator"—this too is "the unicorn."

Spiritual Brainwashing

Spiritual brainwashing asserts the truth of happiness on behalf of an aggrandized separate self of thoughts, while neither actually exist. The message that thinking, doing, attaining, and striving will lead to consciousness or happiness reinforces suffering… the illusion of a separate self of thoughts.

Who is this a concern for?

No one.


There aren’t separate finite selves, already.

What accountability should there be for this seemingly despicable atrocity?



There aren’t separate finite selves, already. Reality is unconditional love. Separate selves don’t exist—already. Obscuring thoughts might merely make it seem otherwise.

Conjecture & Suffering

Sharing, hearing, and believing these thoughts, in spite of how they feel to happiness, is the apparent experience of conjecture.

Believing these thoughts despite the discord felt is a fruitlessly hopeless attempt to align feeling with thoughts and beliefs. It's an impossible expectation, as happiness (feeling) is already what's appearing as these thoughts, concepts, and beliefs.


Indeed the truth, happiness, consciousness "sets you free," as happiness is the only self there is - infinite consciousness. Consciousness is being concepts, and is not therein ‘itself’ a concept.

The Ignore-ance

Non-meditative, or veiled & obscured happiness is therefore referred to as The Ignorance. Happiness seemingly ignores that it is obscuring itself with thoughts & concepts about, itself. This is the "materialist’s paradigm," or, in rare cases apparently, spiritual brainwashing.

Gullibility & Innocence

The concept of gullibility emerges not as a quality of separate individuals, because separateness is an illusion. The belief in gullibility arises from overlooking one's own nature as non-separate, infinite happiness, via the separate self of thoughts.

Happiness is innocence - not naive, not gullible - innocence.

Happiness, Innocence, Peace, Intelligence, Love - the only actual self - infinite consciousness… is what innocence is.

For infinite being to experience requires overlooking its own inherent infinitude & true nature - happiness, innocence. This leaves happiness-innocence wide open to apparent experiences of mental & emotional manipulation, deception, and molestation.

What should we do about this?

Nothing at all.


There already aren’t separate finite selves—‘doers’, ‘manipulators’, ‘deceivers’, ‘believers’.


Presumed ‘traits of separate selves’ such as gullibility are simply the appearance of pure infinite unmoving innocence as thoughts & concepts, mistaken for traits of individual entities or characters. The idea of separate beings with distinct flaws like gullibility is self-misunderstanding, self-ignore-ance, self-denial, self-manipulation, self-deception & self-molestation… and the remedy, which is not a solution to a problem, is meditation.

The Reality of Oneself: Alignment, Abundance, and Manifestation.


This ‘theater of existence’ manifests as Oneself - every moment and experience as it were unfolds of & as the singular self; Oneself. That which is presently as it were, conscious & aware.

This self, inherently self-aware, infinite and unconditional, must initially overlook its already complete nature to engage in the art of creation. It is this playful illusion of overlooking that allows Oneself to explore the facets of a universe that, while seeming vast and diverse, is in fact more intimate than intimate, and already perfectly whole & complete of and as the true unconditional essence of itself.

Creation; Being’s being.

The seemingly external or presumed separate reality is in truth a loving expression of the nature and aliveness of Oneself. Although it may seem there are separate events and entities, in reality, all is Oneself - ‘all’ is already Oneself playfully revealing itself to itself, of itself, as itself, by itself.

Alignment, Allowing, and Receiving.

As Oneself indeed has a true essence, a true nature - this ‘life journey’ of consciously creating most fundamentally is an aligning thoughts, beliefs and interpretations with & as the seamless nature of Oneself.

When thoughts resonate with the truth of Oneself, misunderstandings and discord naturally fade, and are effortlessly replaced by the realization of pre-existing abundance.

Just as the true nature of aliveness is unconditional goodness, and not neutral or void - consciously creating is not dull or inert. Being’s being is not a passive activity, but rather, a perpetually conscious recognition that every need or wish already arises of and therein is fulfilled by - Oneself.

For example, misalignment might appear as ‘feelings of frustration or confusion’ when expectations aren't met. Realignment occurs by acknowledging these ‘feelings’ as emotions which feeling, which is Oneself, is feeling as - signals, prompting a reassessment of thoughts with respect for resonating more fully with the abundance of Oneself.

For instance, if “feeling frustrated” by a delay, one might reframe this as an opportunity provided by Oneself for patience and appreciation, aligning oneself as the flow of consciousness appearing, rather than resisting against the truth & true nature of Oneself.

Consciously Creating and Manifesting.(Self-respect, Self-love).

Begin with the present as an abundant opportunity to resonate more profoundly as Oneself.

Sift & sort - sorting out all which is not of direct, immediate experience.

Acknowledge nothing is hidden; this moment as it were, is already the shining of the infinitude & unconditionality of Oneself.

"Sorting out" is an allowing of discernment distinguishing between what is directly experienced (such as sensations, emotions & thoughts as they occur) and what is not directly experienced but rather is a conceptualization of direct experience (beliefs about past or future; abstract ideas).

For example, ‘feeling anxious’ about a future event is not directly experienced; it’s a mental projection. Recognizing this allows one to joyfully ‘return’ to the ‘present moment’ as pure consciousness, where only direct experience exists.


There isn’t “something else” outside of direct experience, which is to say, outside of consciousness - Oneself.

All which is directly experienced, right now, already, as is - is Oneself, and is the entirety of Being’s being, of Oneself appearing - is - the entire universe as it were. There is not 'somewhere else' - there is only the present experience and thoughts potentially suggesting otherwise. Thoughts which are, presently experienced.

While thoughts might arise as to an ordinary or mundane ‘same old reality’, seemingly labelling separate things - in fact, this is a testimony to the profundity of the true creator-ship of & as Oneself, as there is in truth no separate reality or universe whatsoever - it only seems so, if in fact it seems so at all. Every experience, no matter how seemingly mundane or ordinary, is the confirmation of the infinitely-unified omnipresence that is Oneself.


Oneself “knows all”, not in the sense of accumulated or accumulating knowledge but as direct experience, appearing as the illusion of knowing, which in exploration of the reality of direct experience fades away as reality of Oneself being self-aware is self-evident.

Every thought and “piece of knowledge” therein, is a manifestation, an appearance, of Oneself. There are no secrets or unknowns “beyond” or outside of Oneself; all presumed ‘understanding’ and the illusion of duality therein (a self & it’s understanding), is inherently not “beyond” - direct experience; Being’ being.


All power resides in, as, Oneself. Every event, change, every manifestation is an expression of Oneself, as the ineffable power that Is.

There’s no power external to Oneself; there is no assertion - only the seeming illusion of, via believing that there is. The unfolding of experiential reality, with all its dynamics and transformations, is a direct demonstration of the omnipotence of, Oneself.


Oneself is inherently good. This goodness is reflected in the harmony and balance of existence. Even seeming challenges, which seem to obscure Oneself, are expressions of the true benevolence that is Oneself.


Past, present, and future are constructs, thoughts appearing presently-only; appearance of the timeless reality that is Oneself.

The past, present and future to which appearing thoughts seem to point, is not actually found in direct experience. Only the reality of wholeness, completeness of Being, and the unthinkable richness & depth of the true creator-ship of, Oneself, is ‘found in’ direct experience.


As Oneself is the source of all non-separate creation, continuously manifesting as existence as it were - there is no creator separate from creation; all creativity and innovation are direct expressions of Oneself’s inherent boundless nature.

These qualities emphasize that there is nothing “beyond”, “metaphysical”, nor “outside of” Oneself. ‘Everything’ that appears to be external knowledge, power, or presence is, in fact, a direct experience of Oneself’s inherent qualities. There is nothing which could be, nor to be known that isn’t already being directly experienced.

Emotional Guidance.

Emotional responses guide, not as signals from afar, not as possessions of separate entities, but as intimate whispers of Oneself, guiding its own expression as Creator-Creating-Creation. Treat emotions as indicators of alignment with Oneself. For instance, joy and peace suggest alignment, while discomfort or sadness might indicate areas where limiting beliefs do not align with the truth of Oneself. Question as it were, ‘what clarity is this discord guiding to?’, of the underlying reality of the unity & true nature of Oneself.

Appreciation is the pure magic & heart of Being. It not only attunes vibration to the frequency of abundance, but also synchronizes thought with feeling, facilitating the realization & manifestation of conscious, acknowledged & recognized desires.

Allow appreciation for the seemingly mundane, the overlooked. This can be as simple as appreciation for the warmth of the sun, the aliveness of the breath, and the ever-present, real-time effortless guidance of emotion. Feel the shifts focus from lack to abundance, aligning thought with the boundless unconditional openness that is the nature of Oneself.

In the appearing experience of reading these words, be mindfully aware; there is no reality of an experience of one speaking to another. This apparent dialogue is Oneself engaging with & as Oneself, a profound & self-evident reflection of, as & on the infinitely boundless consciousness that is, Oneself.

Underlying & Understanding.

A simple observation: underlying and understanding are experienced as thoughts, and nothing more.

The veiling of this self-inherent simplicity is - the addition of conceptual explanations or analysis.

As you appear as a thought, you are aware of - a thought. Not as a thing, not as abstract or conceptual, simply as - a thought.

The notion that you are not appearing as and aware of a thought, is experientially lying - though there is no one lying.

It’s lying, or would be a lie, in that it is self-evident you are appearing as, and aware of, thoughts.

With respect to your true nature, the reality that you are innocence - self-respect - you, which are appearing as thoughts… are not a separate self, which is lying. There is no separate self which lies. That there is, would be a thought you are appearing as - belief.

Emotions are how the thoughts you’re appearing as, feel, to you.

Some thoughts resonate with you, as you’re appearing as thoughts—and some thoughts do not resonate with you, as you’re appearing as, and not separate of, thoughts.

Discordant emotions are under, lying. As you appear as a thought, which isn’t true, you which are appearing as the thought, feel the variance of the thought, as yourself, of yourself, with yourself. There is no separate self which is lying or is a liar, as that would be - another thought. A “conceptual analysis”—which is again, just another thought.

Understanding is under, standing. The thought ‘understanding’ points to that which is ‘under’, as in appearing as, the thought - ‘understanding’.

That which the thought ‘understanding’ points to, is that which is already appearing as, ‘standing’.

You are under, what seems to be you, as in a person, a body, a separate self, etc—standing.

There is no separate thing called ‘understanding’.

There is no separate self, which is ‘understanding a separate thing’.

That would be abstraction, conceptual - just another thought.

Understanding is a thought, that which is ‘under’ - appearing as - is being & aware of.

That there is a separate self which understands, understood, or will understand some thing in a future… are presently experienced, thoughts. More so, one thought appears & disappears, and one thought appears & disappears, and one thought appears & disappears - presently-only.

Exploring Thought Attachment:

Exploration of thought attachment is noticing (being aware) thoughts appear not from ‘somewhere else’ - but rather… noticing, (being aware) you are appearing as, thoughts.

The apparent content of thoughts can seem to imply there is a second, or separate self - a ‘separate self of thoughts’.

The one which is or isn’t lying, is or isn’t a liar, did or didn’t lie, the one which does or doesn’t understand, the one which understood or might understand something in a future. The “knower”, that “knows there is”, a separate self, other separate selves, a past, present & future.

These are thoughts you - Being - are appearing as; Being… being… thoughts.

Creator… Creating… Creation.

No separation whatsoever.

Discordant beliefs are thoughts, which don’t resonate with the unconditional truth. You are the unconditional truth.

Discordant beliefs feel discordant because the beliefs are about identity and are based on misidentification, as, a separate self.

There is no separate self. That’s an abstract concept, directly experienced as a thought, which you are appearing as.

A belief.

Being aware is ample & dispels the discordant illusion of separation (suffering).

The simplicity, beauty & sheer perfection of thought is that a thought appears, and disappears.

Boredom - A Hidden Path to Creativity & Alignment.

Boredom, ‘I’m bored’, ‘this is boring’, ‘there’s nothing to do!’

What if this seemingly mundane sentiment is actually a profound pointing to unfettering the creativity and pure potentiality of - you?

Boredom often conceals subtler, lower-energy emotions that resonate less with the true nature of peace - contentment… and creativity.

The labeling of self, experience and or feeling as "boring," is essentially pointing to an experiential disconnect, a limiting belief yet to be acknowledged and addressed - allowed to be felt.

Recognizing these subdued emotions is the first step towards liberation from shadow constraints. It opens the door to embracing your true creativity, allowing you to flow as Creator-Creating-Creation.

Next time boredom strikes, take a moment of pause.

Ponder: What is this boredom reveal to me? Is there an unexplored passion or dormant idea within me, waiting to be expressed and manifested? Could it be signaling the arising of the very direction, specifics and guidance therein which I’ve been longing for?

This is not merely about fighting off boredom; it's about understanding its message and harnessing its transformative power. The emotional guidance of boredom is not an obstacle, but an invitation to consciously create - to unleash your inherent creativity and step fully into your role as the creator of your reality.

If and when boredom arises, remember: it is your gateway to pure potentiality, a spark of effervescent excitement ready to manifest "in the flesh." Embrace this moment. Let it guide you to discover passion, eagerness and enthusiasm. Boredom, then, is truly an opportunity. It is your being, inviting you to rise, align - and create.

Absolute Positivity Appears As Positive & Negative Thoughts.

Positive and negative are thoughts which absolute unchanging positivity is being, or, appearing as.

That there is positive and negative is the belief that there is the relative, a dualistic positive and negative reality or relative world.

The belief is an illusion; awareness obscured by thoughts about perception, about there being a reality which is other than, awareness.  

Fundamentally, the illusion “I’m here”, is that of there being a separate self which is not awareness; a knower, which knows there is, a reality which is positive and negative, with positive and negative things, people, situations, circumstances and or events, in the relative, or, in a relative world. 

The presumed division in or of perception is a projection of a presumed division of oneself as, separate.   

As reality is an indivisible seamless flow of infinite consciousness, the appearing misidentification & ensuing misinterpretation is naturally met with the self-inherent guidance of emotion.   

The guidance of doubt for example is akin to a ringing phone, as an invitation to the truth of the absolute creator-ship of indivisible consciousness. The answering of the phone is like the acknowledgment of the guidance of emotion. It is the dispelling of misinterpretation, and the illuminating of the truth of your creator-ship as creator-creating-creation. 

Absolute positivity is The Light, which readily exposes & dispels all limiting discordant beliefs, or ‘shadows’, which are nothing more than previously unexamined thoughts & unacknowledged emotions.